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Planning Board Minutes 04/24/2006
Planning Board Members Present:  Keith Emery, Dennis Santolucito, Cullen Ryan, Sue Schaller and Barbara Elwell.

Planning Board Members Absent: Chris Baldinelli and Wanda Emery

Others Present: Fred Farnham, Ernest Bodman, Cindy Santolucito, Dana Sturtevant, Connie & Gary Nadeau, Ira Stockwell, Joseph Iaconeta, Jr., Neal Morrison, Susan Williams, Howard Faulkner, Olive Collomy, Dick Hamilton, Bill Hoffman, Selectmen Clifford Emery, Daniel Collomy, Bob Libby, Carol Sanborn and Jean Harmon.

Chairman Keith Emery called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

The continued Public Hearing for Ira Stockwell of 10 Justin Merrill Road is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a personal services and professional office space located at the intersection of Narragansett Trail and Justin Merrill Road; Tax Map 8, Lot 20-2.
Ira Stockwell submitted the revised application changing the use to Business and professional office space and personal services establishment.  He is not having the medical office space or the workshop and retail.  The size of the building will be smaller.  He also submitted revised answers to questions from Articles 8 and 10.
Questions from the Board:  Barbara asked if MDOT had been contacted.   Mr. Stockwell filled out an application for an entrance permit to come off Narragansett Trail (Rte 202). Glen from MDOT performed a site inspection and responded verbally that if he submitted the application it would be denied, since the driveway for Hegarty Plumbing and Heating is actually located Mr. Stockwell’s property, Glen said he could extend the existing driveway and it would not raise any awareness.   Sue inquired into the square footage of the proposed building.  Mr. Stockwell does not have definite building plans at this time, he requested to continue the public hearing to revise the parking and building plan and elaborate on the five questions discussed.  Mr. Stockwell asked for clarification, as to whether the new proposed uses (which are permitted according to the Land Use table in Article 9.8) are subject to Planning Board review.  Sue explained that without designating the space now, his tenants would have to come before the Board for a Conditional Use permit for their use.
·       Motioned by Cullen, seconded by Sue to continue the public hearing until May 22, 2006.  The motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.

M. C. Faulkner & Sons has submitted a plan for a manufacturing facility to be located on Hague Road: Tax Map 7, Lot 20A-3.
·       Sue moved to open the public hearing for M.C. Faulkner, seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.
Susan Williams met with the Public Works Director to discuss the road improvements.  They agreed to ditch starting from the corner of Churchill Road along the north side of Hague Road to the point that the road starts to curve and go up to Rocky Knoll Farm.  There are currently two 12” inoperable culverts under Hague Road.  Ms. Williams is proposing to replace these with two 15”two culverts under the assistance and approval of the Public Works Director.  The residential and rural zones divide the property. The building is proposed to be located in the rural zone.  Dennis and Barbara attended the site walk on March 18th.  The Board commended Ms. Williams on the well-prepared and thorough presentation.  Cullen walked the site individually and stated that it is a very straightforward application.  Keith stated that with the business going in on a dead end road and abutted by a gravel pit, the neighbor will not be disturbed.  
Having no comments from the Code Officer Fred Farnham, the abutters or from the public, Sue moved to close the public hearing.  Seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.  
1.      All elements and features of the plan and all representations made by the applicant concerning the development and use of the property which appear in the record of the Planning Board proceedings, are condition of approval.  No changes from the condition of approval is permitted unless an amended plan is first submitted to and approved by the Planning Board.
2.      That the applicant be in compliance with all applicable provisions of Article 8.2.B and 10.
3.      That the applicant be in compliance with all applicable provisions of Section 11.
4.      All outstanding bills paid before building permit is issued.
5.      Hour of operation shall be restricted to Monday through Saturday 6 am to 6 pm
6.      No more than 20 full time employees.

·       Motioned by Sue, seconded by Cullen, that based on previous discussions to find the applicant in compliance with all applicable provisions of Articles 8.2.B, 10 and Section 11, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.

Ricky Bodman of 120 Line Road has submitted an application to amend Pine Ridge Subdivision, previously approved January 1992; Tax Map 2, Lot 32-12.
A site walk was held on April 11th, where Barbara, Sue, Keith and Dennis attended.  The lot looks dry with a wet area further out. The site distance for the driveway looked good.  Ernest Bodman spoke with the Town of Gorham’s Public Works Director Terry Deering for the driveway location and the culvert information.  The original subdivision plan was submitted as requested by the Board.  
·       Dennis moved to schedule a public hearing for Ricky Bodman Pine Ridge Subdivision amendment for May 8th.  Seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.  

