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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes June 28, 2006
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
June 28, 2006                                                                   Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                Bill Spratt
                                                                                Jodi Ross
                                                                                David Lavallee
                                                                                Harold Brown

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:00 a.m.
Present:  Jack O’Connell, Senior Vice President, Ray Willis, P.E., Project Manager, and Kristine Chestna, P.E., Project Engineer of Tata and Howard

Wastewater Treatment Facility
Mr. O’Connell reported that the complete design package for the Wastewater Treatment Plant facility has been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).  Mr. O’Connell provided the Committee with an overview of the design drawings which included the proposed wastewater treatment plant facility site plan, flow schematic, hydraulic profile, leach field details, Emerson and Florence Sawyer School gravity sewer and details, building framing and roof details, laboratory and restroom sections, ventilation and heating systems, waste and drainage piping, building view and layout, and general notes electrical, power and lighting.  Although the possibility of using the leach area as playing fields is being looked at Tata and Howard did not submit this information to DEP as they did not want to complicate the review process.  Tata and Howard showed plans laying out a lacrosse and soccer field.  The Conservation Commission has done a preliminary review of the plans for field which will be located between the wetlands and river front.  Parking and access will be discussed at a later point.

Mr. Troup expressed his concern that the job get done without destroying the road and area around the road and need to be very clear in specifications as to how this can be done without destroying land.  DEP is not interested in the design of the structure.  Mr. O’Connell stated that DEP will focus on the building layout and tank details.  

Ms. Ross suggested that the restroom have a door to the outside for use by those using the fields instead of having port-a-potties.  Tata and Howard agreed to look into this and any requirements related to being handicap accessible.   Mr. O’Connell stated that any amendments should be done in the second submittal to DEP.  

The Committee agreed to place a notice on the website stating that the design report, plans and specifications have been submitted to the Department of Protection (DEP) for review.  Plans can be reviewed at the Town Administrator’s office and comments or questions should be addressed to the Town Administrator/Town Secretary’s office and not directly to Tata and Howard.   

Tata and Howard will present various cost scenarios at the next Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee meeting in August.  

The expansion capability is three times the size of school without an additional membrane if needed in the future.  There is still plenty of expansion capacity within the existing building; no need to make any bigger.

The Committee was informed by Martha Remington of the Historical Commission that they would like an amateur archaeological dig at such time as when the sheep field leach area is disturbed.  This request is due to the possibility that this location may contain artifacts from the William Sawyer farmstead which has been linked to this portion of the Great Brook coordinator area.  Ms. Remington will meet with the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday, July 26 to discuss this matter.  

Mr. Troup stated that Flatley is favorable to the town accessing the project through their property but has asked for a guarantee that they can hook up to the treatment plant in the future.   The Committee felt that this would not be possible because the schools are the first priority.  Mr. Troup and Ms. Ross will be meeting with representatives from the Flatley Company and will report back to the Committee after the meeting.  

Next meeting - August 2nd – Wednesday, at 8:00 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.