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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes October 25, 2006
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
October 25, 2006                                                                Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                Mark Sprague
                                                                                Jodi Ross
                                                                                David Lavallee
                                                                                Harold Brown

Present:  Jack O’Connell, Senior Vice President, Ray Willis, P.E., Project Manager, and Kristine Chestna, P.E., Project Engineer of Tata and Howard

Tata and Howard representatives reviewed the comments received in the Technical Deficiency letter dated October 11, 2006 from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) with the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee. Additional information was requested for the Engineering Report, Engineering Plans and Specifications in order for DEP to complete their review.  Tata and Howard will prepare responses to the comments to be forwarded to DEP by the end of this week.  A copy will be forwarded to the Committee.   Ms. Ross, Town Administrator will send a thank you to Mr. Boyer at DEP and inform him that a resubmission of comments will be forwarded to him by the end of the week

Mr. Troup reported that he and Ms. Ross met with Brian Pietz, Vice President of the Flatley Company and felt that it was a very productive meeting.  Mr. Troup and Ms. Ross both felt that there was an agreement that the town would be allowed to access the treatment plant through the Flatley Company property without any firm commitment from the town to allow Flatley to tie into the treatment plant, and that any future tie in by Flatley would be subject to negotiations.   Mr. Pietz had agreed to draft the agreement language and forward to the town for review.  However, Ms. Ross received an email from Mr. Pietz after the meeting suggesting that the Town of Bolton move toward alternative access plans to the wastewater treatment plant site.  Mr. Pietz stated that he did not believe that Flatley would come to any kind of acceptable agreement that would satisfy both parties.  Ms. Ross will contact Mr. Pietz to discuss this matter.

Mr. Troup asked the Committee their opinion as to how important it is to gain access through the Flatley driveway and if it would be beneficial enough for the town to propose to Flatley that we take over the driveway as a town road.  Ms. Ross felt that this decision was outside the scope of the committee.   The group noted that the only real disruption would be when fill is brought in over a 3 to 4 week period and that hours of access by the large vehicles could be restricted to reduce impact on Flatley’s tenants.  Once the fill and equipment is delivered, the only traffic would be personal vehicles of workers arriving at 7:00 am and leaving at 3:30 pm.  The group also discussed whether or not there would be room along the back of the senior center for an alternative access.  Another option that could be examined was going through the Salt Box although there would be wetland issues.  

 Tata and Howard will be meeting with the Conservation Commission on November 14, 2006 to revise the original notice of intent filing related to the crossing of the stream/culvert.

It was determined that an Environmental Notification Form (ENF) was not necessary and the Historical Commission is looking at hiring an archaeologist.  Ms. Ross will follow up with Ms. Remington of the Historical Commission on this matter.

Tata and Howard will contact the Committee when another meeting is needed.  The Committee will be updated on the Conservation Commission meeting of November 14th, 2006.  

Meeting adjourned 9:25 a.m.