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Planning Board Minutes 10/08/2012
Town of Buxton
Planning Board

Monday, October 8, 2012 at 7p.m.

Written by Christopher Carroll

Board Members Present:  John Vedral, David Savage, Sr., Christopher Carroll, Keith Emery and Nicholas Murray.

Board Members Absent:   Lawrence Curtis

Others Present: Henry Huntley, Frederick Howes, Fred Farnham

Chairman Keith Emery opened the Buxton Planning Board meeting of October 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

CEO Report:             Keith moved the CEO report to later in the meeting.

Approval of Minutes:    

September 24, 2012

"       Motioned by John Seconded by David to approve the Minutes of September 24, 2012 as written. Four voted in favor (Nick abstained as he had been absent).

Approval of Bills:      No bills.


"       Email from Attorney David Kallin re: 'The Proposed language change for 9.8.C…'

"       Town of Buxton Public Works Department "Sign And Post requirements"

"       Email from Larry Curtis to the Board of Selectmen requesting the carry-over from 2012 to 2013.

"       Notice from Buxton Fire & Rescue re: Fire Suppression Underground Fire Storage Tank Requirements (updated 9/27/2012)
"       John says that he has re-drafted his Proposed Ordinance Change regarding Section 9.8.C (he has provided copies for the board) in the light of Attorney David Kallin's email to Krystal Dyer, (September 28, 2012 5:55pm.) To be discussed in Other Business.
"       John says he will appear at the Board of Selectmen's public hearing to provide information pertaining to the proposed ordinance amendment regarding building on non-conforming vacant lots; approved September 10, 2012 by the Planning Board.

CEO Report:

        Fred Farnham introduces Fred Howes CEO of 'Supaflu Chimney Systems'. Fred explains that Mr. Howes operates a manufacturing business in Scarborough and that Mr. Howes is interested to have a first response to the idea from the Planning Board before pursuing the property. Fred says that he has visited Mr. Howes Scarborough facility and says that it is well contained in the building it is in. He says the building is about the size of Napa Auto Parts, for example. It is adjacent to other low impact businesses. He says there is a large hopper on the outside of the building, about the size of a moving truck. Fred says manufacturing is allowed in the Rural Zone.
Mr. Howes explains that his business manufactures UL listed cementicious materials and supplies them to his chimney restoration franchisees across the nation.  Mr. Howes is interested in a bank-owned, 3.5 Acre property in the Rural Zone available for sale on Rt. 22 in Buxton and is considering moving his operation from 15 Hoy Road in Scarborough to the Buxton property.
He says his business operates 8 hours a day 5 days a week. He says there are no hazardous materials. Ingredients include cement and vermiculite for examples. Mr. Howes says that he is aware that Rt. 22 is open year round so his trucks can access the site year round. The Property in question has a house that he intends to have his sons occupy while an attached barn will be repurposed to accommodate the manufacturing operation. He also provides training for new franchise owners on-site.

        Keith: The application is coming?
        David: Do you have a deadline with the bank?
        Fred Howes: Yes, 3 Banks are involved.
        David: Have you asked the neighbors?
        John: Like the Napa store, you need to go ahead and apply; it doesn't cost much and it gets the process moving.
        Keith: Wait a minute… can he do this? Rural zone requires 5 acres for a Conditional Use, we are up against 9.8.C again.
        John explained the struggle the board has had with conditional use applications and non-conforming lots and that the board will not be able to process an application before June if the planning board and Governing Body can repeal 9.8.C.
        More discussion:
        David: Where is the manufacturing being done?
        Fred Howes: The manufacturing is contained in the building.
        David: How many trucks?
        Fred Howes: About 4 deliveries a year (54' box trucks). Sys he can manufacture a tractor-trailer load of material in two days. Says the noise is contained in the building. Says Dragon cement id blown into the hopper from delivery trucks.
        John: Where would the education take place?
        Fred Howes: At the facility.
        David: Put in an application, we have to go through the process.
        John: There is no way we can pass it right now.
        Chris: Could you purchase additional land from a neighbor to bring the lot into conformance in the near term?
        Keith: Suggests that a letter if intent to purchase adjacent property might suffice and that he like to encourage business in Buxton.

Mr. Howes says he will look into this avenue of approach.

Other Business:

Keith presented the Signage requirements for the Public Works Department and says that it is going to be included in the Subdivision Application and perhaps we don't need an ordinance amendment.
John noted 13.5.F. John directs the board to Article 12 and suggests that the simplest amendment would be to add article 12.17 with language for Road sign and Post requirements. He has offered to draft the article for the Board. Adds that it is important to him that there is a printed public document available to developers.
"       The issue is tabled until the article is drafted.

Attendees may address the Board on the evening's business:

Keith invites Henry Huntly to address the Board if he likes.
Henry says he likes the direction the board is moving and that rules can cut both ways.

"       David Motioned to adjourn, seconded by John at 8:14 pm.

Approval Date:   ____10/22/12___

                ________________________                                ________________
                Keith Emery, Chairman                                   Signature Date