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Charter Commission Minutes 05/20/10
Buxton Charter Commission
Meeting minutes
May 20, 2010
7:00 PM
Call to order at 7:10 p.m. Present are Vice-Chairman Dianne Senechal, Larry Miller, Selectman Dan Collomy, Brent Havu, Jennifer Barschdorf and May Schumacher. Absent are Chairman Andy Townsend, Judy Sjulander and David Dunn.
Approval of minutes from last meeting, motion to approve with amendment to correct section (2.06) rather than incorrectly recorded section 2.05 on second to last page. Minutes approved by majority vote of those present, 4 to 2 (Two absentions were May Schumacher and Jennifer Barschdorf, who were not present at the previous meeting.)
Public Comments, none
Announcement of Correspondence, the secretary read the answer to question submitted to attorney regarded the definition of circulation. The attorney advised the charter commission draft copies of changes must be made available in areas such as libraries and town hall. The town clerk must have copies available for those that request them, copies do not have to be mailed to all residents.
Open Business
  • Drafting the Buxton Charter, starting with page 1
Commission members worked from a draft copy of changes provided by the secretary.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 1 as written. Motion by Jen, second by Larry. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 1.01 as written. Motion and second.* Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 1.02 as written. Motion by Brent, second my Jen. Motion carries unanimously.
Commission members discussed Buxton section 2.01 and discussed changing “selectmen” to a gender neutral term such as “selectperson” or “selectboard.”
MOTION to postpone to a later date a decision on the wording of “selectmen” so as not to hold up the process. Motion by May, second by Brent. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 2.01 as written upon verification of the correct title pertinent to state law. (Currently, the charter states Title 30, which may have been repealed and replaced with Title 30-A). Motion by Brent, second by May. Motion carries unanimously.
Commission members discussed language that states “established from time-to-time” in Buxton section 2.01*.
MOTION to adopt section 2.01 to read: “The rate of compensation for the Selectmen shall be established by an Article in the Town Warrant at the annual town meeting. Members shall be paid for time served. Board members shall receive their actual and authorized expenses incurred in the performance of their duties of office.” Motion by Larry, second by Brent. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 2.03 as written. Motion by Jen, second by Larry. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 2.04 as written. Motion by Brent, second by Larry. Motion carries unanimously.
Commission members discussed Buxton section 2.08, meeting procedures and combining a portion of section 2.08 with section 2.04.
MOTION to delete the first sentence of subsection a from section 2.08 and include the remainder of section 2.08 subsection a in section 2.04 as subsection c. Motion by Larry, second by May. Motion carries unanimously.
Commission members discussed what constitutes a meeting and when minutes or video should be kept for public record as well as the definition of executive sessions, which are not public record.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 2.08 subsection b but to move it to section 2.04 and re-letter it subsection d. Motion by Brent, second by Larry. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 2.08 subsection c as is, but to move it to section 2.04 and re-letter it subsection e. Motion by Larry, second by Brent. Motion carries unanimously.
Commission members will leave the empty Buxton section 2.08 blank as a placeholder in case it is needed in the future.
Commission members discussed Buxton section 2.05, general powers and duties of selectmen. A portion of Kennebunk Charter section 3.05 was previously discussed to replace Buxton section 2.05. Commission members discussed the list of boards and committees to be included in the charter:  appeals board, cemetery committee, comprehensive plan committee, Keep the Heat On committee, Saco River Cable committee, Saco River corridor committee, solid waste committee, newsletter committee.
MOTION to approve draft section 2.09 subsection a as section 2.05 replacing current 2.05, with the reference to the town manager section of the charter noted as “new.” Motion by Larry, second by Jen. Motion carries unanimously.   
MOTION to add the list of boards and committees to section 2.05 subsection b. Motion by Larry, second by Brent. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to retain Buxton section 2.05 subsection c. Motion by Brent, second by Larry. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to accept Buxton section 2.05 subsection d. Motion by Brent, second by Larry. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to delete Buxton section 2.05 subsection e. Motion by Larry, second by Brent. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to strike new section 2.09 bullet point 2 (To create and appoint). Motion by Brent, second by Jen. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to strike new section 2.09 bullet point 3. Motion by Brent, second by May. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to strike new section 2.09 bullet point 4. Motion by Brent, second by Jen. Motion carries unanimously.
MOTION to include new section 2.09 bullet point 5 in Buxton section 2.05 subsection b, bullet point 1.
MOTION to include new section 2.09 bullet point 6 and add it to Buxton section 3.02 subsection b on a tentative basis. Motion by Larry, second by Brent. Motion carries unanimously with amendement of replacing “zoning board” with “zoning board of appeals.”

  • Other open business – Commission members requested an updated copy of the draft changes to the charter before the next meeting.   
New Business
Other New Business – Set agenda, start with new section 2.09 subsections c through l, followed by new section 2.10 and existing section 2.06.

Next Meeting
Charter Commission Meeting, Thursday, May 27, 2010, 7 p.m.
Charter Commission Meeting, Thursday, June 3, 2010, 7 p.m.
Public Comments, none
Adjournment at 9 p.m.
Submitted by Stephanie Grinnell
*Amended June 15, 2010