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Planning Board Minutes 12/11/2006
Planning Board Members Present: Keith Emery, Cullen Ryan, Jeremiah Ross, David Anderson, Dennis Santolucito and Barbara Elwell.

Planning Board Members Absent: Wanda Emery

Others Present: Doug Boyce – Hannaford, Robert Libby of BH2M.

Chairman Keith Emery called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Discussion of site walk for Josh Jewett & Jennifer Granillo who are proposing to amend Butternut Hill Estates by creating a buildable lot in the residual land; Tax Map 3, Lot 45.  The applicant is not in attendance and is waiting for information.  The project will be suspended until the next meeting.

Dave King has submitted a proposal to amend Duck Pond Plaza Subdivision by relocating the lot lines.  Located on Pierce Drive; Tax Map 6, Lots 32-2 & 3.
Robert Libby of BH2M represented Mr. King by introducing the proposal to relocate the property lines to create two conforming lots that could be sold separately.  Mr. King currently owns both parcels.  The ordinance allows for off site parking, so a parking access and utility easement would be created for the Temm buildings parking area.  There is one well that services both lots, a new well will be installed if the project is approved.   The septic system for lot 2 will be located on lot 3 as indicated on the plan, with the leachfield for the Donut Hole under their parking lot.   
·       Motioned by Jere, seconded by Cullen to schedule a public hearing for January 8th, 2007 for Duck Pond Plaza subdivision located on Tax Map 6, Lots 32-2 & 3.  The motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.

Approval of Minutes:  November 27, 2006
·       Dennis moved to approve the minutes of November 27th as amended, seconded by Barbara.  The motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.  Cullen abstained.

Approval of Bills:  
·       Motioned by Cullen, seconded by Jere to pay $24.10 to The Paper Center.  The motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.

Maine Townsman – November issue
MDOT – scoping meeting
Water Rights, Allocation and Resource Management in Maine.
Audio Design – have approved to order a new dual cassette recorder
Budget update
New Shoreland Zoning information – from workshop

Other Business:  
Review findings for Hannaford
·       Cullen moved and seconded by David to adjourn to a workshop to discuss the Hannaford findings of facts at 7:53 pm, a unanimous vote.

Doug Boyce of Hannaford Bros. Co. stated that Mary Gamage supplied a detailed insert to better reflect the work the Board and peer review consultants have discussed over the past months.  David said he liked the more detailed submission by Mary.  Cullen agreed but suggested adding the last sentence from Krystal’s draft to Section 10.16 of Mary’s findings.  A copy will be send to the Town’s attorney for review.

The Board also discussed the feasibility of a part-time Town Planner, impact fees and ordinance changes will be discussed in January.
The workshop adjourned at 8:45 pm a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Krystal L. Dyer                         Approval Date:                          

Chairperson: ________________________________ Signature Date: ____________
                                Keith Emery