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Planning Board Minutes 04/14/2008
April 14, 2008

Recorded by Hilda Lynch

Board Members Present:  Harry Kavouksorian, Keith Emery, Jeremiah Ross, III, James Logan, Caroline Segalla, and David Anderson
Board Members Absent:  Barbara Elwell  

Others Present:  Fred Farnham, Raymond H. Backman, Stephen J. Bradstreet, Brian Keezer, Frank Crabtree, Bob Chaput, Cindy Hazelton, Shelly Gammon, Mary Eastman, George Clark, Bill Hoffman, Jeff Larimer, Tim Da??…, Francoise Paradis, and Debra Holloway

Chairman Jeremiah Ross, III, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Discussion of site walk for Raymond Backman of 133 Warren Road who has submitted an application for a conditional use permit for accessory building in the shoreland zone and animal husbandry; Tax Map 1, Lot 194-2-1.
        Mr. Backman proposes to build a two-stall horse barn—with an area for hay and grain storage and a tack room.  He’s seeking a conditional use permit for the horses to be put in the barn.  Jim, Caroline and Harry attended the site walk on April 1, 2008; and Keith, Jere, and David went by.  Jim stated that the property is open pasture interspersed with some wooded land, and he doesn’t have any problem with what is proposed.  The Board has received a revised document from the Saco River Corridor Commission, which more accurately reflects what he’s planning to do.  Jim thought he’d maximized the distance from the stream.  Harry says the plan is what he’s represented, and he didn’t see anything that he thought would create a problem.  Caroline concurred, as she didn’t see any other area he could place the building.  She didn’t see that there would be any runoff going down into the stream.  She thought it was nice to see the support from the abutters.  David thought everything looked good as he drove by and looked with binoculars.  Both Jere and Keith had also driven by and concurred.  Keith thought the only runoff would come towards the building.  Keith asked about another area that had been cleared, and Mr. Backman said he was going to put this into pasture.  Jere asked the Board to review his application and checklist and asked if they were satisfied.  Jim asked if there was going to be any drains or wastewater, and Mr. Backman said he wasn’t planning on having any.  Jere asked if the Board was ready for a public hearing, and they agreed they were ready.

  • Harry motioned to set a public hearing for the above conditional use permit, seconded by Keith, for the 28th of April.  All voted in favor.

