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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes March 30, 2006
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
March 30, 2006                                                          Harold Brown
Jodi Ross
Mark Sprague
Burt Shnitzler

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at 9:00 a.m. at the Town Hall.  Present for the meeting:  Mr. David Formato of Tata and Howard; Carol Gumbart, Conservation Commission Administrator; Mr. Tim Fiehler, Bolton Historical Society.

The Committee reviewed the estimates for the construction costs provided by Tata and Howard as follows:

The Membrane Bio-Rector (MBR) ranged from $2,020,000 to $2,490,000; the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) ranged from $2,160,000 to $2,760,000; and the Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) ranged from $2,490,000 to $3,120,000.  

On a motion made by Sprague and seconded by Brown, the Committee voted to go with the Membrane Bio-Rector (MBR) system.  

Mr. Formato stated that they have narrowed the sites down to two areas for the treatment plant.  The first site would be the area directly behind the Florence Sawyer School.  This would mean that access through the school property would be the only viable option and bringing heavy equipment over the bridge raises a concern about the structural and historical integrity of the bridge.   The other question is the impact to the School because of truck traffic to and from the site.  To eliminate some of the traffic, a possibility would be to get as much of the equipment on site prior to school opening.  Mr. Brown stated that he has talked with Principal Ken Tucker who was not favorable to truck traffic during school hours.  The second alternative would be to locate the treatment plant by the leaching field.  This would eliminate any concerns with traffic on the school property.  A road would need to be put in and maintained.  Ms. Gumbart expressed her concern with sewage crossing the stream and Mr. Formato indicated a sleeve pipe and possibly some sort of alarm or moisture detector could be installed to detect any problems.  Mr. Brown recommended that some playing fields be installed over the leaching area.  At the same time electricity should be considered so that a well can be installed for watering.  Mr. Brown suggested that any fill needed be taken from the town owned pit on Forbush Mill Road.  

The Committee discussed the area being fenced in and to what extreme fencing should be installed.  Mr. Fiehler asked that the Committee take aesthetics into consideration when deciding on the fencing and the building.

Mr. Formato stated that he spoke with David Boyer of DEP yesterday.  He was favorable with the loading test in lieu of doing more soil testing.  Mr. Boyer requested that Mr. Formato inform him of when the testing is scheduled for so that someone from DEP can be on site at the time of the testing.   Mr. Formato anticipates the testing to be scheduled for the first two weeks of April.   Bidding should take place early spring of 2007 with actual construction taking place from April to October of 2007.  

On a motion made by Brown and seconded by Ross, the Committee voted to move the treatment plant to the sheep field.  (Troup – yes, Brown – yes, Sprague – yes, Ross – yes)  
Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 8:00 a.m.

Mr. Troup agreed to contact the Flatley Company to obtain permission for the truck traffic.  

Meeting adjourned.