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Planning Board Minutes 01/13/2014
Town of Buxton Planning Board
Monday, January 13, 2014 at 7 p.m.

Recorded by Krystal Dyer

Members in attendance: Keith Emery, Lawrence Curtis, Christopher Carroll and Cliff Thomas.

Members not in attendance: Jeremiah Ross, III

Public in attendance: Code Officer Fred Farnham

Keith called the meeting to Order at 7pm, by opening with the pledge of allegiance:

2014/2015 Budget:  Larry’s presentation began by comparing the requested appropriation for 2013/2014. The total appropriation was $7,800.  He would like to decrease that amount by 5% for 2014/15 budget.  The largest portion of the budget comes from salaries.  This is budgeted by the number of board members x the number of meetings, site walks, workshops, etc…  We plan for 22 meetings x $20.00 x the number of board members, this gives us the salary amount.  We always budget for 3 executive workshops. Larry proposes to reduce the number of workshops from three to two, and the number of site walks from fifteen down to twelve.  Keeping in mind that if the trend in building changes, we could change also.  Consulting; in the past three years we have budgeted $650.  In 2013 we did not expend any money here.  Larry is proposing to reduce down to $600 for the 2014/15 budget.  Supplies; $250, would like to keep it at this amount.  Printing; used for maps or other documents, proposing to keep at $500, adding that we still have maps to update.  Shoreland zone maps; this is ongoing, would like to keep at $500.  Mapping; maintained for Buxton tax maps, would like continue at $500.  Legal notices; the volume of notices have decreased but the charge per notice has increased.  Larry is requesting to keep at $750.  Training & Workshops; we have requested $100 for the past three years, would like to keep for the 14/15 fiscal year.  The proposed change is to reduce salary by $350 and the consultant line item by $50, giving a grant total of $400 or a 5% reduction.
Keith has spoken to the Selectmen about dropping down to a five member board.  If so this would decrease the budget by another $1,300.  Personally Keith would like to see the board go to five members, this would also adjust the quorum down to three and we will need to re-stagger the terms.
Cliff believes there would have to be an amendment to the charter.  This will not change until after the vote in June.  It will not affect this year’s budget. The $1300 reduction would be for the 2015/2016 budget.  Cliff is willing to discuss this later in the meeting.  Cliff inquires into how the Board will pay for the Southern Maine Regional Planning bill, specifically the shoreland mapping.  Larry confirms the Board already has the money to cover for that and the maps in the 2013/14 budget.
Cliff would like to suggest using some of the money to purchase an overhead projector connected to a computer so the TV viewing audience can see what we are reviewing.  It could be useful for other Town Boards and committees also.  The cost could come out of multiple budgets.  Larry will follow up with the Selectmen on this.

CEO Report:  A copy of a letter dated October 2013 was shared with the Board, keeping them aware of possible upcoming projects.  It referenced to the pit near Churchill Road.  The owners wanted to exchange abutting land to create new lots.  Fred issued this letter giving his opinion that it would be a subdivision.

Approval of Minutes for October 28, 2013:
•     Motioned by Christopher seconded by cliff for the October 28, 2013 minutes as written.  The motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.

Approval of Bills:
Portland press herald for $65.00 dated 10/24/13
•     Motioned by Larry, seconded by Christopher to approve the payment of $65.00 to Portland Press Herald, the motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.

2014 schedule for town meeting
Land Use Laws book– order one book to keep in Code Office.
National Business Institute – March 10th, 2014
Saco River Corridor Commission – 2014 schedule
Maine Townsman – Copies of the Nov. & Dec. 2013 issues

Other Business:
~Review findings for Chases Places/Memory Lane, LLC –
•     Christopher motioned to approve the Town of Buxton Planning Board findings and decision for Memory Lane, LLC, and Jack & Leigh Chase, Seconded by Larry.  Having no discussion the motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.

~Review ordinance amendments if any:  None at this time.

~The Board continued discussion on whether to change the Board from seven to five members.  Larry noticed that Section 7.9 of the by-laws would need to be amended also. The number for a quorum is a concern, at this time, only one member can be absent per meeting.  The Board would like a Selectman to attend the next meeting to discuss the following questions: Alternate members?  Check is there a state law pertaining to the length the Board can be short members? What happens if the Board cannot fill the vacancy?  Is there a time limit to make this decision?  Continue discussion at next meeting…

~Larry announced there are two vacancies on the Board if anyone is interested.

Attendees may address the Board on the evening’s business: none

Adjourn.   Cliff motioned to close the meeting at 7:43 pm, seconded by Christopher.  A unanimous vote.

Approval Date:    ___________

________________________                                ________________
Keith Emery, Chair                                              Signature Date

[type or paste agenda here]