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Planning Board Minutes 02/27/2006
Planning Board Members Present:  Keith Emery, Cullen Ryan, Dennis Santolucito, Sue Schaller and Barbara Elwell.

Planning Board Members Absent: Chris Baldinelli and Wanda Emery

Others Present: Bill Anthony, Fred Farnham, Richard Kuniegel, Susan Williams, Bill Lowell of the American Journal, Dan & Olive Collomy, Mary Gamage & from Hannaford, Joan Plummer, Francis & Linda Pulsoni, Don Warren, Conrad Jellison, Erlon Townsend, Harlan Dearborn, Joseph Iaconeta, Jr., Shawn Gammon, Wayne & Martha Lopez and David Anderson.

Chairman Keith Emery called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Public Hearing:  Richard & Mitzi Kuniegel are requesting a Conditional Use permit to raise Alpacas at 49 Woodman Road; Tax Map 10, Lot 84A.  
·       Dennis motioned to open the public hearing for Richard & Mitzi Kuniegel.  Seconded by Barbara, the motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.
Richard Kuniegel stated that at the last meeting, the Board suggested a concrete slab to store the manure.  After doing some research, Mr. Kuniegel learned that a catch basin and an evaporation lagoon would also be needed for run-off.  Mr. Kuniegel said his three alpaca’s generate 5 to 6 lbs of waste per day, adding a little straw and hay it weighs around 10 lbs.  In one week the mixture is reduced by a quarter of its size. Mr. Kuniegel does not deem it necessary to have the concrete pad.  Fred said the manure does need to be stored and covered or possibly composted.  Sue stated that the manure would need to be in a contained area so it does not run down stream when it rains. Mr. Kuniegel intends to store the manure by digging a hole and placing a 55-gallon plastic covered barrel in it.  This will be easy to move.   Keith read a letter sent from the Buxton Cemetery Association stating their concerns with the odor, noise and polluting of a nearby well.  The letter also informed the Board of the State setback requirement from a cemetery which is 25-feet.  The distance from the property line to the paddock fence has to be 25 feet.  Mr. Kuniegel said there would be a slight odor hardly noticeable and the noise is a slight humming noise.  
·       Having no abutter or public comment Sue moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Cullen.  The motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.  

Standard conditions:
1.      All elements and features of the plan and all representations made by the applicant concerning the development and use of the property which appear in the record of the Planning Board proceedings, are condition of approval.  No changes from the condition of approval is permitted unless an amended plan is first submitted to and approved by the Planning Board.
2.      That the applicant be in compliance with all applicable provisions of Article 8.2.B and 10.
3.      That the applicant be in compliance with all applicable provisions of Article 11.
4.      All outstanding bills paid before a building permit is issued
The Board has imposed the following additional conditions:
5.      That manure and waste is stored in closed containers until removal from the property.
6.      That animals be fenced to keep them on the property and the fencing is a minimum of 25 feet from the adjacent cemetery boundary.

·       Sue moved to find the application is in compliance with all applicable sections   of 8.2.B, 10 and 11.  Seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.

·       Sue moved to approve the application with conditions as noted and from previous meetings.  Seconded by Dennis, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.

Ira Stockwell of 10 Justin Merrill Road is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a medical office, workshop and professional office space located at the intersection of Narragansett Trail and Justin Merrill Road; Tax Map 8, Lot 20-2.  George Stockwell, representing Ira presented a larger plan and had submitted the typed questions for Article 8 previously.   
Questions from the Board:  Dennis questioned the entrance and exit onto Justin Merrill Road.  The plan indicated one entrance as the Board discussed at the previous meeting, but Mr. Stockwell would like to have a second entrance or relocate the proposed entrance to accommodate truck deliveries and customer parking.   Sue suggested rotating the building to face towards route 202, making the building more visible to the traffic on Route 202 rather than the residential traffic on Justin Merrill Road.   Mr. Stockwell said the building was placed in this position due to the location of the proposed septic plan and the 40-foot setbacks.   Mr. Stockwell agreed that if the building meets setback requirements and the garage overhead door is located in the back, he would try to rotate the building on the final plan.  Dennis questioned the third space options.  This is possible professional office space but not retail.  Dennis would also like to see the vegetation added to the plan.  Sue asked that Mr. Stockwell check the University of Maine Cooperative web site for the list of invasive plants.  
·       Dennis motioned to schedule a site walk for March 4th at 8:30 am, seconded by Sue, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.
Keith requested the ground be marked indicating the corners of the proposed building.

