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Tri-Town Committee Meeting Minutes 01-07-09

Tri-Town Meeting Minutes 01-07-09

Tri-Town Meeting                                        Present:  Curtis Plante
January 7, 2009                                            Kenneth F. Troup

                                                                David Lindsay
                                                                Burt Shnitzler
                                                                Bob Czekanski

Others in attendance included:  Supt. Michael Wood, School Committee Chairman Cathy Giunta, NRSD Facilities Manager Bill Spratt; Stow representatives: Selectmen Steve Dungan and Ellen Sturgis, Finance Committee members Charlie Kern, Dave Walrath, Fire Chief Michael McLaughlin and Ross Perry; Lancaster Representatives:  Town Administrator Orlando Pacheco, Selectman Jack Sonia; Bolton resident Anita Scheipers

The Tri-Town Meeting was hosted by the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee.

Supt. Dr. Ed Bouquillon presented the draft Minuteman Regional School District FY10 budget.  Principal and Assistant Supt. Jim Laverty was also present.

The School Committee has reviewed the budget which is up 2.9%.   Investment in new programs are based upon a review of recommended workforce development data job growth, living wage data, student interest, forecasting emergency occupations, analyzing existing training sources, and evaluating the strength of a significant industry partner.  Program expansion included an emergency medical technician course, business legal and financial services, barbering, hospitality, reading teacher, new music teacher and 3 special education staff.  Reductions included downsizing and integration of office technology, elimination of horticulture and welding instructors, a position in computer programming and two clerical positions not being filled after requirements, reductions in staff are proposed for cosmetology and automotive due to low enrollments, not replacing the Assistant Superintendent/Director and the Director of Public Services position, eliminating the athletic trainer position and the fee based after school program will no longer be supported by district funds.  

Assessments for FY10 is $10,169,267.00.   The E&D account has been used in the past to reduce the assessments.  Bolton’s estimated assessment for FY10 is based on 11 students; Lancaster’s estimated assessment for FY10 is based on 26 students and Stow’s estimated assessment for FY10 is based on 25 students.  

The budget hearing is scheduled for January 20, 2009.  

Dr. Bouquillon stated that 60% of the students graduating are in college, with half being in 4 year schools and half in 2 year schools, with 33% being employed in job related to their trade.

Dr. Bouquillon stated that they are seeking approval from the towns to establish a stabilization fund as a mechanism for funding future capital expenditures.  This will give the school committee the option to move funds into the stabilization fund more freely than the E&D account which requires approval from all 16 towns.   The passing of this article would allow the School Committee to access funds for an emergency. The transfer of E&D funds to the Stabilization Fund would also require town approval.   Dr. Bouquillon has requested a placeholder in annual town meeting warrant for this article.  

Dr. Bouquillon agreed to come back in February with a capital plan based on assessments.

Supt. Wood stated he attended the Regional School Committee meeting and a representative from the State Department of Education anticipated 10% state aid cuts but was not willing to commit to this.  Supt. Wood stated that Nashoba will be assuming state aid cuts in both FY09 and FY10.    Supt. Wood stated that the school budget will be presented to the School Committee on January 22, 2009 and the Board’s all day budget session is scheduled for January 24, 2009.  

Lancaster Town Administrator Orlando Pacheco stated that they are asking department heads to cut their budgets by 10%.  

The School Committee voted not to move forward with the turf field.  Minor repairs for the track will be included in the budget.  The high school has 70 school choice students with the total amount being 108 district wide. Supt. Wood stated that the school district is in good shape as they have 5 snow days built into the schedule.  

Mr. Pacheco stated that now that they are putting the expansion of middle schools on hold the town meeting will be asked to re-allocate the $20,000 originally voted for the school’s study.  Supt. Wood was comfortable with closing out this article.   

Bolton and Lancaster suffered most of the damage.  The Town of Lancaster was thanked for accommodating Bolton residents at the Lancaster shelter.

Bill Spratt, NRSD Facilities Manager provided a spreadsheet showing the district schools and the deficiencies for setting up as a shelter at each location.  Mr. Spratt stated that generators are key to the shelter.  The three towns discussed the idea of a shelter in each town or if a regional approach of a shelter at a location such as the high school would be an option.  The group was informed of the Red Cross guidelines that are available for setting up a shelter.   If each town had a shelter it would be helpful to each other in a situation where a disaster occurred in one town and there was therefore a need of a shelter in another town.

Mr. Spratt agreed to do an analysis of each school based on the information he gathered to provide a cost estimate to bring each school up to a certified shelter.  

Bolton stated that the lack of a shelter in Bolton was an issue.  There was also an issue with communication between the Highway Department and the Emergency Personnel because the Nextel phones used by the departments were down.   A suggestion was made to use the MART van to transport people to the shelters.  The State did provide the town with a message board that was used to notify people that Route 117 was closed.  

Lancaster’s number one priority was for the DPW to move the tree limbs to the side of the road and open the main roads to allow options for people to get out of town if they could.  Lancaster held daily meetings of the key people to communicate daily.  Stow stated that communication and coordination with the key departments was happening throughout each day.  Well being checks were done in all three towns.  

The towns discussed identifying a single location for a senior center to serve the communities.  Bolton has some buildings for sale that might be an option for a regional senior center. This information will be passed on to the Stow Senior Center Building Committee.

The next tri-town will be held in Lancaster.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day