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Charter Commission Minutes 10/22/09
Buxton Charter Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2009
Call to order
Andy Townsend called to order the regular meeting of the Buxton Charter Commission at 7:03pm on October 22, 2009 in Buxton Town Hall large meeting room.
Roll call
Members Present: Andy Townsend, Dianne Senechal, Jennifer Barschdorf, Brent Havu, Larry Miller, Dan Collomy, May Schumacher, David Dunn, Judy Sjulander
Approval of minutes from last meeting
Charter Commission Meeting Minutes October 8, 2009.  A motion was made by Brent to approve minutes as amended, Larry seconded the motion.  Approved 8-0-1
Public Comment
No one in the audience wished to address the commission.  Judy made a motion to allow the commission to ask Stephanie Grinnell questions.  Brent seconded the motion. 9-0-0.  Stephanie was asked about her new online publication.  It was decided that she should print information about the meeting if it was informative.
No correspondence

Open issues
The workshop was reviewed, 36 survey were sent out and 12 were returned.  A discussion about where the survey would be kept – it was decided that they would reside with the Town Clerk.  The survey results were also discussed at this time.  8 surveys mentioned Town Manager.  This lead to a discussion about Town Managers and what they could and couldn’t do, also discussed at this time was the current Selectmen and the inner working of the Board of Selectmen.  From this discussion was brought that a Town Managers job description would be clearly spelled out in the Charter which would state what that position would be allowed to do on its own and what would need to be run through the Selectmen.
Section 3.02 and 3.03(a) of the Charter was revisited, in section 3.02 HR Director was added to the comment section to be thought about.  In section 3.03(a) length of residence was added to the comment section to come back to for further discussion, also an additional sentence was added about write-in candidates.
New business

Sections 3.03(c) – 3.05 of the Charter were reviewed.  Several items in this section were removed or were discussed as appointed and moved to section 3.02.  Also discussed was cause for removal of appointed positions.  

Other New Business:  A bill from the attorney was submitted for payment.  Larry made a motion to ratify payment of the attorney bill, David seconded the motion 9-0-0

Resident surveys were discussed in relation to the upcoming election.  It was decided that a table would be placed in the hallway outside of the voting area for surveys to reside along with the box and limited space for voters to be able to fill out the surveys.  Judy volunteered to be present at the table during polling hours.  It was also mentioned that surveys had been placed in the lobby of the Town Hall and were given to the Libraries.

The Agenda was set for the next meeting

David made a motion to start future meeting at 6:30pm, May seconded the motion.  8-0-1

It was decided that the format of the minutes was to be changed.
Judy made a motion to adjourn the meeting Brent seconded the motion.  9-0-0
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14pm.
Minutes submitted by:  Jennifer Barschdorf