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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes January 4, 2006
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                                                      Present:        Ken Troup
January 4, 2006                                                                                                 Mark Sprague
                                                                                                                        Jodi Ross
                                                Harold Brown
                                                Bill Spratt
                                                Burt Shnitzler
                                                Margaret Campbell

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at 9:00 a.m. at the Town Hall.~ Nat Tipton, Town Planner, Frank Chiodi, Pat Bensetler and Martha Remington were also present.~

The committee discussed the information dated January 3, 2006 from Tata and Howard, Inc. related to their evaluation of the leaching field alternatives.~ Based on the evaluation of the Florence Sawyer School existing leach field and the sheep field sites, Tata and Howard recommended that the new leaching field be located at the sheep field and that a more detailed analysis of the sheep field site begin.~ This evaluation was preliminary and was based on very approximate computerized mounding analyses done of each site.~ The input for these analyses was information gained by getting soil samples from each site and the experience of the Tata and Howard engineers.~ Monitoring wells and the data from these wells is needed to do an accurate mounding study of either site.~ The preliminary evaluation determined that with an additional five feet of fill on the soccer field and with the existing leaching field piping replaced the sawyer soccer field could handle a capacity of about 15,000 gallons per day of flow.~ If an additional nine feet of fill were placed on the sheep field site this site could handle a flow of 25,000 gallons per day.

Ms. Campbell questioned whether there was a better site for the treatment plant that was not on the school property.~ Committee members questioned what site she had in mind and noted that the piping to a location further away would be costly.~ ~It was also noted that there was not enough time to purchase land for the treatment plant site in time to meet deadlines set by the state without being faced with fines.

Over the phone Tata and Howard stated that the difference in using the two sites was cost neutral, and locating the facility in the sheep field put the treatment plant further away from the wells. ~~The committee speculated that the 15,000 gallons per day was not adequate for any school expansion.

After much discussion, the committee, on a motion made by Spratt and seconded by Brown, voted to proceed with further testing of the sheep field site.~ (Roll call:~ Troup – yes, Ross – yes, Spratt – yes, Sprague – yes, Campbell – yes, Brown – yes)~~ Although Mr. Shnitzler is not a voting member he was in agreement with the motion.

The question was raised as to whether the town could have the treatment plant strictly for municipal use or if the town was obligated to include the private sector.~

Ms. Bensetler stated that she can not speak for everyone but she thought all residential systems along Main Street were in compliance with Title 5 except for the Historical Society and the Jones’ properties.~ She has talked with people who have said it would be nice to tie into the treatment plant.~ Ms. Remington stated that people may not have the cash flow to do this.~

Mr. Shnitzler listed the properties for which the estimated waste flow is required.~ These properties included the Flatley Building, current school and expansion of school, town hall, library (old and new), police station (old and new), senior center, tipping station and houses along Main Street.~

Mr. Sprague, Board of Health chairman, agreed that the Board of Health would compile a spreadsheet of the historic district from 550 to 777 Main Street to include the age of the system, number of bedrooms and gallons per day.~ This will help the committee to understand the capacity needed if Main Street were to be considered.~

Mr. Tipton stated that he did not think the town was obligated to include Main Street if the treatment plant was allocated for municipal use only.~ Mr. Tipton was asked to contact other towns with treatment plants to see what they had done.~ Jodi Ross, the town administrator, agreed to get a letter from town council with an opinion on the legal ramifications of opening the treatment plant to non-municipal sources.

Margaret Campbell asked that the minutes include her concern that installing the leaching field at the sheep field just because preliminary analysis indicates that the sheep field can take larger volume may not be in the best interest of the town and that the value of the land for alternate uses should be considered.

The next meting is scheduled for Thursday, January 12 at 9:00 a.m. with Tata and Howard.~ The committee plans to meet with the Board of Selectmen on Thursday, January 19, 2006 and invite various Boards and Committees to this meeting.

Meeting adjourned.