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Board of Appeals Minutes 08/16/2005
Minutes of Meeting
August 16, 2005 at 7:30 P.M.

Present:  Gerard Ahearn, Jake Foote, Jackie Smith, Patrick Sullivan, Charlie Lord, Nat Tipton (Town Planner);  Elaine Lucas (Town Counsel)

1.      Pondside Hearing – Continued from July 12, 2005
Present:  Mark O’Hagan (MCO Associates), Kenneth Dellamora (Heritage Manor Development); Louis Levine; Elizabeth Whitaker (Ducharme and Dillis CDG); Martha Remington

This hearing was moved from August 11 at request of the applicant.  

Ahearn explained a work session was held where a draft decision prepared by Town Counsel was reviewed.  This session was attended by Mark O’Hagan, Kenneth Dallamora, Louis Levine, Town Counsel Elaine Lucas, and Town Planner Nat Tipton.  Changes have been made to the draft decision that address a previous concern from Lucas that language should be inserted to clarify the age restricted component.  

Whitaker reviewed recent changes to the plan that addresses concerns from Sandy Brock and the Board.  These are as follows:

·       added installation date of wells on pages 3 and 11.
·       A more detailed landscaping plan.
·       Drainpipes have loading requirements
·       Driveways have been checked to be under 25 feet.
·       Pervious surface for parking spaces.
·       Photometrics show that lights do not extend beyond sight.
·       Added site distance easement.
·       Affordable unit plan included

Martha Remington inquired as to whether a commemorative plaque would be included.  A letter concerning this was distributed to the Board.  Remington also expressed concern as to whether the historic diner car would be preserved.  Dellamora indicated he would contact Mass Historical Society to provide photos of the diner car, and would include verbage in the decision to ensure its preservation, though their ability to do so is limited given they do not own the diner car.  

The Board also received an updated list of requested waivers.

The title block on the plans will be changed to reflect their engineer’s name change to Ducharme and Dillis.

Several clarifications and changes were made to the draft decision in consultation with the applicant.  These include allowing certain internal construction activities on weekends before 8am; setting a procedure in case of foreclosure; under what, if any circumstances rentals would be allowed; and the allowance of a 10% grade at one point on the road.  A draft decision reflecting these changes will be provided by Town Counsel.  

On motion by Patrick Sullivan, seconded by Jake Foote, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing.  The Board has 30 days to render a decision.  The Board will meet again on September 13 to render its decision.