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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes August 2, 2006
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
August 2, 2006                                                          Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                Mark Sprague
Bill Spratt
                                                                                Jodi Ross
                                                                                David Lavallee
                                                                                Harold Brown

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:00 a.m.  

Present:  Jack O’Connell, Senior Vice President, Ray Willis, P.E., Project Manager, and Kristine Chestna, P.E., Project Engineer of Tata and Howard

The Committee reviewed updated cost estimates provided by Tata and Howard.  The estimates included $205,000 for a WWTF building.  The Committee discussed the various building types and Tata and Howard agreed to provide building alternatives and cost differentials to the Committee for their next meeting.
Mr. Lavallee questioned whether the layout of the building is too small for the membrane cassette and suggested that the building dimensions be looked at to be sure that the operator has enough room to work.  Tata and Howard will also provide this information for the next meeting.

DEP update:  The Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility application has been submitted to DEP and they anticipate beginning the review in mid-September.  

Mr. O’Connell will review the dates on the Administrative Consent Order.  If DEP exceeds a 90 day review period the town may need to file for an extension of the timeline.  Ms. Ross stated that Mr. Kimball had previously assured her that their review would be completed within the 90 days.  Ms. Ross will contact Mr. Kimball and remind him of our timeline and check on status.

Status of Flatley discussion about future use of WWTP:  Mr. Troup and Ms. Ross met with Brian Pietz of Flatley Corporation regarding the expansion of their facility  and request to hook up to the treatment plant.  They would be willing to share both construction and operating costs.  A resolution was not reached and further discussion with Flatley management will need to take place.  An amendment to the DEP application would be required if we were to add the Flatley facility.  Therefore, if future additional flows are to be considered, the Committee should discuss this as soon as possible.  
Tata and Howard will provide the Committee with cost estimates for adding two trenches to the current layout for negotiations with Flatley to hook up to the treatment plant in the future.  

Local archaeology work prior to groundbreaking:  The Historical Commission has requested an amateur archaelogical dig before the area is disturbed.  The Commission has been informed that this dig must be done prior to the contractor starting construction.  The Commission will also be informed that they are not to disturb more than two feet of soil, nor dig too close to the wells that are flagged.   They need to complete this dig by the end of the year and the committee therefore suggests that they do the dig in the September, October, November timeframe.    A memo will be drafted from the Board of Selectmen to remind the Historical Commission of these conditions.

Notice of Intent:  The notice of intent application has been prepared for the wetland crossing of the sewer line.  Mr. Troup executed the application to be filed with the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Troup suggested that a member of the WWTPC attend the hearing once scheduled.

Next meeting is September 27 at 8:00 a.m.