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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes December 8, 2005
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                                      Present: Ken Troup
December 8, 2005                                                                        Mark Sprague
                                                                                        Jodi Ross
        Harold Brown
        Bill Spratt
        Burt Shnitzler
        Margaret Campbell

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the town hall at 9:00 a.m.~

Mr. Formato stated that the site walk was very informative and productive.~ It was helpful to have Mr. Brown of DPW and representatives of the Historical Commission and the Conservation Commission on the site walk to obtain feedback.~

All correspondence from Tata and Howard will be addressed to both Ken Troup and Jodi Ross.

Mr. Formato stated that they have completed the initial review of the potential use of the Florence Sawyer School septic system leaching area as a disposal field for the proposed wastewater treatment facility. The current design of the leaching area does not meet the regulations for groundwater discharge for onsite treatment facilities.~ The existing leaching area would have to be removed and replaced with a new raised bed leaching system to provide additional required groundwater regulations.~ ~~The other alternative would be to place the leaching field in the sheep field area.

Mr. Formato pointed out on existing plans the area of interest in the wooded triangle near Mechanic Street and the Florence Sawyer music room as a location for the treatment plant.~ An advantage of the site is that it would be gravity flow from both schools down to the site and a short distance to the proposed leaching area on the sheep field on the other side of the culvert.~

There is a possibility of reusing the septic tanks from both schools which would be a cost savings.~ With this location there is also a possibility that only one pump will be required to pump the wastewater to the leaching area which would also be a cost savings.

Mr. Plante suggested a force main be considered which would be less expensive.~

Mr. O’Connell stated that while meeting with DEP for another client they had the opportunity to talk with Bob Kimball and David Boyer about Bolton.~~ They informed DEP that they had been retained by the Town of Bolton and they were looking at a treatment plant system and DEP was pleased to hear this.

The possible expansion of the Florence Sawyer School was discussed.~ The expansion as originally envisioned by the Florence Sawyer Building Committee would be on the same side as the location of the septic tanks for the school and the proposed treatment plant location.~ This would mean that the tanks would need to be relocated.~ It was agreed that plans should include the possible expansion of the school.

Ms. Ross stated that she is waiting for a return call from Mr. Boyer of DEP so that she can ask if the Town can go forward with the police station before the treatment plant is on line.

Annual maintenance fees would range from $20-30,000 in addition to the $10,000 fee to DEP.~ Mr. Spratt indicated that we may be eligible for municipality fees which would be much less. ~Mr. Plante asked if the system might be better monitored electronically versus daily visits.~~

The next step is to do soil testing to determine the capacity.~

Mr. Plante’s opinion was that if the existing leaching field is adequately sized it would be worth taking a few days to take out the old system and replace with a new.~ This could be done during the months of July and August when the school is closed.~

Tata and Howard were asked to provide an analysis of costs for the existing and proposed leaching facility.~

Ms. Campbell reported that the School Needs Assessment Committee is looking at population and space projections. ~~They are meeting on Monday evening (December 12).~ They hope to have an assessment of population and space by mid January and start to look at options for where space can be had.

Mr. Formato stated that the ultimate goal is to meet the conditions of ACO and move forward.~ In terms of timeline maybe we should consider changing focus, originally recommendation on treatment and leaching site alternatives, focus on leaching aspects first.~

Park and Recreation members Andres Cubero and Marty Fitzgerald were present for this meeting.~~ They explained that the school uses 1/3 of the existing soccer field leaving the town soccer association with 2/3 of a field for their soccer program.~ They requested that the existing soccer field be extended possibly with fill from the installation of the leaching field.~ They would also like some trenching done for electricity and reuse of water considered for maintenance of the fields.~

Tata and Howard will provide preliminary information for leaching capacity of the two sites:    

1. Florence Sawyer existing leaching field, and
2. the area identified by Ducharme and Wheeler in the sheep field.  

The information will be forwarded to the Committee for review.~ ~Once the Committee has selected which location will house the new leaching field, Tata and Howard will proceed with monitoring well installation at that site to obtain sufficient data to produce an accurate mounding study.~ Also, the Committee will meet with the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee to discuss.~~

The next Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee meeting will be Wednesday, January 4, 2006 at 9:00 a.m.~