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Planning Board Minutes 03/13/2006
Planning Board Members Present:  Keith Emery, Sue Schaller, Dennis Santolucito and Cullen Ryan.

Planning Board Members Absent: Chris Baldinelli, Wanda Emery and Barbara Elwell.

Others Present: Bill Anthony, Fred Farnham, Ernest Bodman, Rick Bodman, Bob Lowell- American Journal, Lisa Rowley of TruChoice, Gregory Berny of TruChoice, Chris DiMatteo of STI, Ira Stockwell, George Stockwell and Dan & Olive Collomy.

Chairman Keith Emery called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Ira Stockwell of 10 Justin Merrill Road is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a medical office, workshop and professional office space located at the intersection of Narragansett Trail and Justin Merrill Road; Tax Map 8, Lot 20-2.  Ira and George Stockwell presented updated copies of the septic system plan.  They have been in contact with Al Frick for recommendation for moving the leach field back in order to rotate the building to face towards Rte 202; as recommended by the Board.   Located in the business/commercial zone the setbacks are 40 feet on both Narragansett Trail and Justin Merrill Road.  
Questions from the Board:  Dennis stated everything looked good while on the site walk.
·       Motioned by Dennis, seconded by Cullen to schedule a public hearing for March 27th, 2006.  The motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.

DeLuca-Hoffman Associates, Inc. will present the preliminary plan for a new public works garage for Town of Buxton, located on Portland Road, next to the Municipal complex; Tax map 9, Lot 10.
Bill Hoffman civil engineer for DeLuca- Hoffman Associates, stated at the last meeting they requested to present the application to Southern Maine Regional Planning Commission for peer review and comments.  The following six comments were addressed:
1.      Any off site traffic improvements required?  No traffic improvements were required by the Maine Department of Transportation.  They plan to widen Portland Road at the proposed entrance location to allow for deceleration of traffic.
2.      Will Maine Department of Environmental Protection will review the erosion control storm water plan.  MDEP has reviewed the project with comments on the storm water Management plan has been addressed previously.  
3.      Will the apron around the garage be a major travel lane and if so, will it be separated from the parking area s?  It will not be a major travel lane.  It is subject to Code Enforcement approval.  We will ask for a waver to this requirement.
4.      The number of employees?  The current number of employees is fifteen.
5.      Will the lighting at the driveway entrance be similar to the current entrance to municipal property?  The proposed lighting will not spill onto the abutting property across the street.  The lighting will be designed for the public works drivers to locate the driveway in adverse weather.
No changes to planning, speed table elimination to the entrance drive.  Extra stone will be places around the culvert for run off at the culvert.  The storage-holding tank for the floor drains due to the location they chose not to change.  The off pavement exposed within the slope of the detention pond gives additional protection for ground water.  The location if the fuel storage tanks, Mr. Hoffman does not feel the area of the site is classified as an aquifer.  Current DEP ground water aquifer map does not show area as an aquifer.  The Selectmen are requesting the access site for the separate driveway and it has MDOT approval for the curb cut.  SMRPC’s review did not comment on these two issues.
Questions from the Board:  Barbara thinks it is a great plan.  Dennis asked if the widening of Portland Road was a new to the plan.  Mr. Hoffman said no, it has just never been mentioned.  Dennis requested proper signage near the proposed entrance and concerned with the lighting.  Mr. Hoffman said they would agree to MDOT recommendations.  Dennis agrees with Chief Jody Thomas’ letter stating her concerns with having the second access as an emergency access.  Dennis still questions if this is the best location for the building.  Keith asks if the fuel storage tanks will need a canopy.  A canopy is not proposed at this time.  Cullen comments that the Portland Road is a major artery with the proposed Hannaford coming in the traffic will increase.  He has requested at previous meetings an alternate plan with only on entrance that has never been presented.  Barbara sees the need for the second entrance and asks for the Board to make a decision on the plan.  The Highway Department doesn’t have a sink, bathroom or a lunchroom.  The Board needs to stop dragging their feet.  Selectman Cliff Emery said the proposed driveway will come out between the two houses and it will not cast light on the homes.  Due to the hours of operation the only time they will have to deal with it during a snowstorm.  The truck traffic will not have a huge impact on the homes.  This location has the most upland area of the lot and it ‘s the most cost effective for the facility.  
·       Cullen motioned to schedule a public hearing for April 10, seconded by Dennis, the motion passed with a 54– 0 vote.

TruChoice Federal Credit Union has submitted an application for a Branch Federal Credit Union to be located on the northeast side of the intersections of Route 202 & 22; Tax Map 8, Lot 43.
Chris DiMatteo introduces the sketch plan of the proposed site.  The lot has been split to create a separate lot for the Mustard House.  There will be a shared entrance on Rte 22 for both facilities along with another entrance on Rte 202.  They are still waiting for the wetland impact under the permit request from DEP.  The traffic permit and the elevations and building design will be presented at the next meeting.
Ken Acker, president of TruChoice Federal Credit Union introduced himself stating currently there is an office located on Park Avenue across from the Sea Dogs.

Ricky Bodman of 120 Line Road has submitted an application to amend Pine Ridge Subdivision, previously approved January 1992; Tax Map 2, Lot 32-12.
Ernest Bodman owner of lot 12 of the Pine Ridge subdivision is requesting to split his lot to create a separate lot for his brother.  The association members have signed a letter stating the agreement for the lot split, indicating the trees are not to be cut 100 feet from the pond. Cullen informed them of the State regulations for cutting near water or ponds.  An approval letter from DEP has been submitted along with a copy of the water disposal and soil test.  The subdivision requires 2 test pits.  Mr. Bodman said they did have two done; they will have the other one added to the plan.  The property is located with in the shoreland zone.  Fred Farnham said the property is outside the flood zone.  The Board requested a copy of the original plan, showing the amended lot or referencing the original lot.  The lot is located between two existing fire ponds a third is not needed.  A note will be added for the storm water plan and using “Best Management Practices”.  
Questions from the Board:  Keith informed the Bodman’s they would have to submit the original notes and copy of the original subdivision plan.  They will also need a letter from the Fire Chief stating additional fire protection is not needed.  Keith suggests getting approval from the Road Commissioner for a driveway entrance permit.   

CEO Report:  none

Dennis suggests a checklist for each application.  Fred would like to separate the subdivision section into major and minor subdivisions.

Approval of Minutes:  Barbara motioned to approve the minutes as written for February 27, 2006, seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.

Approval of Bills:
·       Dennis motioned to approve payment to Portland Press Herald in the amount of $17.85 for legal ads pertaining to the Kuniegel.  Seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.
·       Cullen motioned to approve payment to Portland Press Herald in the amount of $18.70 for legal ads pertaining to the Longhorn.  Seconded by Dennis, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote

Communications:  Wednesday at 5 pm Keith will meet with the Selectmen to discuss the budget for 2006/2007.
February Maine Townsman
Other Business:  
Draft copy of the submittal for the Town Report.
Dennis asked if the website should list the Board members email addresses.  Applications are not to be discussed in public only at meetings.
·       Dennis moved and seconded by Barbara to adjourn to a workshop session to work on ordinance proposals at 9:13 p.m. a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Krystal L. Dyer                         Approval Date:                          

Chairperson: ________________________________ Signature Date: ____________
                                               Keith Emery