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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05-26-16
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
May 26, 2016                                                    Thomas J. Frain
Town Hall                                                       Jonathan Keep
Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

Chairman Wysocki called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Ms. Kristen Gaynor requested permission to hold the 5K Bolton Rally on Saturday, October 8, 2016 to benefit the Town Common project.  The organization sponsoring the event will be responsible for the costs associated with any necessary detail officers.  On a motion made by Frain and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve this event.  (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep –yes)

Update on Minuteman:    Mr. Lowe reported that at the Building Committee meeting on May 25, 2016 the main topic of discussion was how to move forward with Belmont being the only one of 16 towns that didn’t approve the project. There is going to be a coordinated effort to get additional information out to the Belmont folks and hold another town meeting.  A meeting to continue discussions on how to move forward is scheduled for June 20, 2016 in Arlington.   In the absence of Mr. Lowe, Chairman Wysocki offered to attend the meeting pending any business commitment and if he can’t attend, Mr. Keep will attend.  A formal letter has been sent to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) asking for a 180-day extension to December 31, 2016 to give the district the opportunity to explain why the vote failed and come up with a plan to address the issue.  If the extension is denied the project is dead.  

Drug Kiosk:  The Police Department has received a drug kiosk that will be located at the Public Safety Building on June 1, 2016 to allow the public to dispose of unused or unwanted prescription drugs. The kiosk was free of charge and will be placed in the lobby of the Public Safety Building on June 1, 2016.  The Board of Selectmen were invited to a photo op at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

Ashely Davies, Land Protection Specials for Sudbury Valley Trustees met with the Board of Selectmen to continue discussions regarding the purchase of Camp Virginia.  The Board of Selectmen discussed forming an Adhoc Committee to help with the update of the open space and recreation plan for the July 2016 deadline and in the meantime asking the Girl Scouts if they would be willing to wait until next year to allow the town the time to update the open space and recreation plan.
Mr. Brad Cote, Chairman of the Advisory Committee would like to see more information about the property such as the number of structures on the property, etc. and asked if anyone had given any thought to the annual maintenance costs for the upkeep of the property.  

Ms. Donna Beninati, a resident of Bolton offered to help with the Town’s open space and recreation plan.

Ms. Davies will obtain an independent appraisal and schedule a meeting with the Planning Board to discuss the property.  

On a motion made by Keep and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to support the SVT efforts to enter into negotiations with the Girl Scouts to acquire the land for future use shared between the SVT, Town of Bolton and other organizations.  (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep –yes)

Mr. Lowe and Mr. Frain provided a summary of their meeting with the Department of Transportation (DOT) representatives Barry Lorion, District 3 Operations Engineer and Adam Nabulsi, Assistant to the Operations Engineer on March 22, 2016.
The Representatives reviewed the recommendations in the report prepared by the Route 117 Prioritization Committee.  They included:  1). Traffic Calming and Speed Enforcement on Route 117; 2.) Nashoba Regional High School Area; 3). Town Center Area 4).  Route 117/110 Intersection; 5).  Route 117 West of Manor Road and 6).  Guardrails.  

DOT’s top three priorities include 1).  American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalks, 2). A new traffic light at the intersection of Main Street and Wattaquadock Hill Road, and 3).  Re-engineering of the intersection of Route 117 and Route 110 and the installation of new traffic lights.

All sidewalks need to be ADA compliant and the creation of new sidewalks could be a part of the corridor plan.  In order to pursue and qualify for certain grant monies we would need to embrace a complete streets project and concept.  

Mr. Schnitzler, Chairman of the Route 117 Prioritization Committee stated that the project should be looked at as a complete corridor program.

Mr. Lowe reported that the plan is to install new hardware for the lights at Route 117 and Route 110.  Calming techniques to lower the speed limit along Main Street, including in front of the Nashoba Regional High School would be helpful.
The Selectmen discussed various grants available from different agencies to hire a consultant to help with the planning and engineering for the projects.  

Mr. Lowe will send a letter to Mr. Marc Draisen, Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) informing him of the town’s interest in adopting a policy which would allow the town to participate in the Complete Streets Program and applying for the technical assistance grant managed by the MAPC to assess improvements along Route 117.

Mr. Lowe will draft a letter to the Department of Transportation inviting them to meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss safety concerns related to the area of Route 117 near the Nashoba Regional High School.  
Bolton Access Television Expenses:  On a motion made by Frain and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to release $28,224.30 from the Comcast fund to Bolton Access Television for their operating expenses, as requested by Mr. Frank Lazgin.  (Wysocki –yes, Frain – yes, Keep – yes

The Selectmen discussed the request for Bolton Access Television to record the Board of Health meetings and the response from the Chairman of the Board of Health that the meetings not be recorded due to sensitive issues.

The Open Meeting Law says that an individual has the right to record a meeting and the only requirement is that it is announced that the meeting is being recorded.

Mr. Lowe will communicate with Chris Slade, Chairman of the Board of Health to come up with a plan for recording the Board of Health meetings.

Conservation Trust Lease:  On a motion made by Keep and seconded Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the lease between the Town of Bolton and the Conservation Trust.   (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep – yes)

On a motion made by Keep and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 by roll call (Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes, Keep -yes) to enter into executive session at 8:45 p.m., pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, 21(a) 3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining for the Fire Union, as the Chair finds that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Board’s bargaining position, and to discuss contract negotiations with non-union personnel being the Police Chief.  The Board announced it would not reconvene to open session.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day