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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes September 27, 2006
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
September 27, 2006                                                              Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                Mark Sprague
Bill Spratt
                                                                                Jodi Ross
                                                                                David Lavallee
                                                                                Harold Brown

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:00 a.m.

Present:  Jack O’Connell, Senior Vice President, Ray Willis, P.E., Project Manager, and Kristine Chestna, P.E., Project Engineer of Tata and Howard; Curt Plante, Selectman; Martha Remington, Historical Commission; and Tom Pokorney, Parks/Recreation.

Minutes of August 2, 2006 were read and approved.

Tata and Howard provided drawings of various building design alternatives and costs associated with each alternative.    The drawings showed various layouts with flat, pitch type and hip roofs and finishes for the exterior that included brick, block and vinyl.

Tata and Howard recommended a concrete roof with a hip roof on top.  They felt that a concrete roof is the best for humid type buildings.   They recommended a double width wall that is more energy efficient.  Maintenance costs are minimal.  

Ms. Remington recommended that the Committee consider the extra expenses to make the building aesthetically pleasing.
The Committee will continue to review the options and talk more about the options related to the building design alternatives.

Mr. O’Connell stated that it would cost approximately $75,000 for the addition of two trenches to the proposed leaching facility and approximately $7,000 to modify the groundwater disposal permit application.  The addition of two trenches to the treatment plant would accommodate the anticipated full build out flow from the two schools (15,000 gpd) and the anticipated full build out flow from the Flatley property (12,000 gpd).   Based on these flows, the treatment plant could accept a flow of 11,000 gpd for other potential uses.  Tata and Howard noted that DEP has not started the review of our application.   If it were the Committee’s decision to add the additional trenches Tata and Howard recommended that the application be modified before they begin the review.  

The Committee spent time discussing the increase in capacity of the wastewater disposal area and if the increase in capacity was favored would they want to keep the additional flows for town use or enter into negotiations with Flatley.  
The Committee’s opinion was that the field should be increased to the fullest capacity at this time regardless of any negotiations with Flatley.   Ms. Ross stated that in preliminary discussions with Flatley they were willing to share both construction and operating costs.  Ms. Ross also stated that it has not been determined that the Flatley property is the only means of access to the site.  

On a motion made by Spratt and seconded by Sprague, the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee voted to increase the size of leaching field to 38,000 gallons per day.   All in favor.

Mr. Pokorney, Parks and Recreation Chairman stated that he has yet to see plans that show the appropriate grading for a lacrosse field.    Fill, retaining wall and parking issues may not be cost effective to use the leaching field as a lacrosse field.   A variance for the grading may also be required from DEP.  

Mr. Plante suggested that negotiations take place with Flatley and be brought to a town meeting for the town to decide.   

Mr. Spratt suggested that the Committee secure separate access, do some research to see if the Flatley Company needs the wastewater treatment plant to expand or if they can build their own, and the town should enter into negotiations with Flatley.  

On a motion made by Spratt and seconded by Ross, the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee voted to modify the filing with the Conservation Commission to accommodate permanent stream crossing so that the access to the wastewater treatment plant would be around Florence Sawyer School.  Everyone agreed, however, that if at all possible an access other-than-across-the-stream be obtained.   All in favor.

On a motion made Spratt and seconded by Sprague, the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee voted to enter into negotiations with Flatley to get best deal we can with inclusion into the system and access over Flatley’s property.   All in favor.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to authorize Mr. Troup and Ms. Ross to negotiate with Flatley and report back to the Committee and Board of Selectmen.

Ms. Remington suggested that access through the Salt Box property be researched.
The Committee confirmed that they are willing to give the 12,000 capacity to Flatley if the Town is able to negotiate a deal with Flatley and understand there will not be any available capacity for Main Street properties.

Ms. Chestna reported that all the concerns related to the notice of intent filed with the Conservation Commission were addressed at the hearing held on September 5, 2006 accept for the site access which will be addressed on the continued hearing on October 17, 2006.  

Ms. Remington informed the Committee that the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has notified the Historical Commission that an amateur archeological dig is not allowed at historic locations that have been recorded with the MHC.  The Committee was provided with a copy of the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) related to filing an Environmental Notification Form (ENF).  

The Bolton Historical Commission’s recommendation is that ENF be completed by the town.  

Committee members questioned whether they should take the next step to file an ENF and expressed concern with delaying the treatment plant process.   It was not clear from reading the MEPA that an ENF must be filed.  Tata and Howards’s opinion was that a filing was not required.  Mr. O’Connell stated that the filing is not a huge undertaking but all permits would be on hold until a decision was made by MEPA.

A motion made by Spratt and seconded by Brown to close the door to the process of filing en ENF for the dig was withdrawn.

On a motion made by Ross and seconded by Brown, the Committee voted not to file an ENF, contact town counsel for an opinion, and work with the Bolton Historical Commission on an acceptable alternative.  All in favor.

The Committee approved the letter to be sent to OAR expressing the Town’s interest in being considered for the treatment plant grant.

Title 5 Review:  The Committee received an estimate in the amount of $5,000 to conduct an observatory inspection of Flatley’s existing septic system.  The Committee did not feel this was necessary at this time.

Invoice:  An invoice in the amount of $12,077.83 was approved.

Next Meeting:  is to be determined for early November.

Meeting adjourned.