School Administrative District #6, finalizing the peer review response and discussion for the new Buxton Elementary School located off Long Plains Road on Tax Map 3, Lot 88-2.
        Jere stated that the Board had two workshops on March 17 and March 31, 2008, with people from Harriman, the school district and Deluca-Hoffman.  Jere asked Bill to address the Board regarding items that are still being discussed.  Jere thought the big items were subsurface wastewater disposal and wetland delineation.  Bill had summarized the review into 12 issues and thinks that things are ready for a hearing, although he’s not sure if they’re ready on the water supply as they’re testing on that.  The groundwater analysis was done by Sanborn-Head, and they found that it was done on half flow rather than full flow.  They’re revising that. The concern is that you get breakout on the slope septic thing. They have some conditions they’re going to recommend, which he tried to outline.  He thinks that 8.2.B. and the conditional use standards will fall in order.  The biggest item right now is the groundwater mounding and breakout on the slope, and he knows they’re working on that.  Jere asked if he’d looked at the noise.  Bill had Doug Bell from Cavenaugh-Tucci look at it, and he thought he was contacting Harriman about some suggestions that might save them some cost if it proven too noisy.  
        Brian Keezer said they’re working expeditiously on the water treatment system to try and bring that to a conclusion.  He hasn’t heard from the noise consultant yet.  Brian thinks Harriman can live with the conditions that Bill has recommended, and they’re ready for a public hearing in two weeks time.  
        Jere asked if the Board felt they had enough info to go to public hearing.  Keith didn’t think he was ready because he didn’t have a chance to look at the material because he didn’t think it had come in on time.  He didn’t receive his packet until Saturday, which he stated was well beyond the deadline.  Brian said that they’d made the deadline, and Jere agreed that it wasn’t SAD 6 material that had come in late.  
        David asked if Bill provided them with specifics on changes, and Jere thought Bill was still working on this.  Bill mentioned the summary of major issues he’d given the Board and stated that it was in that.  David stated that they’re still waiting for wetlands delineation and a noise report.  He was concerned that the public hearing might be a little early.  Jere said that they could also make them conditions of approval; as he thinks Bill will provide them with a list of those items by the 28th.  Bill is asking to have the wetland delineation done by this week.  He hopes to have the findings to the Board by the 21st.  Harry is concerned about the groundwater analysis because they don’t have all of the information now, and asked if Jere’s suggesting that they make this a condition, that those criteria are met with approval.  Jere said they could make it a condition that Deluca-Hoffman signs off on the analysis before construction begins.  Harry could go with this in that case.  Jere asked Brian if they had a permit from DEP, and Brian said he doesn’t yet but not from lack of trying.  They don’t have a good solid answer.  
        Jere asked when they wanted to break ground.  They’re hoping for early to mid-May.  Jim suggested that perhaps the public hearing could be carried over if all of the issues hadn’t been resolved by the 28th.  Jere said this could push the hearing to May 12th.  Caroline thanked the school for providing the other designs that they had worked through.  She asked Bill if the auditorium had been considered in the water treatment system.  She thanked Harriman for the table for the parking layout.  She would like to have the parking for just the new school.  Cindy asked if she was referring to the gym, and Caroline said she was.  She was concerned about the simultaneous use and its effect on parking.  She’d like something put on the plan that parking won’t be reduced because of one use.  She’d also like to see something between the school and the Town.  Caroline asked Bill if the Town took Hanson if they would have to come back to the Planning Board for additional review.  Caroline asked if an easement would suffice for the situation if the Town took the Hanson School.  Brian spoke to the geologist from DEP today and said his opinion was that the licensing dept. would be apt to put something in writing for them.  Brian was encouraged by the response.  Caroline asked if Harriman could get something in writing on this, and Brian said he hoped they could.  She would like an updated letter from the police and fire chief, also.  Brian said they’ve gotten those out to them.  He’s spoken to the fire chief about the gate and thought the fire chief was okay with the gate.  They’ve requested a written letter back.  Caroline asked Bill if Diane Morabito was okay with the left hand lane, and Bill said she was fine with it.
        Jere stated that everything was due in on the 21st technically although they might wait until the middle of the week.  The superintendent stated that they would work to get everything to them.  Keith stated that they’re not bending the rules.

