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Planning Board Minutes 06/12/2006
Planning Board Members Present:  Keith Emery, Dennis Santolucito, Cullen Ryan, Sue Schaller, Wanda Emery and Barbara Elwell.

Planning Board Members Absent: Chris Baldinelli

Others Present: Fred Farnham, John Toothaker, Paul Norman, Pirun Sen

Vise Chairman Cullen Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Rebecca & Duane Withey of 15 Pine Country Manor have submitted an application to amend Pine Country Manor Subdivision by dividing their lot to create another house lot; Tax Map 9, Lot 1-10.
John Toothaker, representing Mr. & Mrs. Withey who own a 6.49-acre lot located in the Residential zone.  The plan has been updated with the location of the two test pits.  The wetlands have been flagged.  
Questions from the Board:
        Wanda requested that the proposed private way have the length and width marked out on the plan.
·       Motioned by Wanda, seconded by Barbara, to schedule a site walk for Tuesday June 20th at 6 pm, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.

Paul J. Norman representing Watt Samaki Temple Inc. is applying for a Conditional Use permit for a religious establishment located at 128 Back Nippen Road; Tax Map 4, Lot 43.
Mr. Norman apologized for his behavior at the May 8th meeting.  He begins by informing the Board of the history of the parcel of land.  Looking at an aerial photo from the 1969 there is a marsh area where the water settles in the back of the land.  The previous owner abused the land and left automobile parts, tires, etc, in the wetland area.  He is trying to clean it up and re-establish the land.  A new parking plan with handicapped spaces was submitted for review.  A designated water run off area was created along with notes on the erosion.  
Questions from the Board:  Wanda would like to see the dimensions for the diagonal parking spaces on the plan.  Barbara mentioned that from letters received from abutters indicated there were over 100 cars on both sides of the street, how would you handle this in the future.  No cars will be on the side of the road they will be in the spaces provided or bussed in.  Dennis questions the screening in section 10.7.A.5, is there more screening planned.  Mr. Norman said they are removing the evasive plant and has spoken with abutter Lawrence Miller about possibly installing n 8-foot fence.  He would also like to see a plan of action in the event that 100-vehicle show up.   Keith’s concerns are with abutter screening and the overflow of the parking lot.  Mr. Norman said the bridge would be constructed of a concrete pipe with railroad ties over it.  Abutter Lawrence Miller  (lot 43A) agreed with an 8-foot fence, but would entertain the idea of ornamental trees for a more natural buffer.  He feels the parking diagram would be able to handle the amount of cars he has seen on the different occasions, but is concerned that the overflow area will not be useful in the winter and spring being constructed of grass.  But would prefer grass to pavement for a more natural affect.  Sue said knowing there are no mapped wetland areas on the property, but the lot does shows wetland vegetation; Sue believes Mr. Norman is required to contact The Department of Environmental Protection and have a field survey done. Before you spend money and make changes to the land, she asked that he contact Karen Moody of MDEP.  Also mentioned in the letters was the volume of the music, it was loud enough for the neighbors to complain.  Mr. Norman said on that day the music was played in the garage, this area would not be used for music anymore. Sue also asked what the fire capacity safety limit is for the building.  Mr. Norman will contact the Fire Chief for an inspection and to ask if a state marshal should be involved.  Cullen asked about having people to direct vehicles to designated parking spots and possibly striping the parking lots.  
Pirun Sen, requested final approval for the land use permit tonight, the Board explained the process for the Planning Board approval.  

CEO Report:  none

Approval of Minutes:  
April 24, 2006     Keith moved to approve the minutes of April 24, 2006 as written, seconded by Dennis, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 – 1 vote, Wanda abstained.

May 8, 2006     Motioned by Dennis to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Sue, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 – 1, Cullen abstained.

May 22, 2006   Dennis moved to accept the minutes of April 10th as amended, seconded by Keith the motion passed with a 6 – 0.

Approval of Bills:
·       Dennis moved to pay Portland Press Herald in the amount of $42.50 for legal fees for Deloris and George White for $42.50, seconded by Barbara, the motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.
·       Dennis moved to pay Portland Press Herald in the amount of $18.70 for the Public Works Garage.  Seconded by Wanda, the motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.
·       Wanda moved to pay Portland Press Herald in the amount of $18.70 for Owen Pickus conditional use permit.  Seconded by, Barbara the motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.

1.      A letter from Lary Owen stating the final layer of pavement is down and the road is complete and up to town standards.  Risbara Brothers is requesting to release the remaining funds of $20, 200.
·       Motioned by Dennis, seconded by Barbara to release $20,200 for the release of funds for Hermit Thrush Woods.  The motion passed with a 6 – 0 vote.
2.      Membership survey from MMA
3.      William Plouffe’s response to the open space of Blueberry Ridge subdivision (Joffee/Colpitts).
4.      Maine Townsman – May issue
5.      TruChoice Federal CU – questions from Chris Di Matteo and Historic review.
6.      2006 York County Invasive Aquatic Species Project Presentation/Workshop.
7.      Subdivision review workshop @ Noble HS

Other Business:
Finding for Fernwood Acres Subdivision
·       Motioned by Dennis, seconded by Sue to approve the finding for Fernwood Acres, the motion passed with a 5-0-1 vote, with Wanda abstaining.
TruChoice Federal Credit Union:
·       Motioned by Sue, seconded by Dennis to approve the finding for TruChoice Federal CU, the motion passed with a 5-0-1 vote, with Wanda abstaining.
Rick Bodman
·       Motioned by Dennis, seconded by Sue to approve the finding for Rick Bodman amended plan for Pine Ridge Subdivision, the motion passed with a 5-0-1 vote, with Wanda abstaining

Dennis moved and seconded by Wanda to adjourn at 10:06 p.m. a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Krystal L. Dyer                         Approval Date:                          

Chairperson: ________________________________ Signature Date: ____________
                                               Keith Emery