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Planning Board Minutes 01/22/2007
Town of Buxton Planning Board
Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2007

Planning Board Members Present: Keith Emery, Cullen Ryan, Wanda Emery and Barbara Elwell.

Planning Board Members Absent:  Jeremiah Ross, David Anderson, and Dennis Santolucito

Others Present: Josh Jewette – Tooth and Associates, Don Warren, Larry Grondin – R.J. Grondin & Sons, Brent and Shannon Frankland and Fred Farnham

Chairman Keith Emery called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Discussions of joint site walk with the Town of Gorham for Stephen Joffe & Julie Colpitts for a proposed two town cluster subdivision off Webster Road.  Tax Map 7, Lot 30.   Keith, Wanda and David attended the site walk on Saturday, January 20th at 9 a.m.  The discussion included stormwater management, snow removal and aerial photos showing the abutting ultralight airstrip and walking paths.

Discussion of site walk for R. J. Grondin & Sons, Inc. request for a conditional use permit for an expansion of the Webster Road gravel pit.  Tax Map 7, Lot 33-2.
Keith, Wanda, David and Barbara attended the site walk on Saturday, January 20th at 11 a.m.  Larry Grondin indicated they would be submitting topo information along with 8.2.B and Section 11.7, for the February 12th meeting.  Keith said the road would need reconstructing in the spring.  
Again, the Board requested a complete applicant to include sections 8.2.B and Article 11.7 of the ordinance.

Discussion of site walk for Brent & Shannon Frankland of 33 Spring Street are requesting a conditional use permit to house 2 horses at Tax Map 7, Lot 62-12A.
Keith, Wanda, David and Barbara attended the site walk on Saturday, January 20th.  
for the Frankland’s submitted additional information requested at the site walk, which included maps, letters and location of the manure in covered container.    The grain is stored in covered galvanized cans.  The Board requested a letter from the Veterinarian stating the pasture area is a suitable size for two horses.  The closest abutting well is 160 feet away from the manure storage area, but the casing around the well is 600 feet deep.  According to chapter 7 of the Maine Subsurface Disposal Rules (August 1, 1995) the maximum depth required for a well casing is 86 feet deep and the setback you can be reduce to 60 feet.  Barbara asked Fred if there are other areas in Town with similar situation.   Fred referenced one on Pease Road located in the Shoreland zone, previously approved by the Board. Keith said there were small lots all over town with horses.   The Board recommends using bark mulch for erosion control in the pasture and at the  retaining wall.
·       Motioned by Cullen, seconded by Wanda to schedule a public hearing for February 12th, 2007.  The motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.

Josh Jewett & Jennifer Granillo are re-submitting an application to amend Butternut Hill Estates by creating a buildable lot in the residual land; Tax Map 3, Lot 45.
Josh Jewett informed the Board the size of the building has been changed; he added the original subdivision to the plan.  DEP has completed a site walk noting the area is  located in the natural resource, natural significance waterfowl and wading bird habitat requiring a permit-by-rule restricting any activity within 75 feet.  A 3-bedroom septic design has been submitted.  Wanda requested for the total square footage of the upland area to be on the plan.  The front pin was marked by the State; Tooth & Associates flagged the remaining area.  Measured by the actual edge of the forested and emergent wetland.  Josh will have the surveyor  come back to measure the square footage.  Josh requested to meet with Public Works Director to see if the road is wider than a normal road should be.  Keith interprets Section 10.1C of the ordinance as no driveway off the end of the hammerhead.
Due to the wetland, Wanda said she will request for the application to go through a peer reviewer process, which will require a Board vote.  The permit by rule and the answers to Article 8.2.B, 10 and 13 will be submitted for the next meeting.

CEO Report:

Approval of Minutes:  
·       January 8, 2007 – Cullen moved to approve the minutes of January 8, 2007 as written, seconded by Wanda.  The motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.  

October 23, 2006 – There was not an attending quorum to approve, will re-submit.

Approval of Bills:  Wanda moved to pay Portland Press Herald $45.90 for the legal ads for Duck Pond subdivision amendment, seconded by Barbara.  The motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.

Communications:  none

Other Business:  
·       Review and sign findings for Hannaford -
·       Review findings and suggested deed descriptions for Amendment to Duck Pond Plaza Subdivision.  Will review at the nest meeting
·       Review Budget submittal for 2007/2008 – due January 26th
Salaries                $5,040.00
Consultant Fees $1,000.00
Supplies                $   400.00
Legal Notices   $1,500.00
Printing                $   500.00
Workshops       $   150.00
Mapping         $   500.00
Total           $8,990.00

·       Ordinance changes – time did not permit 
·       Cullen moved and seconded by Wanda to adjourn at 8:15 pm a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Krystal L. Dyer                         Approval Date:                          

Chairperson: ________________________________ Signature Date: ____________
                                Keith Emery