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Board of Appeals Minutes 06/05/2007
Town of Buxton  
Board of Appeals

The Town of Buxton Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at the Buxton Municipal Building on the Portland Road, Buxton, Maine on:
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
1.      Call to Order

2.      Public Hearing:  Thomas Norton of 25 Pheasant Lane is requesting a front setback variance to replace and update a front porch; Tax Map 8, Lots 20A-6.

3.      Public Hearing:  Thomas Rolfson of 75 Woodridge Drive is requesting a sideline setback variance for a 28 x 24 attached garage. Tax Map 2, Lots 10-6.

4.      Public Hearing:  Robert McDougal of 38 Cady Lane is requesting a frontline setback variance for a 24 x 28 garage; Tax Map 1A, Lots 127B.

5.      Approval of Minutes:  
September 5, 2006
6.      CEO Report

7.      Approval of bills:
Portland Press Herald in the amount of $21.25 for legal ad for the Ricci appeal from the September meeting.
8.       Communications

9.      Other Business

10.      Adjourn