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Planning Board Minutes 10/2008
Village of Briarcliff Manor, New York
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday October 14, 2008

A regular meeting of the Planning Board of the Village of Briarcliff Manor, 1111 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510, was held in the Municipal Building on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 8:00pm.

Members Present:        Andrew Tung, Chairman
Shelley Lotter, Member
Jay Neveloff, Member
Ed Nolan, Member/Deputy Chair
Robert Murray, Alternate Member

Also Present:   Daniel Pozin, Village Attorney
        David Turiano, Building Inspector
        Susan Jainchil, Planning Consultant
Christine Dennett, Village Clerk                

Absent:         Bill Gorlin, Member

Call to Order: Chairman Tung called the meeting to order at 8:00pm.  

Chairman Tung announced the next Planning Board meeting was rescheduled to Thursday, November 13, 2008.  

PB-1-2008-PUBLIC HEARING THE CLUB AT BRIARCLIFF MANOR AMENDED SITE PLAN, WETLAND, STEEP SLOPE REVIEW (CLASSIC RESIDENCE BY HYATT):  The Planning Board continued its public hearing on an application from Briarcliff Manor Investors LLC (BMI) for an amendment to the site plan approval previously granted for a Continuing Care Retirement Community.  The property is located at Scarborough Road, Lodge Road, and Central Drive and was formerly owned by The Kings College

Members Lotter recused herself from the application.  

Upon motion by Member Neveloff, seconded by Member Nolan, the Board voted to reopen the public hearing.  

Mr. William Null, Attorney for the applicant, explained the application.  He requested a consultant meeting to review the more technical issues.  

Mr. Steve Grogg, Engineer for the applicant, stated the plan would be revised to reflect Village Consultant Jainchil’s comments from her October 10, 2008 memorandum.  He addressed Village Engineer Turiano’s comments regarding the recreation parcel.  He requested a meeting with Village Engineer Turiano to discuss fire safety access.  

Mr. Rich Rosen, Architect for the Applicant, discussed the comparative heights between the current and previous applications.  

Mr. Matt Philips, Applicant, highlighted the key parameters of the project and reviewed operational issues.  

The Board had general discussion relating to traffic and parking.  

Mr. Robert Peirce, 100 Lodge Road, stated his issues with the application and requested the Board carefully consider the impact it would have on his neighborhood.  

Village Engineer Turiano stated a letter was submitted by Zen Eidel of 7 Lodge Road.  

Chairman Tung requested Village Engineer Turiano meet with the applicant.  He further requested a draft resolution be assembled for the next meeting.  

Upon motion by Member Nolan, seconded by Member Neveloff, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the public hearing to November 13, 2008.  

PB-11-2008 – DEGASPERIS –VILLAGE CODE CHAPTER 220-15, PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVIEW (STEEP SLOPES APPROVAL): The Planning Board reviewed an application to demolish an existing dwelling and construct a new single family residence at 45 Becker Lane.  

Mr. Michael Doblerg, Engineer for the applicant, reviewed the application.  

The Board had general discussion relating to condition and maintenance of Becker Lane.  

The Board reviewed and amended the draft resolution.  

Upon motion by Member Lotter, seconded by Member Neveloff, the Board voted unanimously to approve the resolution as amended.  

PB-14-2008 – ARENA –VILLAGE CODE CHAPTER 220-15, PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVIEW (STEEP SLOPES APPROVAL): The Planning Board reviewed an application to construct stone walls for terracing the existing grade, construct patios, walkways and stairs, reconstruct an existing fountain and regrade the existing slope.  The properties are located at 43 and 61 Linden Circle.

Mr. Alan Piltz, Engineer for the Applicant, reviewed the plans.  

Chairman Tung thanked the applicant for their diligence and detail.  

The Board reviewed and amended the draft resolution.  

Upon motion by Member Lotter, seconded by Member Nolan, the Board voted unanimously to approve the resolution as amended.  

PB-05-2006 – OLD SLEEPY HOLLOW ESTATES, LLC: The Planning Board reviewed a request to extend the preliminary subdivision approval originally approved on April 1, 2008.  The property is located at 61 Old Sleepy Hollow Road.  

Upon motion by Member Nolan, seconded by Member Neveloff, the Board voted unanimously to approve the requested extension for a six month period.  

PB-07-2008 – Mark J. Seiden Real Estate Inc, Sign Permit Approval (façade): The Planning Board reviewed an application for a sign permit for an existing commercial building located at 1238 Pleasantville Road.

Mr. Mark Seiden, Applicant, reviewed the application.  

Upon motion by Member Neveloff, seconded by Member Lotter, the Board voted unanimously to approve the application.  


Upon motion by Member Nolan, seconded by Member Neveloff, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of September 9, 2008 as amended.  

VILLAGE ENGINEER’S REPORT: by Village Engineer Turiano
  • The Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding a site walk on November 15th at 9:00am for the Schwartz Application.  
  • The bids were received for the Pocket Park and construction would begin shortly.  
  • Cyntmar completed their sidewalk project.  

Upon motion by Member Lotter, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:35pm.  

Respectfully submitted by,

Christine Dennett
Village Clerk