  • Motioned by David to set a public hearing start time for the April 28th meeting of the Board, seconded by Jim.  Five in favor, Keith opposed.
Francoise Paradis proposing a Co-housing Community plan, categorized under Section 11.17 as a Multi-Family Unit, located off Marshall Lane; Tax Map 10, Lot 147.
Francoise apologized to Keith for not getting everything in on time.  He has only read what was in the first packet.  Francoise has some additional info to leave tonight.  She has one copy of the condominium rules and regulations.  She’s given one copy of the condominium declaration.  She has Steve Bradstreet with her who will go over the plan.      Jere asked if she wanted to address items from her letter.  Francoise wanted to address her question about trash collection.  David said that Marshall Lane is a private road, so no trash collection should be taking place on this road.  He felt this should be addressed first as no trash should be picked up there, although this appears to have slipped through the cracks and trash is being picked up.  Jere felt that if she made Marshall Lane a public road to her entrance, then trash pickup would be allowed.  The public driveway would end at the entrance to her property.  She’s indicating a hammerhead at the end of Marshall Lane where the truck could turn around.  Jere thought they’d have to talk with the Transfer Station Manager about it.  Jere raised the question of many, many garbage bags being left out on the public way from private ways and mentioned some other areas of Town where this seems to be happening.  
        David said that the other thing is the acceptance of roads might only be once a year.  Keith stated that it would be so if voted on in June.  Keith questioned whether it would make the Town Meeting of 2009, but Jere thought it would since the road would be done by this winter.  Caroline referenced an ordinance on solid waste.  Caroline wondered if she might want to put something in writing to the Transportation Manager.  Jere thinks the Transportation Manager would be in charge of this along with the Selectmen.  Francoise asked if she should wait, and Jere thought that she should.  She agreed that it would have to be near Marshall Lane, so they’d have to provide a space for it.  Caroline mentioned enclosed, and Jere mentioned having it very close to the hammerhead so they could access it.  
        She asked if the Board had been through her application and mentioned she’d sent a letter to the Maine Historic Preservation and the Buxton Historical Society.  Jere said the ordinance says asphalt for the road surface and stated that a road serving more than three units would require asphalt.  Francoise asked if they had to have asphalt when they start and perhaps it would be changed before they got to paving it?   Jere talked about the process they’re planning for this year to make some changes.  Keith doesn’t see any sense in changing it.  Caroline asked Fred what he thinks about other types of material and wondered if he had talked with the road commissioner about it.  Fred hasn’t talked with the Road Commissioner, but there are other materials that are not as impervious as asphalt and are used in other towns and other areas as an option.  Jere asked if the width of the road would have to stay 24’, and Fred said it would unless there was a circular loop with a one-way direction.  Keith talked with the Road Commissioner, and he said that the Road Commissioner said it would need to be hot topped, especially any right of way that is going to be accepted by the Town.  Jere said if she were to propose a different material since she will be maintaining the roads, it would have to be of top quality.  Jere said he understands the dilemma, but the Board does have to follow what it says in the ordinance.  It doesn’t state that any waivers could be had.
        Steve Bradstreet of Oak Engineers is representing Francoise’s project.  The plan has changed dramatically with the number of revisions and planning that has gone into the project.  What they’re showing on the plan is the existing Marshall Lane up to where it enters the property would be built to Town standards.  He has talked with Larry Owen about the hammerhead of just coming into the property and being able to turn around there and not coming into the property, and there is a slightly different configuration of it so snow won’t be plowed into the mouth of their road.  He has had discussions with the Fire Chief in the past regarding the fire pond, and they’re proposing two 10,000 gal. tanks underground for water.  The Fire Chief was looking at this a while ago, and Steve feels that these are more appropriate.  Steve talked about the alignment of the road and the surface material, which have been brought up; and these discussions may need to be brought up before the Town for possible changes in road surfacing.  Many communities are okay with other surfaces and smaller width roads as long as fire and emergency vehicles can use the roads.  They’ve filed a pre-application with DEP; and since less than 20 acres of developed area, the only thing required is storm water quality calculations for the runoff coming off the site.  The Board’s requirements require quantity and quality, so Steve is asking that they require just the DEP standards.  They’re thinking about rain gardens for water for quality control—a depressed area that would be suitable for “first flush.”  Jim Logan has prepared a design of septic fields—one on the right, one on the left and one in another area; and Steve indicated the location of these.  Some wastewater from each building would go to each of these.  The buildings are architecturally designed so the sizes are correct along with garages, the walkways and outdoor parking.  He talked about the plan being defined considerably.  
