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Board of Appeals Minutes 02/09/2005
Minutes of Meeting
February 9, 2005 at 8:00 P.M.

Present:  Gerard Ahearn, Jake Foote, Charles Lord, Jackie Smith, Patrick Sullivan, Nat Tipton (Town Planner); Elaine Lucas (Town Counsel)

1.      Sunset Ridge Executive Session
At 8:15pm, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 39, 23B§ of the Open Meeting Law, the Board on a unanimous Roll Call vote agreed to enter executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Town.

At 9:00pm, the Board on a Roll Call voted to exit executive session.

2.      Continuance of Pondside Hearing from 1/19/05
Present:  Mark O’Hagan (MCO Associates), Kenneth Dallamora (Heritage Manor Development), James Paolini (Heritage Manor Development); Cia Oschenbein (Public Ways Safety Committee), Carol Erhlich (abutter), Ed Marchant

Ahearn explained that two work sessions had taken place between Mark O’Hagan, Doug Storey of the Affordable Housing Partnership, the Town Planner, and himself to discuss modifying the plan to address concerns raised in earlier hearings from town boards and abutters.  The result of these meetings was a reduction in density for the project from 66 to 60 units by removing one building from the southwest portion of the parcel, and increasing unit types.  These revised plans were submitted to Ed Marchant for review along with a revised pro-forma.  The revised plan will be redistributed to Town Boards and Committees for comment.  

Cia Oschenbein from the Public Ways Safety Committee reiterated that the Committee would like the developer to construct a public way (sidewalk or walkway) along Route 117.  The Committee would ultimately like to link the High School to town center with a walkway, and this project would help get things moving.  O’Hagan stated he will make a good faith effort to revise the plans to see if this can be achieved.  

Ed Marchant submitted the findings of his pro forma review to the Board.  He ran through each point stated in the memo.  He mentioned confirming with Sandy Brock about how many traditional lots could be placed on the parcel to estimate if the purchase price is reasonable.  He also submitted a list of suggestions for revised building specifications.  

The Board voted to continue the hearing to March 16 at 7:30pm.