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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes October 20, 2005
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present: Ken Troup
October 20, 2005                                                          Mark Sprague
                                                                          Jodi Ross
  Harold Brown
                                                                         Bill Spratt
 Margaret Campbell

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:30 a.m.

Minutes of July 27, August 17, and October 5, 2005 were read and approved.

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee reviewed their individual ratings of proposals submitted for the creation of the Bolton School Campus Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Based on the overall ratings of the committee, Newfield of Melrose and Tutela Engineering of Wilmington were eliminated.

The Committee reviewed their specific ratings regarding Earth Tech of Concord and Tata Howard of Westboro.   It appeared that Tata & Howard were rated slightly higher than Earth Tech.  Ms. Campbell will forward her ratings to Mr. Troup so that he can incorporate into the ratings spreadsheet.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross provided the Committee with the proposal costs submitted as follows:

Tutela                  $168,275
Tata & Howard   $182,000
Newfields               $400,480
Earth Tech              $460,500

The Committee had a lengthy discussion regarding whether they should interview both Tata and Howard and Earth Tech.  

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Spratt, the Committee voted to check references of Tata and Howard and interview them.  Based on the interview of Tata and Howard they may consider checking references and interviewing Earth Tech.  (Troup – yes, Spratt – yes, Campbell – yes, Sprague – yes, Brown - yes).

The Committee has tentatively scheduled to interview Tata and Howard on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. in the Town Hall.  The Committee would like the day to day project manager to be present, although this has not been confirmed yet, and therefore the meeting date may be changed.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that the Committee must have a substantial reason to justify not awarding the bid to Tata and Howard which was the lowest acceptable bid.  
The Committee proposed a list of questions for the reference checks of Tata and Howard.  Mr. Spratt will contact the references and report back to the Committee with responses.

Mr. Spratt agreed to do some research of the original bid of the Nashoba Regional High School treatment plant.  Ms. Ross agreed to contact Weston and Sampson and Rizzo to see what their costs would have been if they submitted a proposal.

Ms. Campbell expressed her concern that she felt it was important to understand how much additional flow into the system would be needed for the other possible locations such as library, police station, etc.

The Committee also agreed that payment of invoices will take place after the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee has reviewed and approved the invoices.  

Meeting adjourned.