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Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee Minutes July 27, 2005
Wastewater Treatment Committee                  Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
July 27, 2005                                                           Jodi Ross
                                                                        Mark Sprague
                                                                        William Spratt
                                                                        Harold Brown
                                                                        Margaret Campbell
Ms. Ross reported that the Board of Selectmen made the following appointments to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee as follows:

Jodi Ross, Kenneth F. Troup, Margaret Campbell, Harold Brown, William Spratt, Mark Sprague

The charge of the Committee is:   To coordinate the design and construction of the wastewater treatment plant with financial decisions being approved by the Board of Selectmen.~

Term:  The committee will continue until the wastewater treatment facility has been

Everyone was reminded to stop by the Town Clerk’s office after this morning’s meeting to be sworn in by the Town Clerk.  The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee will organize at their next meeting after all members have been sworn in by the Town Clerk.
Ms. Ross also stated that the Board of Selectmen had voted to approve the letter to DEP regarding the Consent Order.  Copies were provided to the Committee.

Ms. Ross found a couple of sample RFPs that she forwarded to Ms.  Campbell.  

Ms. Campbell drafted the Request for Proposal.  Mr. Troup provided comments to the document.

Mr. Brown recommended a request for qualifications versus an RFP.  Mr. Brown stated that the significance would be trying to not have prices all over the map and getting a handle on qualifications versus proposals.  

Ms. Ross reported that her understanding with speaking with Mr. Kimball was that we must submit a plan for our proposed schedule within 60 days of signing the consent order.  

Ms. Campbell suggested we request qualifications within the RFP.  The Committee agreed that the RFP should include a requirement that the firm has done at least two or more schools projects being specific that the firm has had experience in Massachusetts.  
Jodi Ross stated she talked with Mr. Kimball of DEP regarding our proposed timeline.  The Committee prepared the timeline as follows:

August 1, 2005  Sign Administrative Consent Order
October 1, 2005         Submit plan
November 1, 2005        Engineer hired
May 1, 2006             Hydro geologic study and design specs submitted to DEP
September 1, 2006       Response from DEP (DEP has 120 days)
November 1, 2006        Go out to bid for construction
December 15, 2006       Bids for construction are due
January 15, 2007        Award contract

Ms. Campbell will incorporate the revisions to the RFP and distribution to the Committee for review.  

Mr. Spratt will contact Weston and Sampson, and Earthtech to discuss the timeline to determine if they have allowed enough time for the work.

The Committee tentatively scheduled their next meeting for Wednesday, August 17th at 8:00 a.m. to review the final RFP.

Meeting adjourned.