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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11-19-15
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Mark Sprague
November 19, 2015                                               Stanley Wysocki
Town Hall                                                       Thomas J. Frain
Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

Sprague called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 56, the Board of Selectmen held a public hearing regarding the property tax classification to discuss the option of a single or split tax rate for fiscal year 2016.  Jeff Nichols, Susan Mason and Charlotte Johnson-Zembko, Board of Assessors, and David Manzello, Regional Tax Assessor were present for the hearing and recommended that the Board of Selectmen approve a single tax rate classification for residential and commercial property.   The levy amount for FY16 is estimated at $19,542,631 which represents a 3.64% increase over last year’s levy of $18,856,855.  New growth revenue for FY16 was certified at $199,299.   The total town valuation is $934,606,956 which gives a tax rate of $20.91 which represents a $9,926.00 tax bill per fiscal year and is a tax increase of $305.00.
Mr. Jack Bushman, a Bolton senior citizen expressed his concern with the high tax rate and recommended some sort of tax relief for seniors.   Mr. Manzello stated that information regarding tax relief options can be obtained from the Assessor’s office and noted that Bolton is the most generous with the senior exemptions.  

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve a single tax rate in the Town of Bolton.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki –yes, Frain - yes)  The Board of Selectmen executed the LA-5 documentation to be forwarded to the DOR.

Ms. Audra Guimond requested approval for the placement of a permanent sign at 27 Forbush Mill Road for her tutoring business.  This sign will be in place of the temporary A-Frame type sign approved by the Board of Selectmen on March 12, 2015. The permanent sign would hang from an existing bracket on a tree in front of the property.

Mr. Lowe stated that signs can be affixed to a tree if the Board were to grant a waiver to the sign bylaw.  Ms. Guimond has received approval the landlord for the sign.

The Board of Selectmen deferred the approval to allow Mr. Lowe the opportunity to discuss the proposed sign location with Building Inspector Michael Sauvageau.

Ms. Rochelle Jonswold requested approval to replace the existing ReMax Realty sign located at 1084 Main Street with a new sign for Keller Williams Realty. The new sign is 5’ X 4’ and will be mounted to the existing posts.  An additional sign approximately 5’ X 1’ will be mounted under the main sign and include the Realtor’s office number and website.  

The Board agreed that the text of the 5’ X 1’ sign could be changed if a tenant were to move into the building.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the sign request as proposed.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki –yes, Frain -yes)

Update on Earnest Farm, 401 Main Street:  Mr. Lowe reported that Mr. Schlosser met his commitment and the cattle have been moved to New Hampshire.  The pigs and goats are in the barn and the sheep have been moved to a friend’s house.  There has not been any additional incidents and Mr. Schlosser has a plan in place for the removal of the remaining animals.  

Update on Minuteman:  The Building Committee voted to approve the final schematic design for the building.  The School Committee voted to forward the design to the Massachusetts School Building Authority for their approval.   Mr. Lowe will attend the next Building Committee scheduled for December 2, 2015 at the Weston Town Hall to discuss the regional agreement.  The Board of Selectmen were invited to join him at this meeting.

Update on the Police Chief Search:  Mr. Lowe reported that Mark Morse of MMA Consulting is scheduled to attend the Selectmen’s meeting on December 3, 2015 for a 20 minute discussion about the options for proceeding with the police chief search.  This discussion will be followed by a public input session to allow residents the opportunity to provide comments and share their thoughts about what they would like to see in a new police chief.  The consultant will be invited to stay for the public input.   

The Board of Selectmen conducted a site visit on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 to discuss options for repairing the two guy wires that support the flashing light at the intersection of Route 117 and Wattaquadock Hill Road.   Options included replacing a damaged pole that carries one of the support guy wires; adding support guy wires to existing poles or removing the flashing light.  Verizon would remove the damaged pole at no cost but it would cost the town approximately $5,000 to replace the damaged pole.

If the light were to be removed an alternative would be to install a new stop sign that is much more reflective than what is there now.  The cost to adding support guy wires to other existing poles would cost approximately $3,000.  

