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Board of Appeals Minutes 03/16/2005
Minutes of Meeting
March 16, 2005 at 7:30 P.M.

Present:  Gerard Ahearn, Jake Foote, Russell Karlstad, Charles Lord, Jackie Smith, Patrick Sullivan, Elaine Lucas (Town Counsel), Nat Tipton (Town Planner)

1.      Continuation of Pondside Hearing from February 9, 2005
Present:  Mark O’Hagan (MCO Associates), Kenneth Dellamora (Heritage Manor Development), Carol Erhlich (abutter), Daniel Senie (Public Ways Safety Committee)

The Board received additional comments from the Board of Selectmen and Conservation Commission.  The Commission asked the applicant to expound on the operations and maintenance plan.  O’Hagan intends to do so during the Notice of Intent process.  

Daniel Senie from the Public Ways Safety Committee reiterated that a sidewalk should be built by the applicant.  Discussions ensued about how to make this happen:  grading, whether the path would run behind a guardrail, and whether the pathway would extend along the roadway at the point of egress.  

The Board reviewed the requested waivers.  Each waiver will need to be shown by the applicant to be economically necessary in order to build the project.  

The Board continued the hearing to April 20 at 7:30pm.

3.      Continuation of Riverside Hearing from February 23, 2005
Present:  Mark O’Hagan (MCO Associates), Jon Witten (Daley and Witten LLC), Annelisa Addante, Rona Balco, Erik Bettez, Paal Brandvold, Max Brown, Rick Brown, Roxanne Burney, David Burney, Christopher Jacobson, Jennifer Jacobson, Mark Lovington, Joe McLaughlin, Patty McLaughlin, Daniel Senie, Keith Silver, Paul Tower, Pat Westwater-Jong, Brenda Wright, Charles Wright (abutters), Martha Remington (Bolton Historical Commission)

Russell Karlstad has joined the Board for the Riverside project.  

O’Hagan gave an overview of the project.  The proposed design was shown to the Bolton Affordable Housing Partnership and Planning Board.  Both groups have issued their support.  The project would involve fee simple lots rather than condo lots.  The Board of Health requested a shared septic system on the site.  The Fire Chief has requested a fire cistern.  The house sizes range from 10,000 to 23,000 square feet.  Drainage structures and utilities will be put underground.  The affordable units will remain affordable in perpetuity and will be sold for approximately $160,000 while the market rate units will be sold for approximately mid $400,000s.  All work would be out of the riverfront and wetland buffer zone.  The project design has been forwarded to Mass Fish and Wildlife.  O’Hagan is asking for a waiver from the requisite traffic review given the limited size of the project.  A traditional project was proposed in the past but it lacked proper frontage.

Jon Witten stated that the Board should entertain four units at most as that is the maximum number of units given the parcel size.  The purchase and sales agreement in the packet has expired, so Witten questioned if the applicant has site control.  He also mentioned under the Purchase and Sales agreement the applicant is willing to buy the property to construct only two units.

Several abutters spoke against the proposed project.  David Burney stated water pressure in the area has been very low, and he is concerned over how much water would be present in times of drought.  Rick Brown asked if a hydrology study could be done to determine how much water is underground to supply houses.  

The Board voted to continue the hearing to April 20, 2005 at 8:30pm.