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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes November 9, 2005
Wastewater Treatment Plant                                      Present:        Ken Troup
                                                                                Mark Sprague
November 9, 2005                                                                Jodi Ross
Harold Brown
Burt Shnitzler
Margaret Campbell

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met at the Town Hall at 8:30 a.m.

Present:  David Formato, Project Engineer and John O’Connell, Senior Vice President
Tata and Howard provided the Committee with an executed contract between the Town of Bolton and Tata and Howard for the wastewater treatment plant project.

At the request of Tata and Howard Mr. Troup provided a history of how we got to where we are.   He stated that it goes back to the construction of Florence Sawyer School in the mid 1990’s.  In 1998 we had a failure of a portion of the system at Emerson.  Due to the renovation of Emerson to house students and the fact that DEP invoked the new rules (and) over a period of time we had to do an upgrade.  The well for Emerson was too close to its own septic system which led to the Administrative Consent Order (ACO).  After discussions with DEP we embarked on a sandfilter system which turned out to be a considerably more involved process than expected.  Various meetings took place with DEP to solve the immediate problem.  With the anticipated renovations to Emerson, discussions took place with DEP and the Town chose to abandon the sandfilter and go with wastewater treatment plant which DEP agreed to.  

At a previous Town Meeting the Town appropriated $600,000 for the sandfilters and a portion of this money was used for the work done by Ducharme and Wheeler.  

Tata and Howard’s plan is to utilize all the information previously done by Ducharme and Dillis (previously known as Ducharme and Wheeler).  Town Secretary Linda Day will provide Tata and Howard with contact information for Ducharme & Dillis.  They will provide the Committee with a list of documentation that they would like to review.   Once they have reviewed all the information they will do a site visit (tentative scheduled for November 21 & 23) with DPW Director Harold Brown and any interested members of the committee will then meet with the Committee to continue discussions on their findings.  

They agreed that they would first look at the Florence Sawyer School area and then other areas for additional testing.  It is a possibility that the school would not have to be shut down during the project even if the existing school leach field is used for the discharge from the new waste treatment plant.   Exploratory digging may be done to determine if it is possible to use the existing Sawyer leach field. (what is in the ground.)   Other options could include placing the future leaching field in the primary and reserve areas of the existing Sawyer leach field.

Ms. Campbell informed Tata and Howard that the Florence Sawyer School has an industrial waste holding tank.  She also asked that as Tata and Howard identify the location of the waste treatment plant and its associated leaching fields that they also consider that there may be a desire to build a new school in the area of the sheep show field.

The Historical Commission has asked to be involved with this project and will be invited to the site walk.  A meeting with Park & Recreation Commission will also be scheduled at a later date.  Tata and Howard confirmed that any new leach field could be used as an athletic field.

The next Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee with Tata and Howard will be Wednesday, December 7 at 8:30 a.m.  

Meeting adjourned.