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Board of Trustees Minutes 04/24/2012 Special Meeting
Special Meeting
Board of Trustees
April 24, 2012
7:30 p.m.

A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Briarcliff Manor, New York was held in the Village of Briarcliff Manor Village Hall, 1111 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, New York on the 24th day of April, 2012 commencing at 7:30 p.m.  

William J. Vescio, Mayor  
David Venditti, Deputy Mayor
Robert Murray, Trustee
Mark Pohar, Trustee
Lori A. Sullivan, Trustee

Also Present
Philip Zegarelli, Village Manager
Robin Rizzo, Village Treasurer

Upon motion by Deputy Mayor Venditti, seconded by Trustee Murray, the Board voted unanimously to open the Special Meeting.  

Budget FY 2012-2013 Resolution


Upon motion by Trustee Sullivan, seconded by Deputy Mayor Venditti, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following resolution.

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the tentative budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the tentative budget as amended and revised and as hereinafter set forth is hereby adopted and that there be and is hereby appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, including the amounts set forth required for the payment of principal and interest on indebtedness, the following amounts:

                                                                        Debt                            Library
                        General Fund             Water Fund             Service Fund             Fund     

Appropriations          14,198,048.77           4,527,804.00               2,876,482.52         590,966.00

Revenues                14,050,696.59           4,510,000.00             2,876,482.52                   590,966.00
Retirement Reserve      147,352.18              17,804.00
Appropriated Fund       0                       0                       0                       0
General Fund Budgetary Appropriation to be raised by
Real Estate Tax Levy                                                    9,837,803.59

Plus 0.15% Tax Overlay                                               14,756.71                  
Total Budgetary Appropriation to be raised by
Real Estate Tax Levy                                                    $9,852,560.30

                                        Town of Ossining                Town of Mt. Pleasant
Taxable Assessed Value          99,281,484                      2,564,068
Tax Rate per $1,000                     90.320                          345.340


In accordance with Section 1420 of the Real Property Tax Law, upon completion of the budget, but not later than May 15th, the Board of Trustees shall determine and levy the tax for the ensuing fiscal year.

Based on the adopted budget and the provision of the Annual Assessment Roll from the Town of Ossining and the Town of Mt. Pleasant, the following resolutions are presented for approval to levy the Village Real Property Tax.

Upon motion of Trustee Pohar, seconded by Trustee Murray, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following resolution.

WHEREAS, the budget for the fiscal year commencing June 1, 2012, has been duly adopted and filed with the Village Clerk; and

WHEREAS, it has been thereby determined that the sum of $14,198,048.77 will be necessary to meet the obligations of the Village; and

WHEREAS, there has been duly credited as against said sum estimated revenues and appropriated fund balance aggregating 4,360,245.18 leaving 9,837,803.59 to be raised by the levying of taxes and an additional tax overlay of 14,756.71 to be raised by the levying of taxes; and

WHEREAS, it appears from the Assessment Roll of the year 2012 for taxes for the fiscal year June 1, 2012 that the total assessed valuation of real property in the Village is 1,864,705,528; 1,697,119,385 in the Town of Ossining portion of the Village and 167,586,144 in the Town of Mt. Pleasant portion of the Village and said Assessment Rolls having been duly confirmed;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the tax rate for the Village of Briarcliff Manor for the fiscal year commencing June 1, 2012 be and the same hereby is fixed at the rate of $90.320 on each $1,000 of assessed valuation for properties in the Village of Briarcliff Manor located in the Town of Ossining and $345.34 on each $1,000 of assessed valuation for properties in the Village of Briarcliff Manor located in the Town of Mt. Pleasant.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sum of $9,852,560.30, the same being taxes for the fiscal year commencing June 1, 2012 be, and the same hereby is, levied upon the taxable property in the Village of Briarcliff Manor and that the Treasurer be and she hereby is authorized and directed to extend and carry out upon the roll the amount to be collected from each of the persons named thereon, and the respective amounts of said tax roll against each such parcel of taxable property set forth thereon be and the same hereby are levied upon each parcel of taxable property respectively which said levy includes items shown on the budget for the fiscal year commencing June 1, 2012 heretofore adopted.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize and direct the Village Treasurer to place the delinquent water arrears on the tax roll for fiscal year 2012-2013.
resolution in support of the historic hudson river towns grant submission

Upon motion of Trustee Murray, seconded by Deputy Mayor Venditti, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following resolution.

WHEREAS, the Village of Briarcliff Manor hereby acknowledges and supports the Historic Hudson River Town’s grant submission to the Greenway Compact Grant Program for partial funding for a project entitled “ Online Regional Itinerary Building”: and,

WHEREAS, the Historic Hudson River Towns has historically operated on an intermunicipal level to assist and promote a member municipality’s tourism and economic development activities; and,

WHEREAS, the grant application for implementation projects require that at least 50% of the member municipalities that benefit from the grant are Greenway Compact Communities; now,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing board of the Village of Briarcliff Manor hereby does approve of the Historic Hudson River Towns grant application under the Greenway Compact Grant Program for a project known as “ Online Regional Itinerary Building.”

Upon motion by Deputy Mayor Venditti, seconded by Trustee Murray, the Board voted unanimously to close the Special Meeting at 8:50pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Zegarelli, Village Manager/Deputy Village Clerk