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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12-01-16
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
December 1, 2016                                                Thomas J. Frain
Town Hall                                                       Jonathan Keep
Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

Mr. Wysocki called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:25 p.m.

Members of the Varsity Robotics Team from Florence Sawyer School met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to place a turtle crossing sign and scoop at a few known turtle crossings in Bolton. The sign and turtle scoop are made out of PVC pipe and will be located at turtle crossings during the migrating season from April – October.  Motorists who spot a turtle in the road are asked to pull over, turn on their hazard lights, and use the scoop to carefully push the turtle across the road.   The Robotic Team proposed installing the signs/scoops on Still River Road and Sugar Road.  The Board of Selectmen suggested that the Robotics Team talk with Harold Brown, DPW Director about the placement of the signs and how they can be secured.  The Robotics Team will meet again with the Board of Selectmen once they have determined the placement of the signs.

Mr. Lowe was very pleased to introduce Rebecca Longvall, the Town of Bolton’s new Conservation Commission Agent to the Board of Selectmen. Ms. Longvall has been with the Town for about 6 weeks, is off to a great start and doing a great job.  Ms. Longvall stated if the Board of Selectmen had any questions to feel free to contact her.

Board of Selectman Thomas Frain recused himself from this discussion and left the meeting room.

Randy and Travis Patterson met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to put two 2-by-10-feet vertical banner type signs outside the Bolton Bean at 626 Main Street.  The signs proposed will read “hot coffee” and “sandwich”.  One sign will be placed by the road and the other sign closer to the building during open hours for the next three months to help drum up business.  On a motion made by Keep and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the signs for 3 months.  (Wysocki – yes, Keep – yes)

Grant Opportunities:  Mr. Lowe reported that he received notification from the Department of Housing and Economic Development that our grant application for the Still River Road intersection was denied.  Mr. Lowe hasn’t had a chance to get any details on the reason for the denial.  The denial letter stated that 114 applications were received totaling $285 million in requests.  The next MassWorks Infrastructure Program Grant will be in August 2017.  Mr. Lowe stated that he will meet with the staff at the Department of Housing and Economic Development to get their review notes to determine where the application didn’t score high so that the application can be updated before submitting again.   Mr. Lowe is also pursuing grant opportunities from the Massachusetts Historical Commission for repairs to the Town Hall portico and the engineering and improvements to Route 117 in front of the Nashoba Regional High School.  Mr. Keep would like Mr. Lowe to look for grants related to the engineering costs for the proposed local sewer district.

Water Resource Subcommittee:  As proposed by Mr. Keep at a previous meeting, the Board of Selectmen discussed the formation of a Water Resource Subcommittee.  Mr. Lowe and Mr. Keep drafted the mission statement and advertisement seeking volunteers to serve on the Subcommittee.   On a motion made by Frain and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to establish a Water Resource Subcommittee.  (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep – yes) The advertisement seeking volunteers to serve on the Subcommittee will be published in the Bolton Independent and the appointment of the Subcommittee will be placed on the Board of Selectmen’s agenda on January 12, 2017.

Discussion and Appointment of new Patrolman:  Police Chief Nelson introduced Francis Baker to the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Lowe stated that the hope is to move forward as quickly as possible with hiring a new patrolman.  Chief Nelson stated that last month’s overtime was a little higher than normal because he has an open position.  When Chief Alfano was here there was a total of 11 full time people; once Police Chief Alfano retired the chain reaction of everyone moving up, plus the Special Resource Officer working 40 hours per week brought the total staff to 12.  There is currently one open Patrolman that Chief Nelson would like to fill as soon as possible.  The advertising was done and less than a dozen applications were reviewed.  Chief Nelson noted that he will have yet another opening in the next couple of weeks with the departure of Eric Koukos.

Chief Nelson recommended that Francis Baker be appointed as Patrolman.  Mr. Baker is from Plainville, is a high school graduate and was enlisted in the Army for three years as a Cavalry Scout specializing in Security and then re-enlisted into the Massachusetts Army National Guard.  The background check came back positive and Mr. Baker is well respected and hardworking individual.  

Mr. Keep recommended that Mr. Lowe, Town Administrator and Donna Madden, Human Resources Director review and initial the background checks for all employees.  Mr. Lowe stated that a verbal report from the Police Chief is satisfactory to him but if the Board would like to create a policy that he and Ms. Madden review the written background check that it was up to them although personally he didn’t see the need because he doesn’t see it as a problem that needs to be solved.    Mr. Wysocki was in agreement with Mr. Lowe as he didn’t see it to be a problem.   Mr. Keep stated that it wasn’t a problem but it was an important to spread the responsibility.  A motion made by Keep that the Resource Director and the Town Administrator review and initial all background checks was not seconded.

Mr. Wysocki didn’t think it was appropriate to have this discussion this evening because a policy change was not on the agenda.  Mr. Frain agreed with Mr. Keep and suggested it be put on the next Board of Selectmen’s agenda.  
On a motion made by Frain and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Francis B. Baker as Patrol Officer.  (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep – yes)
Board of Selectmen Meetings:  The Board of Selectmen will meet on January 12 and 26, February 9, March 2 (if necessary), 9, 23 and on March 30 (for the purpose of signing the May 1, 2017 Annual Town Meeting warrant), April 13 and 27 and May 11, 2017.  

On a motion made by Frain and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 by roll call (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep -yes) to enter into executive session at 8:00 p.m. pursuant to MGL c. 30A, Section 21 (a) to discuss strategy with respect to contract negotiations with non-union personnel.  The Board announced it would reconvene to open session.
The Board of Selectmen reconvened to open session at 9:43.

Chairman Wysocki reported that a contract has been voted and provided to Mr. Lowe for review and comment.  The vote was 2 to 1 for this particular contract.  An executive session will be scheduled at the end of the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on December 15, 2016 to review comments from Mr. Lowe.

On a motion made by Keep and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.  (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day