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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/16/08
Town of Buxton
Minutes for January 16, 2008 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Dianne Senechal

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Clifford L. Emery, Robert C. Libby, Daniel T. Collomy and Linda W. Pulsoni.

Others Present:  Olive Collomy, Peter Burns, Dave Harmon and Peter Pinkham.

Business Meeting Agenda

1.      Call to Order.

The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

2.      Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes.

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes January 9, 2008.  Approved 5-0.

3.      Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m. – Anne Robishaw and Brenda Brown -- discuss direct deposit

6:00 p.m.  – Caroline Segella – discuss Efficiency Maine Program and offer help with grants for the Town.

4.      Review of Correspondence.

·       E-Newsletter from Representative Donald Marean – Re:  Legislative update
·       Memorandum from John J. Sylvester, Chair, Eleven Town Group – Notice of next meeting Monday, January 21 at Waterboro Town Hall

5.      Review of Projects and Issues.

The Selectmen are working on budgets.

Selectman Harmon reported that the Town will be advertising and accepting bids for lawn mowing and auditing.

6.      Old Business.


7.      New Business.
Selectman Harmon reported that the Community Food Co-Op is a huge success.  They have so much food that the facility is now open Monday.  Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday – 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

8.      Executive Orders.

E.O.070801015 – An order to approve a red light permit for Ryan Farrow in accordance with Title 29-A, Section 2054.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.070801016 – An order to appoint Steve Anthony, Carol Sanborn and Penny Booker to fill three open positions on the Budget Committee effective until July 1, 2008.  Approved 5-0.

9.      Executive Orders by Initiative.


10.     Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants.

E.O.070801013 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #28-08.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.070801014 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#28-08.  Approved 5-0.

11.     Next Meeting of the Board.

Planning Board Meeting Monday, January 21, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
Eleven Town Meeting Monday, January 21, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. – Waterboro Town Hall
Public Hearing Liquor License renewal Buxton Tavern – January 23, 2008 7:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 7:05 p.m.

12.     Other Business.

The Town Office will be closed on Monday, January 21 for Martin Luther King Day holiday.

There will be an introductory meeting with the Budget Committee next week, January 23 after the Selectmen’s Meeting.

Selectman Harmon thanked the Public Works Department for their good work plowing the roads in the Town.

13.     Public Comments and Questions.


14.     Adjournment.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 7:12 p.m.  Approved 5-0.