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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes May 18, 2006
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
May 18, 2006                                                                    Harold Brown
Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                Bill Spratt
                                                                                Mark Sprague
                                                                                Jodi Ross

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:00 a.m.

David Formato, of Tata and Howard was present.

The Board approved the invoice for Tata and Howard in the amount of $13,364.15.

Mr. Formato stated that they did not exceed the $6,000 limit for the load testing.
Mr. Troup reported that he was contacted by a resident who has some professional knowledge and is very interested in the project.  Mr. Troup suggested that the Committee might want to consider adding another member to the Committee.  Mr. David Lavallee was present for this meeting.

Mr. Formato reported that the hydrogeological analysis is done and showed a 30,000 gallon per day and that a mound of a foot and one half would be required.  On an average the conductivity is 60 feet per day.  Mr. Formato is in the process of compiling and preparing the hydrogeological report for submission to DEP next month.  

His main focus now is on the layout of the site.  

Mr. Formato reviewed the options in terms of the purchase of equipment which included 1.  Direct Purchase of Proprietary Equipment; 2.  Bid Equipment Only; and 3. Include Equipment bid with the General Contract.  Mr. Formato also outlined the pros and cons with each option.  The detailed outline of the options is attached to this document.

Mr. Format would prepare the performance specification required in Option 2.  

The Committee favored option 1 or 2 and when it is time to put together the bid specifications Town Administrator Jodi Ross will contact the Attorney General’s office regarding the options.
Mr. Formato showed the Committee a plan that detailed the bridge, path to the Flatley Company, layout of the leaching field which showed an additional 4 trenches that were added for 30,000 gallons per day with additional capacity built in.  

Mr. Troup and Town Administrator Jodi Ross met with a representative of Flatley Company to determine any issues they may have with the town crossing their property during the project.  Mr. Troup stated that other than having to repair any driveway damages he did not think there would be any other problems.  Ms. Ross also stated that Flatley expressed an interest in connecting to the treatment plant if they were to expand in the future.

Next meeting is scheduled for June 28 at 8:00 a.m.

Meeting adjourned 9:20 a.m.