DeLuca-Hoffman Associates, Inc. will present the sketch plan for the proposed Hannaford Supermarket and Pharmacy located at the corner of Narragansett Trail and Portland Road, Tax map 9, Lot 33.  Mary Gamage, real estate development manager and Doug Boyce an engineer for Hannaford Brothers presented the sketch plan for the proposed 35,000 sq. ft. Hannaford Supermarket and Pharmacy.   They intend on building the supermarket first and the other retail buildings will fill in over time.  The septic system will be built on a 3-acre parcel of land owned by Hannaford on the other side of route 202.  The primary access would be from Portland Road.  The storm water detention pond at the corner of 202 and Portland Road will be constructed with the supermarket.  The pond at the east end of the property will be constructed at a later time.  Approximately 190-parking spaces to start and more as the outbuildings are constructed.  Questions from the Board:  Dennis asked for a definition of neighborhood shops.  Ms. Gamage said it is not known at this time but local businesses have shown interest.  One is designed for a bank for the rest of the buildings they would be filled with whatever services the area is lacking.  Dennis questioned whether the proposed drive-thru on one of the out buildings would open up a fast food theme park.  Hannaford is very concerned with parking conflicts and the challenge of the septic, she dose not envision that use.   There is a need for community neighborhood shopping, Hannaford is trying to accommodate residents and keep them from running around.  Dennis requested an artist’s rendition of the plan.  Sue suggested that the detention ponds have a more aesthetic value.  She feels the lighting will have a huge impact and references that the ordinance requires low impact and down cast lighting.  Cullen is undecided on whether he likes the outbuilding spread out as proposed or closer together in a line.  It looks as though a person would do a lot of driving around the parking lot.  Ms. Gamage stated that they try to direct the primary access into the lowest part of the parking lot and keep the pedestrian traffic in front of the building.  Cullen asked if any of the building would be built with green building design?  They try to incorporate the green standards into their design, but the proposed is not certified as a green design building.  Keith noticed the no left turn onto route 202.  The plan is subject to DOT approval and could change.  The plan is to remove the island and install right hand turn lanes.  There will be no access to Pennell Road from the complex.  When installing the septic, the plan is to bore under Route 202 rather than disturb the traffic flow.  Deluca-Hoffman will meet with the Fire Chief.  Waste disposal and recycling will be contracted out.  Barbara asked if the proposed ponds are wet or dry ponds.  Ms. Gamage stated that the ponds are designated to be wet.  A preliminary plan will be submitted within the next month.  

M. C. Faulkner & Sons has submitted a plan for a proposed manufacturing facility located on Hague Road; Tax Map 7, Lot 20A-3.  Susan Williams, co-owner of M. C. Faulkner, presented the application, informing the Board of an existing business in Standish.  The company has grown from 1 to 20 employees at the present.    M. C. Faulkner & Sons manufactures farm and construction equipment attachments in a welding business.  They are proposing a 7200 sq. ft. building located on a 5.07-acre lot at the end of Hague Road.   The parcel is half in the rural zone and half in the residential zone.  The building will be built in the rural zone with a berm and vegetative buffer along the right side of the building (towards the residential homes).   Hague Road is a paved Town road.  Barbara questioned the noise level from the operation.  Ms. Williams stated that the noise would be contained within the building.  The loudest noise will be a sledgehammer hitting steel and a welding noise.   Hours of operation would be one shift from 6 am to 4:30 pm. Monday thru Friday, but would like the flexibility of longer or weekend hours if a project came in.  Overhead utilities are proposed.  Cullen suggested using lighting that would not be seen from Churchill Road.   A copy of the letter from the Buxton/Hollis Historical was submitted and waiting for the letter from the Maine State Historical agency.  The Board agrees that Article 10.7.E does not apply to this application.  
·       Sue moved to schedule a site walk for Saturday, March 18th at 9 am.  Seconded by Dennis the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.

CEO Report:  none

Approval of Minutes:  hold until the attending members are available to approve.

Approval of Bills:
·       Sue moved to approve payment to Southern Maine Regional Planning Commission in the amount of $250.00 for town garage review.  Seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.
·       Cullen motioned to approve payment to Portland Press Herald in the amount of $17.00 for legal ads pertaining to the Kuniegel.  Seconded by Sue, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote.
·       Cullen motioned to approve payment to Portland Press Herald in the amount of $18.70 for legal ads pertaining to the Longhorn.  Seconded by Sue, the motion passed with a 5 – 0 vote

        Boardsmanship Workshop
        Zoning practice smart practice
        Maine Townsman – January
Shoreland Zoning News
Writing an effective grand workshop
Comprehensive Environmental Inc.

        Budget request for  2006/2007
                Salaries                $5,040   = 26 mtgs. @ $20 + 10 site walks @ $20
                Consultant Fees 1,500
                Supplies                   400
                Legal notices           2,000
                Printing                1,000
                Workshops                  300
                Mapping         1,000
        Total                             $11,240
·       Sue moved to submit the amended budget for $11,240 to the Budget Committee Seconded by Cullen, the motion passed with a 4 – 1 vote, with Barbara opposing.

Sue is interested in attending CEO Wetland Delineation workshops

Other Business:  
An email from Larry Miller requesting the Board to add a definition for “church” to the ordinance.

Sign the findings and plans for the following:
        Ironwood Drive Subdivision and Longhorn Horse and Pet Supply

·       Sue moved and seconded by Cullen to adjourn to a workshop session to work on ordinance proposals at 9:36 p.m. a unanimous vote.
Ordinance Changes:
Add to section 13.4.K.1a  Sufficient Water - wells shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from the public access ROW unless waived by the Planning Board.

Dennis would like to discuss and rework the subdivision ordinance and Keith would like to require “no parking” signs at the end of the Hammerhead.    
The workshop session adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Krystal L. Dyer                         Approval Date:                          

Chairperson: ________________________________ Signature Date: ____________
                                               Keith Emery