        David felt they’d hit on the issues he had.  The wastewater and road seem in limbo at this point.  He commented on the tanks, which he thought would be two 20,000 ones.  Jere stated that this would really be up to the Fire Chief.  Steve said they were going by another project in town which has two 10,000 tanks.  Jere asked if the buildings would be sprinkled internally, and Steve couldn’t answer that.  David mentioned No. 3 in following the DEP standards.  Jere stated that if they were to go with 8.2.B.B.7, which seems to go along with Mr. Bradstreet’s work, that they might be able to maintain DEP’s standards.  Steve said that all items need to be turned over to DEP for their review in order to get a permit.  Caroline asked if it would confirm a 25-year storm, and Steve said it wouldn’t and explained the meaning of the “first flush”—the first inch of rain, which takes 98 percent of the impurities off the land.  Jere referred to 8.2.B.B.6, which refers to the 25-year storm, so the quantity would be required.  Steve clarified the DEP’s standards versus the Town’s.  Caroline stated that the ordinance is more stringent.  Jere said it is not something that they could waive.  Jere stated he would need 10.13, also.  Steve mentioned some underground storage that is quite costly and usually only used in urban areas.  Caroline asked Fred if their hands were tied, and he agreed.  David mentioned their using less impervious surfacing which might make a reduction in the retention pond, and Steve clarified as well.  David didn’t think they’d need several detention ponds scattered throughout the area.  Steve talked about the requirements around septic systems.  They haven’t completed their designs of the detention ponds.  David and Steve talked about the aesthetics of the detention ponds.  Jere stated that they didn’t have the authority to waive this, so it would have to be done.  He said that the Zoning Board wouldn’t have the authority to waive this.  Steve asked about the process to make changes, and Jere explained it.
        David mentioned a fact sheet that Caroline brought in that refers to rain gardens.  He asked about it being a detention pond for immediate runoff.  Steve explained that it would store only up to 6” of water.  The plant materials would be water tolerant, but they’re only depressed 6” so will store only up to 6” and infiltrate.  Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be adequate for a 25-year storm.  Jim, speaking as a public member, mentioned that the site has such good soil that it might not have runoff to begin with.  He thought it was an unfortunate situation with the ordinance.
        Jere asked about the two residences prior to the project.  The traffic would come to a stop and make a 90-degree turn onto Marshall Lane to go out to 117.  They wouldn’t have to access abutters’ properties to do this.  From the terminus of the hammerhead, the road would be named as proposed.  Keith doesn’t particularly care for the way it’s drawn but will go with the Road Commissioner.  
        Jere asked about density calculations or building square footage vs. impervious surfaces versus total square footage of the lot, and Steve said that everything would be in a tabular form on the plan.  Jere asked about the number of units, and Steve said they’re proposing 20.  Jere asked if it were close to the original calculations of the lot.  Steve thought the original calculations were 19+.  
        David asked if the neighbors have all agreed to the road maintenance agreement that Francoise has put together, and Francoise said they could not agree so she will have to do it herself (for the Marshall Lane portion, Jere clarified).  Harry thinks the density will take care of his question.
        Harry asked about having quarters for guests in the community center.  They’ve decided on having multipurpose rooms, which could be used as a guest room if needed, and the same goes for offices.  They’re trying to scale down somewhat, Francoise stated.  They’re planning on a large kitchen, game room, large living room, etc.  Harry asked if there would be office spaces.  She’s worried about them not being occupied so is going with multipurpose rooms.  
        Jere asked if there were going to be drilled artesian wells.  Steve says there will probably be multiple wells, since one well would mean it would have to be a State of Maine approved community system.  They haven’t been designed or looked at for locations.  Jere asked if less than 2,000 gallons would mean that DEP review wouldn’t be required.  Jim said there would be seven service hookups on a single well required by the State of Maine – 7 dwelling hookups or 25 users.  He doesn’t think a single well would constitute a public drinking water supply.  It would need to be a single water supply for all of the buildings.  He mentioned setback changes, which would be required for a single well.  He thoughts there will be more safety with more wells.  Francoise said they’re looking at geothermal heating, which would also provide the domestic water.  She believes there will be multiple wells.  Jere asked about the location of the septic systems in relation to the wells.  Jim talked about the footage required for wells from septic systems.  
        Caroline wondered if they were technically required to have 40 parking spaces and 12 for the community space.  Caroline asked to have it shown on the plan, with walking paths for safety of the pedestrians.  Francoise said she thought there would be plenty of parking, more than is needed.  David mentioned that each unit has a garage with possible additional garaging available.  Jere clarified that there would be four garage spaces per building.  
