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Planning Board Minutes 11/27/2006
Planning Board Members Present: Keith Emery, Wanda Emery, Jeremiah Ross, David Anderson, Dennis Santolucito and Barbara Elwell.

Planning Board Members Absent: Cullen Ryan

Others Present: Mary Gamage and Doug Boyce – Hannaford, Dan & Olive Collomy, Bill Hoffman and Rob Woodman - Deluca-Hoffman, Philip Thompson, Don Pederzini, Sharon Elwell, Albert Pease and Josh Jewett of Tooth & Associates.

Chairman Keith Emery called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Hannaford Bros. Co. is requesting a conditional use permit for a retail complex located at the intersection of Routes 202 and Portland Road.  The complex includes a 35,685 sq. ft. supermarket/pharmacy store and additional retail out buildings; Tax Map 9, Lot 33 and Map 5 Lot 47B-1.
The Board discussed conditions of approval; Wanda questioned standard condition #3 to be in compliance with Section 11.  Wanda stated that the application does not fall under Section 11.  After discussion, the Board agreed to keep it in the conditions of approval. Keith read the standard conditions of approval.
·       Motioned by Wanda, seconded by Dennis to find the application in compliance with all applicable sections of 8.2.B, 10 and Section 11.  The motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.

·       Motioned by Wanda, seconded by Dennis to approve the application as presented with   conditions 1 through 21 listed on the 11/21/06 document as “Proposed Conditions” and all others noted at previous meetings.   The motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.

Josh Jewett & Jennifer Granillo are re-submitting an application to amend Butternut Hill Estates by creating a buildable lot in the residual land; Tax Map 3, Lot 45.
Josh Jewett presented the plan to create one building lot in the residual land area of Butternut Hill Estates Subdivision.  The front of the lot is emergent wetland area requiring a 75-foot setback.  A line between the forested wetlands and the emergent wetlands was delineated on the plan.  The total remaining residual land is 12.93 and cannot be divided further.  The plan is pending DEP for approval.  
Questions from the Board:  Wanda requested a total calculation of the upland area.  Barbara said the ordinance does not allow driveways off the hammerhead.  
Barbara requested a map of the complete original subdivision.  The calculations for the contiguous buildable area and forested wet lands calculations are on the original plan.  Mr. Jewett will add them to a new plan along with the information for Article 13 and other information the ordinance requires.  The ordinance requires two test pits per lot. The Board requested the building be staked out for the site walk along with any copy of correspondence from DEP.  
·       Jere motioned to schedule a site walk for Sunday, December 3rd at 8:30 am.  Seconded by Dave, the motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.
Cliff Emery to discuss ordinance changes for cluster subdivisions.  Mr. Emery was not available to speak and will reschedule for another meeting.

CEO Report:  Fred Farnham attended SMRPC’s Shoreland Zoning workshop to bring our ordinance into compliance with the new Shoreland requirements.  The Shoreland overlay will need to be added to the maps as well as wetlands.   Fred will supply a copy of the Shoreland Zoning info for the Board members.
*Forest Harvesters will now regulate timber and forest harvesting.
*True Choice Federal Credit Union – Keith mentioned the parking lot was paved today.
Dennis asked about standing water or water in the basements within the Curtis Farms Subdivision.  Fred has been watching the area, stating on lot one the water lifted the inlet end of the culvert and the water could not flow through.  This caused the water to flood the basement of the house on lot one.  Brent Cry has fixed the culvert.  The plastic culverts have caused a problem in the Hermit Thrush Woods development also.  The developers need to be aware of the extra precautions with the installation of the plastic culverts.  

Approval of Minutes:  none

Approval of Bills:  
·       Motioned by Jere, seconded by Wanda to pay $5,325.00 from the escrow account for the Hannaford project.  The motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.

Granite State Gas Transmission
A letter from Harriman Associates – requesting suitability for the SAD6 school project
Budget update

Other Business:  
Animal Control Officer Alex Sanborn has a presentation on animal hoarding.  After attending a class on animal hoarding ACO officer Alex Sanborn is concerned with a resident who was approved for a kennel license through the Planning Board.  She is concerned with the welfare of the resident, but is unable to do inspections in the home.  She is asking the Board members to consider changing the ordinance to allow annual site checks for any kennel approved.  The Board will consider changes when they review the ordinance changes in January.
·       Jere moved and seconded by Wanda to adjourn at 8:59 pm a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Krystal L. Dyer                         Approval Date:                          

Chairperson: ________________________________ Signature Date: ____________
                                Keith Emery