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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes October 28, 1005
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
                                                                                Mark Sprague
October 28, 2005                                                                Jodi Ross
Harold Brown
Bill Spratt
Burt Shnitzler
Margaret Campbell

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:30 a.m.

The Project Team of Tata and Howard met with the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee to discuss their proposal to provide engineering services for the Town of Bolton on the Bolton School Campus Wastewater Treatment Plant Project.  

The team included:  Don Tata, P.E., President; Jack O’Connell, P.E., Project Manager, Paul Siriois, P.E., Technical Review and David Formato, P.E., Project Engineer.   Raymond Willis, P.E., Project Manager was not present for this meeting.

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator reported that the Town of Bolton has received the signed Administrative Consent Order (ACO).

Mr. Tata stated that the firm was started 13 years ago.   They enjoy water and wastewater work and will find creative solutions to help the client more.  

Jack O’Connell provided the project approach. (A copy of the report is attached to these minutes).   He informed the Committee that the Tata and Howard representatives present at this morning’s meeting would be those on site during the project (including Mr. Willis who was not present).

Phase I –Disposal Feasibility:  Includes producing a road map (feasibility study) for success.  Mr. O’Connell stated that they have reviewed the Ducharme and Wheeler plans which they found comprehensive.  They will take this information and information from the Board of Health into consideration when determining the best suited area.  They will also dig a minimum of 5 test well sites to determine the maximum amount of discharge that the selected leaching area can handle.  It is their intent to locate these test wells so that they can also serve as the ongoing monitoring wells for the system.  They will then look at the maximum amount of anticipated wastewater developed from the schools on the site and from other facilities of interest to the town to include in sizing the plant.  Tata and Howard have reviewed all documentation and although the site is very large, it is somewhat limited because of the location of existing wells and existing wetlands which eliminate a lot of area for extensive test pits.

Phase II – Groundwater Discharge Permit:   During Phase II the team will work with DEP to obtain the groundwater discharge permit.  Tata and Howard stated that they have a good working relationship with Margo Weber and she has recommended Tata and Howard to other communities, which they feel is testimony to the type of work Tata and Howard perform.

Phase III – Construction Contract Documents:   They estimated they can have the construction costs by early spring.  Tata and Howard stated that they could achieve the schedule set forth in the Request for Proposal and the ACO.  Though some contractors generate numerous requests for information, Tata and Howard will strive to produce Construction Documents that do not leave open questions.  

Phase IV – Construction Administration:  Tata and Howard plans to assist in the receipt, evaluation and the awarding of the bids.  They have estimated a part time engineer for approximately 4 hours per week, but during critical times will have someone on site at all times.     Although Tata and Howard’s practice is generally not to come back with any extras they will discuss any change orders with the Committee.

The Cost Proposal Budgeted Fees included:  Disposal Feasibility of $12,500; Groundwater Discharge Permit $61,800; Construction Contract Documents $37,100; and Construction Administration $70,600 totaling $182,000.   

Ms. Ross reported that she talked with the Company who did not bid on the project and if they had, they would have bid in the range of $130,000.  

Mr. Spratt reported that he checked references which were all positive.

On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Sprague the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee voted to accept the Tata and Howard contract recommended to the Board of Selectmen at their November 1, 2005 meeting.   All in favor.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 9th at 8:30 a.m.

Meeting adjourned.