Dr. Owen Pickus has submitted is requesting a conditional use permit for a change of use, for a medical office building located at 27 Portland Road; formally Little Paws.  Tax map 9, Lot 34-1.
Dana Sturtevant from the Sheridan Corporation is representing Maine Center for Health Care owned by Dr. Owen Pickus.  A plan was presented to reconstruct the Little Paws Dog Kennel into a medical office building.  A parking lot survey was submitted for review and will be presented in the next week’s package.  They intend to have two physicians, which would require more parking.  Additional parking is indicated on the parking lot survey.  Interior alterations will include demolishing the cement kennel area to create examination rooms.  They will submit the plan to the Fire Marshall next week.  Will plant a buffer of trees on the right side to the residence, with the type of tree to be determined by the Board.  Sue informed Mr. Sturtevant that the existing building would have to be brought up to current lighting standards.  Sue also asked Mr. Sturtevant when extending the parking area, to compensate for the storm water management before it goes off into the natural wet area.  Connie Nadeau informed the Board that the Maine Centers For Health Care is an existing general practice in Westbrook.  The Ordinance requires a letter from the hazardous waste company who they are contracted with to pick-up the medical waste.  Cullen requested a detailed plan on the proposed improvements to the interior and exterior of the building.  The Fire Chief and Fire Marshall will be notified for approval.  The information for Articles 8.2.B, 10 and Section 11 will be submitted before the next meeting.  Painting the concrete was discussed.
·       Cullen moved to schedule a site walk for Monday, May 8th at 6:45 pm.  Seconded by Sue, the motion passed with a 4 – 1 vote.  Dennis abstained.

DeLuca-Hoffman Associates, Inc. present the plan for the proposed Hannaford Supermarket and Pharmacy located at the corner of Narragansett Trail and Portland Road, Tax map 9, Lot 33.
Douglas Boyce and Mary Gamage, representing Hannaford, presented an updated and more refined plan.  Changes have been made to the location of the out buildings.  At this time they are unspecified tenancies and do not intend to build without a tenant.  They will be looking for site plan approval for the whole plan (phase I and II) without having specified tenants.  Traffic improvements will be to the intersection of Route 202 & 4A.  They are here to clarify the parking requirements before submitting the project application.   The parking standards require a surplus of parking spaces above what they would need as retailers.  The ordinance requires one parking space for every 150 sq ft of gross floor space.  Most retail users have one space for every 200 sq ft of floor space.  Rather than waive the standard requirement Mr. Boyce is requesting that the Board phase the construction of the parking area by building the needed 1 space per 200 sq ft, leaving the balance of the parking area unbuilt until determined necessary. The engineering design and storm water management facility will be designed to handle the requirements of the ordinance, but to construct slightly less pavement.  The ordinance requires 234 parking spots and they want to construct 178.  After meeting with DEP there were no significant issues.  A scooping meeting has been scheduled for May 9th.  
Questions from the Board:          Dennis is in favor of less pavement.  Sue suggested using compact car spaces.  Cullen is receptive to less spaces and based on years of experience have a good idea of what it needed.  Fred stated that they have designed a practical alternative for the area and designated areas for future parking if needed.   Keith mentioned that the Board could consider having a peer review.  Delivery hours may be limited, will be discussed at future meetings. Hoping to be under construction by 2007 and open by fall of 2007.

Dolores & George White submitted an application to amend Tall Pines Acres Subdivision, previously approved June 1974, Tax Map 4, Lot 44-24.  
Dick Hamilton of Boundary Engineering Survey Technology is representing Mr. & Mrs. White who would like to split their lot for their son to build a house.  
Questions from the Board: Cullen questioned the driveway off the hammerhead.  The hammerhead was made to create road frontage.  The existing well is located within the 50 foot of the private right-of-way.   The son will have an easement to use the proposed ROW.   Keith noticed the lot needs a second test pit.  
·       Dennis moved to schedule a site walk for Monday, May 1st at 6:30 pm.  Seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.  

CEO Report:  none

Approval of Minutes:  
·       Dennis moved to approve the minutes of March 13, 2006 by amending the Boards attendance.  Seconded by Sue, the motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.  

Approval of Bills: none

        Lower Rising Utility Costs
        Blue Print for Action in Maine - on April 27th
Other Business:
·       Motioned by Barbara, seconded by Dennis to reconsider the vote of 2 –1 –1 made on April 10th for the Town garage.  The motion passed with a 4 – 0.  Sue abstains  - not in attendance for the original vote.
Keith explained that the Board did have a quorum for the vote, but did not have a majority vote.  A majority vote for a 7 member Board would be 4 positive votes.  The Board agreed to take another vote on May 22, giving Sue time to review the tape from the April 10th meeting.
·       Motioned by Dennis, seconded by Sue to set the public hearing for May 22nd.  The motion passed with a 5-0 vote.

·       Dennis moved and seconded by Sue to adjourn at 10:02 p.m. a unanimous vote.
Respectfully submitted,

Krystal L. Dyer                         Approval Date:                          

Chairperson: ________________________________ Signature Date: ____________
                                               Keith Emery