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to remove the damaged pole and add guy wires to an existing pole on Wattaquadock Hill Road and Main Street to support the flashing light.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes)

The Board of Selectmen discussed the out-of-grade pay for Acting Police Chief Warren Nelson. A side letter agreement approved by the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on April 15, 2010 and dated May 20, 2010, stated that the Lieutenant would receive a 5% stipend for officer in charge status during the absence of the Police Chief.  

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to increase the hourly rate to reflect Step 4 of the Police Chief Grade 7 which represents $46.76 and is slightly more than 5% as noted in the side letter agreement.  This rate will apply while Mr. Nelson is Acting Police Chief.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki –yes – Frain – yes)

Ms. Bensetler, Chairman of the Human Services and Safety Committee met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss approval for the placement of a drug and needle kiosk in the lobby of the Public Safety Building.  Patricia Bensetler has done a lot of research on this effort to provide a safe means of disposing of old medication and needles as it is an important way to protect the environmental and get the medication out of the homes.  

Mr. Lowe reported that he visited the Sterling Police Department with Acting Police Chief Warren Nelson and Administrative Assistant Linda Day and spoke with the Police Chief and Sergeant about their drug and needle kiosks that are located in the lobby of the Police Department and on camera at all times.  The Clinton Police Department also has a drug kiosk located outside the door of their building and a needle kiosk is located at the Clinton Hospital.  

Mr. Lowe and Acting Police Chief Nelson support the need for the kiosks and feel strongly that they should be located in the lobby of the public safety building.

The kiosks are available through the Montachusett Public Health Network that Ms. Bensetler is interested in joining.  The Network provides public health services to the towns, although Bolton would not require all of their services.  Ms. Bensetler is still understanding the costs associated with joining but anticipates the cost being approximately $750 per year.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to support the efforts of Ms. Bensetler.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes)

Mr. Lowe was tasked with researching and providing options for daytime coverage for the lobby desk at the Public Safety Building when the town’s dispatch center moves to the regional dispatch center in Devens.  

Police Chief Nelson presented two options for the Board of Selectmen to consider.

The first option would be to hire two civilian clerks at 19 hours per week per person, at $10.00 per hour, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to cover the lobby desk.   Administrative Assistant Lorraine Kenney would cover 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday and and 4 hours on a Saturday.  The cost is estimated at $28,000 which does not factor in any police officer call-ins.

The second option would be to hire a police officer to cover the lobby desk.  This would allow the officer to help with citizens’ requests such as filing a report, applying for a firearm license, and/or watching a prisoner, etc.  The officer would cover 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Administrative Assistant would cover the 4 hours on Saturday.  The wages are estimated at $51,000 and the fringe benefits are estimated at $13,000 for a total of approximately $64,000.  

Police Chief Nelson’s recommendation was to hire the additional police officer.  Advisory Committee Chairman Brad Cote was in favor of pursuing option A which would be a cost savings.  

Mr. Ayotte, a resident of Bolton suggested that Administrative Assistant Lorraine Kenney be moved downstairs to cover the lobby desk in an effort to reduce the Police Department budget which is under a lot of scrutiny.  Police Chief Nelson stated that it would be a burden for Ms. Kenney to cover the lobby desk given her work load. Mr. Lowe stated that there is no time crunch, and with the dispatch center transition being months away the Board of Selectmen had plenty of time to think this through before making a decision.

Chairman Sprague reminded everyone that the town did not regionalize to save money.

The Board of Selectmen recommended that anyone that has concerns regarding the town’s budget or other issues should contact them directly to discuss their concerns.

The Board of Selectmen took the information under advisement and no action was taken this evening. Mr. Lowe and Acting Police Chief Nelson will continue to look at the options and costs.

Appointment:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Bill Nickles to the Historical Commission.  (Sprague –yes, Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes) Term expiration is June 30, 2017.

Statement of Support for the Guard and Reserve:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to execute a statement of support for the Guard and Reserve recognizing the Guard and Reserve are essential to the strength of our Nation and the well-being of our communities.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki – yes, Frain –yes).

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn at 9:10 p.m.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki – yes, Frain – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day