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Planning Board Agenda 01/28/2008
Town of Buxton Planning Board
Monday, January 28, 2008
All meetings held at the Buxton Municipal Building at
185 Portland Road, Buxton, Maine 04093

1.      Call to Order

Projects Pending

* Wat Samaki – cont     
public hearing 2/11.
*Cox –public hearing 2/11.
*SAD #6

2.      Discussion of site walk for Francoise Paradis who has proposed a Co-housing Community plan, categorized under Section 11.17 as a Multi-Family Unit, located on Marshall Lane;  Tax Map 10, Lot 147.  

3.      Discussion of site walk for John Pompeo of Pompeo Sand & Gravel has submitted an application for a wood waste processing facility at the 262 Webster Road gravel pit; Tax Map 7, Lot 23.

4.      Andrea & James Corbett of 46 Quail Trail are requesting a conditional use permit to operate an in-home daycare/daycare facility; Tax Map 3, Lot 45-14.

5.      CEO Report:

6.      Approval of Minutes:  
December 10, 2007
January 21, 2008

7.      Approval of Bills:  
·       Portland Press Herald in the amount of $20.40 for legal ad for the Wat Samaki Temple application.
·       Portland Press Herald in the amount of $26.35 for legal ad for the Short application.
·       W.B. Mason in the amount of $10.85 for a binder to keep the 2008 minutes.

8.      Communications:
·       Letter from SMRPC - funding
9.      Other Business:
·       Review of findings of fact for:
                Kellie Short
                Josh Jewett & Jennifer Granillo – still waiting for Mylar’s and DEP approval.
                Ruel Sawyer – Adams Acres & sign Mylar.

·       Discuss 08/09 Planning Board Budget  - Due February 1st.

    10.        Adjourn time by 10 p.m.  -  Adjourn to a workshop to discuss and award the peer review bid.

Next scheduled meeting February 11, 2008