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Planning Board Minutes 01/14/2014
Village of Briarcliff Manor, New York
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A regular meeting of the Planning Board of the Village of Briarcliff Manor, 1111 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510, was held in the Municipal Building on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 7:30pm.

Members Present:        Edward Nolan, Chairman
Stuart Halper, Member
Shelley Lotter, Member
Jay Neveloff, Member
Richard Pastore, Member

Also Present:           Christine Dennett, Village Clerk                        
Dan Pozin, Village Attorney
David Turiano, Village Engineer
Sarah Yackel, Village Consultant                
Call to Order: Chairman Nolan called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.  

PB-12-2013-URSTADT BIDDLE PROPERTIES (SUBWAY) –SIGN PERMIT APPROVAL:  The Planning Board reviewed an application for a Sign Permit.  The property is located at 1924 Pleasantville Road.

Village Engineer Turiano stated the proposed sign was Village Code and Site Plan compliant.  

The Board requested the Applicant return the following month with a rendering of what the sign would look like on the building.  

PB-5-2013 – SALEH –VILLAGE CODE CHAPTER 220-15, PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVIEW (STEEP SLOPES APPROVAL) AND VILLAGE CODE CHAPTER 220-9.2 MANDATORY TREE PLANTING PLAN (MTPP): The Planning Board reviewed an application for a steep slopes permit and tree planting plan to construct a single family dwelling.  The property is located at 22 Ridgecrest Road.

Ms. Geraldine Tortorella, Attorney for the Applicant, stated the Board requested information from the neighbors at the last meeting regarding the size and bulk of other residences in the neighborhood.  She stated the Applicant did their own analysis and there was no prevailing character or size of home.  She stated their application was fully zoning compliant and in character with other homes in the neighborhood.  

Mr. Robert Ponzini, representing Mr. Emmeneger and Mr. Dennis, reviewed the letter he submitted and stated the structure would create a disturbance of the slope and was out of scale.  He stated while the house was permitted under the code it was not consistent with the slope and his clients were not concerned with the aesthetic design of the home and requested the home be built into the slope instead of bringing in fill.  

Mr. Tom Emmeneger of 884 Long Hill Road stated his issues were not with the style of the proposed home but that the home would be sited in such a way that it would have a large visual impact on the neighborhood.  He stated all of the other homes were cut into the slope.  

Mr. Mark Duffy of 14 Ridgecrest Road stated he lived to the right of the site and after reviewing the proposal he no longer had any objection to the home.  

Mr. Bernard Durand of 111 Ridgecrest Road showed photos of Ridgecrest Road during a storm when another home was being constructed without using fill.  He stated significant erosion and runoff occurred during that project.  

The Board had general discussion regarding what could be done to mitigate the runoff.  

Ms. Tortorella reviewed the letters submitted by Mr. Ponzini and Mr. Emmeneger and stated she had several issues with what they stated and didn’t think the comments were pertinent to their application.  

Mr. JB Hernandez, Architect for the Applicant, reviewed the amount of fill that would be used on the site and the height of the proposed house.    

The Board had general discussion regarding the grade of the driveway and if the house were closer to grade what the pitch of the driveway would be.  

Mr. Ponzini stated their report was prepared by a well-respected professional consultant.  

Mr. Mitchell Dennis of 50 Ridgecrest Road stated he was concerned with the runoff coming towards his property and he wasn’t concerned with the square footage of the proposed home but whether it was situated on the property properly.  

Mr. Emmeneger stated the key was to find balance and stated the Planning Board had a responsibility to protect the slopes and views.

Mr. Sal Saleh, Applicant, stated he adjusted the plans several times based on comments and stated he sacrificed a lot.  He stated the runoff already existed and his stormwater management plan would help to reduce the current runoff.  

The Board adjourned into executive session at 8:50pm to receive advice from Village Counsel.  

The Board reconvened the meeting at 9:30pm.  

Chairman Nolan stated after conferring with Village Counsel and reviewing Chapter 220-15, the Board requested the Applicant consider leaving the structure where it was on the site but lower it as far as reasonably possible giving consideration to the grade of the driveway.  

PB-13-2013 – SLEEPY HOLLOW COUNTRY CLUB – SITE PLAN AMENDMENT, VILLAGE CODE CHAPTER 131 ( FRESHWATER WETLANDS PERMIT) AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Board provided a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for an amendment to a Special Use Permit and reviewed an application to amend a site plan and for a freshwater wetlands permit.  The property is located at 777 Albany Post Road.

Mr. David Steinmetz, Attorney for the Applicant, reviewed the proposed application.  

Mr. Zach Pearson, representing the Applicant, reviewed the site plan and the proposed landscaping plan.  

The Board had general discussion regarding the distance between the site and the neighbors and stated there were satisfied that the neighbors be notified during the Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing process.  

Village Planning Consultant Yackel stated the SEQRA determination would need to be made before the site plan could be voted on.  

Upon motion by Member Halper, seconded by Member Pastore, the Board voted unanimously to give a favorable recommendation to the Board of Trustees regarding the Special Use Permit Amendment.  

PB-1-2014 – AMADOR/ACOSTA – SITE PLAN APPROVAL: The Planning Board reviewed an application for a site plan approval for the installation of a deck at an existing single family dwelling.  The property is located at 30 Jackson Road.

Village Engineer Turiano stated the project need site plan review because the deed stated it was needed.  

The Board had general discussion regarding the proposed deck and determined it was exempt under SEQRA.  

Upon motion by Member Neveloff, seconded by Member Lotter, the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan subject to Village Engineer Turiano’s review.  


There were no comments.  

·       Construction is well underway at the Chilmark Shopping Center.    
·       The Stauffer Subdivision was sold and a building permit was issued for one of the parcels.      
·       There are a lot of Capital Projects scheduled for 2014.  


Upon motion by Member Lotter, seconded by Member Neveloff, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:50pm.  

Respectfully submitted by,
Christine Dennett
Village Clerk