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Planning Board Minutes 06/23/2014
Town of Buxton Planning Board
Monday, June 23, 2014 at 7 p.m.
Recorded by Hilda Lynch

Board Members Present:  Jeremiah Ross, III; Christopher Carroll, Mark Blier and Lawrence Curtis

Absent:  Keith Emery    

Others Present:  Henry Huntley, Fred Farnham, Mark Cadrette, Barbara Poitras, Cliff Thomas, Chad Poitras, and Cheryl Poitras

Vice Chairman Christopher Carroll called the June 23, 2014, meeting of the Buxton Planning Board together at 7 p.m. by commencing Pledge of Allegiance
 He welcomed Mark Blier as a new member of the Board.

Deborah Gibson of 12 Roberts Street is required to file for a conditional use permit for a kennel because she owns 6 dogs.  Reviewed under Articles 8, 10 and 11.11.  Tax map 10, lot 138-11.

  • Motioned by Jere, seconded by Mark, to amend the agenda to allow Deborah Gibson to speak later if present.      
Chad & Cheryl Poitras are requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a funeral home to be located at 498 Long Plains Road.  Reviewed under Articles 8 and 10.  Tax Map 3, Lot 47.
        Chad Poitras said they’re trying to open a general funeral home in the location above.  Chris asked if there were any questions:  What services would be provided?  Chad says it would be a full-service facility.  It will have a Chapel, conference rooms, etc.  On the premises, families will be able to make arrangements if not formal services.  The name includes “Cremation” in the title, but no cremation will take place there.  It will be done in Portland or Saco.  It will be a moderate-sized facility - the same floor plan as the existing house there. Parking will be needed to accommodate the size of the building.  Jere mentioned one space for every 100 ft. of floor space.  Will Chad be providing the Board with any engineering drawings showing the parking?  Chad is hoping to work with the Board on this and go over these things during a site walk.  He would appreciate not having to provide an engineering site plan.  Jere says 8.2.B will require him to come up with a Plan.  It doesn’t have to be complicated - but parking, runoff, ditching, etc. will need to be shown.  Chad would like to work with them to come up with solutions that would incur reasonable costs.  Would he use the second floor?  It will only be used for people who could handle that.  They have another
facility downstairs that could be used.   Chris is curious about the embalming.  Chad said they would have a set-up for embalming in the basement.  There will not be a large volume of chemicals on site.  Chad is on the State Board of Funeral Services, so he has high standards.  They will meet all of the State requirements. Chris asked if there was any waste.  Chad says any medical waste has to be picked up by a registered medical waste company.  
Larry asked about the scheduling of the site walk.  Mark Cadrette, the general contractor, spoke
about the need for locating the septic system.  Larry asked when that would be completed.  Mark
hopes it will be this week.  
  • Motioned by Jere, seconded by Chris, to set a site walk for the above application on Wednesday, July 2, 2014, at 6:30 p.m.  All voted in favor.
Jere mentioned that Chad could put a few flags in the ground for entrances and exits.  Jere says he
would have to have the parking lot designed.  Chad wants to know when he could put up signs,
such as, “Future Home of ….”  Fred will look at the ordinance.     

CEO Report:

Approval of Minutes:
April 28, 2014
  • Larry motioned, Chris seconded, to table the minutes until the next meeting.  All voted in favor.
Approval of Bills:
Pay Portland Press Herald in the amount of $24.80 to cover the legal ad for Alan   
  • Motioned by Larry, seconded by Chris, to table the approval of bills until the next meeting.  All voted in favor.  
~info submitted by Cliff Thomas – discussion with Cliff Thomas on Shoreland Zoning Review.  Cliff is concerned that there are still a lot of errors in the shoreland zoning information.  He doesn’t think it would take a lot of work to correct them.  DEP doesn’t review the old maps.  SMRPC apparently has a different plan that they’re working off from than DEP.  Jere said that SMRPC gave them a copy of their plan.  Chris thinks some things have been removed; but in the eyes of the DEP, they may not think they should be.  Chris thinks there are some unknowns.  It might be a good idea to sit down with a rep from SMRPC and DEP and try to identify what is left to discuss.  Jere doesn’t believe DEP would come here.  Cliff thinks the Town needs to come up with a plan and resubmit it to them.  Jere says there are four areas SMRPC added.  There are some areas that shouldn’t have been added and some areas that should have been added.  SMRPC will charge $45 an hour.  We’ve already paid $500.

The Board would like Krystal to negotiate with them about errors on the maps that aren’t correct.  Cliff says that if they looked at satellite images, it shouldn’t be difficult.  Some things are on the National map which is why they’re coming up on the maps they received.  Jere says if we really want to have an accurate shoreland zoning map, we could hire a private firm to do this.  The question would be, how much taxpayer money do we want to spend?  The Board needs to work with SMRPC to get accurate maps.  Larry says the landowner can appeal.  Cliff doesn’t agree.  Jere gave an example that he thought would clear up a disagreement.  Cliff says that Fred has to go by the map.  Have Krystal forward some material done by Cliff to SMRPC, they thought.  Cliff has sent them copies.  Chris asked if Fred had any comments.  He doesn’t at this time.

~Received a letter from Buxton Animal Control officer regarding a follow up on an approval that was done.  Everything was correct.

~Newsletter from Southern Maine Development

~Email from Jennifer Curtis, mapping coordinator - regarding the FEMA map updating process.  The appeals period will not be initiated until a 3rd party review panel has their questions answered.

Other Business:
~Review findings of facts for Alan Wright
  • Motioned by Jere, seconded by Mark, to table the Findings of Fact until they have a quorum.  All voted in favor.
~Election of Officers:
  • Larry motioned, seconded by Mark, to table the election until the next meeting.  All voted in favor.
Jere asked if they wanted to meet in July.  Larry will be out of town the second week of July.  They’ll need a majority of seven to vote on the items in these minutes that have been postponed.  The Board decided they needed a motion to meet in July since their by-laws say that they don’t meet in July.  They didn’t want to make tonight’s applicant wait until August after the site walk.  
  • Jere motioned, seconded by Larry, to have a meeting on July 21 at 7 p.m.  All voted in favor.
Jere explained why they wouldn’t require a kennel license for the first applicant this evening.  When looking at the definition of a kennel, they’ve found that the applicant is not using them for breeding, they’re never left out alone, not housing anyone else’s dogs, etc.  They’ve determined that Deborah Gibson does not meet the definition.  They’ll refer to the Animal Control Officer to verify.  If she has an issue, she’ll tell them; and they’ll re-activate the application.  
  • Jere motioned, seconded by Larry, that they eliminate Deborah Gibson’s application from the agenda and that she’ll deal with the Animal Control Officer.  All in favor.
The Board would like the ACO to check the site.
Attendees may address the Board on the evening’s business:  None at this time.
  • Motioned by Larry, seconded by Mark, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.  All voted in favor.
Approval Date:    ___________

________________________                                                        ________________
Christopher Carroll, Vice Chairman Signature                                    Date
[type or paste agenda here]