        Francoise asked about their planning for a construction schedule.  She wanted to know if construction could be started on one of the buildings or would they have to wait until the entire infrastructure is in place.  Jere thought that once they had approval from the Board that they could build it any way they would like.  Jere mentioned not having the road paved before construction is completed.  Keith mentioned 50 percent and just having the base down.  Jim asked about the technicality of three units being sold.  Francoise is dependent on what the bank will allow her to do.  Jere said that as long as construction doesn’t stop for one full year, the permits would be valid.  Fred confirmed.  Francoise asked if it had to be built within three years, and Keith stated that it didn’t.  That was just a number he mentioned.  Keith mentioned that the start would be the building of the road but a few months could occur in between.  Francoise asked about the clearing of trees and stumps, and Jere said she’d have to ask Fred.  Keith and Jere talked about her being able to do timber harvesting.  Fred said that if it were more than an acre, they would need a permit from DEP.  He clarified that even the stumpage would require this.  Jere mentioned the erosion control systems.  Jim said it was an easy permit.  Jere asked if they were going to grind on site and use the stumps for erosion control, and they said they were.  Keith mentioned that she wanted to be careful because her disturbance of one acre could be out near the entrance to Marshall Lane.  
        Steve asked for clarification on the required width of the road and surfaces.  If it’s a private road, does it have a right of way?  They’re considering this a lot with private roads within it.  Jere and Caroline stated that three or more units mean that roads have to be brought up to Town specifications.  Keith stated they’d need 20 ft. of pavement and 2 ft. of shoulder.  Jim understands the need for it with individual dwellings.  He asked about the multi-unit dwellings and if Harmon Pines was required to do this.  Fred clarified that the road requirements went up to the point where they entered the cluster, and he mentioned a couple of others.  Jim asked for Keith’s reconsideration.  Keith mentioned another property with four multi-unit dwellings with a right-of-way down through the middle.  Fred said the Planning Board made them do it that way, and there was some disagreement about it.  Jim expressed his concerns about the ordinance.  There was considerable discussion about it.  Jere asked Fred if he would consider talking with Bill about this for clarification because he thinks there is precedence for it.  
        Caroline read from the ordinance regarding dwelling units.  It is one lot but more than one dwelling unit.  Jere mentioned “three or more dwelling units on individual lots.”  He doesn’t read the ordinance as one lot.  Jim clarified that the width of the road would have to be met and asphalt paved.  Jere said he feels that they need the expertise of Town Counsel.  There was some discussion about the meaning of this ordinance.  
        Caroline asked if there would be elevations to show what the building will look like, and Steve said the architects are working on this.  She asked if they were going to be ADA, and Francoise said they were.  Francoise asked if it was possible to schedule a public hearing for the 28th.  Jere said that they need more info—water runoff, the width of the private right of way clarified, trash situation, location of wells, density calculations, elevations of the buildings, etc.  Caroline thinks the public will have questions about these items.  Jere stated that he’d see them when they had some more information.
Raymond & Sally Pulcifer are applying for a conditional use permit to re-locate their Can-Do-Driving School business to the 63 Main Street location (Former Saco River Telecommunications building); Tax Map 12, Lot 22.
        Raymond and Sally could not be here so George Clark spoke for them after presenting a letter to the Board giving him permission.  Two employees are present who could answer questions.  They are requesting to move their school to the location mentioned.  George stated that this was an approved business in the Town, and he’s seeking the process to go about having this building approved for this purpose.  They’re not proposing any new construction or modifications to the building.  It has to be inspected by the State and the Town Fire Dept., and they may require some things.  
        Jere asked about the number of students.  They plan to have up to 25 students, about three nights per week, so about 25 students per month.  Jere asked about the number of people working there before, and George stated that there were over 50 people working there for Pine Tree Networks.  There are 41 parking spaces, and they’ll be using the building during the evening.  Keith asked if they would be on the first floor, and George stated they would and also be just opposite the Post Office.  George stated that the kids could practice their parking there.  Jim asked about whether they would have kids coming out of that lot the first time they drive, and one of the employees stated that they usually take them to a school parking lot the first time.  Mary Eastman and Shelly Gammon from Can-Do Driving (employees) spoke about the previous statement.        
        Caroline wants to confirm who owns the building.  George said that KLC Realty owns the building, George’s daughter; and he is taking care of it for them.  Jere asked for a copy of the lease with all numbers blocked out – the term of the lease and the parties involved—just a copy.  Keith says he just needs a letter stating that Can-Do is leasing this property for a driving school.  
        Caroline asked if there was any plan to use the second floor, and George said they wouldn’t.  She said they would have to come back if that changed.  Jere asked if the Board wanted to set a limit on students, and Mary said that the State requires that.  They come down and measure so many square feet per child, so they’ll provide a copy of that inspection.  The Board asked for this.  
        Caroline asked about the signage—one freestanding and one on the structure itself; and George said they would and described where they will be.  Caroline asked about the lighting being okay at night, and George said the whole area is lit up at night.  There were no other issues.
  • Motioned by David that they set a site walk for Can-Do Driving School on Main Street on the 24th of April at 6 p.m., seconded by Harry.  All voted in favor.  Raymond and Sally will return from Florida the 22nd.  The Board won’t need to go inside.    
CEO Report:
        None at this point.

Approval of Minutes:
SAD 6 workshops March 17, 2008
  • Caroline motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Harry.  All voted in favor.
March 31, 2008
  • David moved to accept as amended, seconded by Keith.  All voted in favor.  
Minutes of March 24, 2008Caroline moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Jim.  All voted in favor.

Approval of Bills:
        No bills at this time.

*Boardsmanship Workshop – April 23rd in Saco by SMRPC – let Jere know if interested.  They all thought they might like to go.  Arrangements to carpool were discussed, and Board members will meet at the Town Hall at 6 p.m.   
*Jere mentioned a letter from SMRPC regarding regional color digital photography.  All Board members received copies.    Jim talked about the merging of town maps on this overlay.  He asked Fred whether he would like aerial maps done and then superimpose the tax maps right on it.  Some discussion was held about this.  Jim’s suggesting that this format might be a precursor to having our tax maps superimposed all in one place, and he would like to consider them being put online.  Fred will be going and can report back.   
*Jere received an e-mail regarding the GIS strategic plan from John Myers-- talking about reduced road width, subdivision design review, cluster developments, shared driveways.  Caroline asked about having a workshop set up with Fred and with the Commissioner to have a discussion about looking into things like this.  Jere thought they should start a notebook for changes for next year.
*Storm water low impact in Northern New England – Hallowell on May 1st – if interested, contact Jere.  Caroline plans to attend and will bring back materials.
*Copy of the budget.
*Latest Maine Townsman

Other Business:
Ordinance changes—Review proposed changes, vote to send to Town Counsel and set public hearing.
        Article 2 – All liked the third definition of a church.  Caroline asked about how it applies tax-wise.  Jere stated that 99.9 percent of churches are nonprofit 501C-3’s.  David likes option 2 because it leaves some things wide open and allows for some flexibility because he thinks option 3 is very specific.  They agreed they’d like the 3rd definition sent to Bill.
        The second article deals with Article 10-A.  Fred and Krystal wanted to re-number and make some changes.  Fred wanted to just stick with the road requirements and reorganize the categories.  This was an attempt to make it clearer and avoid confusion.  The “hammerhead issue” was left in so it would apply to both types of subdivisions—a normal and a family subdivision
        Jere read the additions and subtractions to10.7.C.3.E.  Some discussion was held about “shall” versus “may” when it comes to lighting.  
        Jim asked about the possibility of waivers for any of the ordinances.  Jere thought this should be put on the list for next year.  David thinks they should have the ability to exercise some discretion and subjectivity in the public’s interest. Harry asked about “excessive,” and Fred thought one shouldn’t be able to see the direct source without considering it trespass.
        Section 10.7.F.  Basically, the diameter of a tree is being changed from 3 to 2 - 2.5 inches.
        11.14.F. – An addition regarding the moving of a mobile/modular home within 60 days.  Jim liked “from occupancy” as starting the six months.
        Section 12.13.D. – This ordinance change is regarding the approval and acceptance of roads by the Town.  
        Caroline mentioned 13.4.F., and it was decided that 12.13.D. would cover it.  If you want your road accepted, you would be under Article 12, Jere asked of Fred.  Jere stated that all of these would be sent to Bill Plouffe for review.
        Jere spoke about Section 11.25.I.  Fred explains the reason for this change.  There was a tower built on Webster Road that was approved by the Planning Board.   It was never activated.  Through the process of taking it down a couple of months ago, they found the ordinance needed to be changed for more specifics about when things need to be done.  Fred explained the process of a tower being used for telecommunications and the need for a specific time limit.  The tower must be activated within a year.  Fred would send a letter notifying them that they have a year to activate it if not activated within a year.  It would take about five years from the time of the building permit to the takedown of the tower.  The base could be used for something else, and the landowner should have this option.  It may want to be left there for a future wind turbine site.  The removal of the road should be the option of the landowner, also, Fred thought.  Whoever is leasing is responsible for taking down a tower, and a bond is needed for this.  Times and dates are included in the second paragraph.  This makes the ordinance clearer.
        David mentioned a missing word(s) on line 6 from the top, “for a 12-month period an adequate written notice to the applicant.”  He thinks “has been done” or “completed” or something should be added.  Jere said he would have Bill look at it.

  • Motioned by Keith to send ordinance changes to Town Counsel for review, seconded by Harry.  All voted in favor.  The one that Fred just talked about has been sent for review.
  • Motioned by Jim, seconded by Keith, to hold a public hearing on ordinance changes on April 28th.  All voted in favor.  Jim mentioned that this would be the 4th hearing, but it has to be done.   
Caroline asked a question of Fred about two openings of a driveway onto a street from a telecommunications facility.  Would it be an issue if the ordinance says you can’t have two openings on a street for the same parcel?  There was some discussion.

Jere feels that they need to have a discussion about a time limit for information to the Board.  He thinks they should have until Wednesday before a meeting to accept things.  Jim thinks most towns have a week in advance but doesn’t have a problem with an occasional change.  Jere wanted to come up with some kind of policy or cut off.  Keith mentioned that the paperwork he received on Saturday he didn’t have time to look at.  Fred thought it was important that they see the ordinance change that he had.  Harry and Jere think there has to be some flexibility.  Jim says it is never acceptable for an applicant to submit items to the Board.  Caroline thinks that deadlines need to be set since things will be coming in all the time.  She talked about deadlines in her work.  David thinks that in consideration of Krystal and the time she has to spend on packets, Wednesday would be too late.  He thinks Tuesday might be a possibility.  Jim wanted to go on the record as saying that Krystal does a phenomenal job.  Dave stated that if certain things are allowed late because it’s a big project, he thinks this is a big mistake.  Each Board member can state that they didn’t have time to read the material and can’t vote on something if they feel that they don’t have the time to review materials.  

Memorial Day – falls on May 26th when there is supposed to be a meeting.  Should it be the 19th or the 27th?  

  • Jim motioned to move the May 26th meeting to Tuesday the 27th at 7 p.m.  Five in favor, Keith opposed.  
Adjournment at 9:41 p.m   All voted in favor.

Approval Date:  __________________

_________________________________                  _______________
    Jeremiah Ross, III, Chairman                       Signature Date