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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10-01-15
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Mark Sprague
October 1, 2015                                         Stanley Wysocki
Town Hall                                                       Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

Mr. Sprague called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Steve Schnieder and Ms. Karen Regan members of the Parks and Recreation Commission met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to hold the Halloween parade and party on October 31 at 3:00 p.m. and close Main Street from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m.   The parade will start at the Public Library proceed on Main Street to Trick-or-Treat Lane on Mechanic Street.   Police Chief Alfano approved the event.  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the event and closure of Main Street.  (Wysocki – yes, Sprague – yes)

Update on Minuteman:  The Weston Board of Selectmen will host a meeting on October 28, 2015 for all 16 member towns to attend for a presentation on the building project.  Mr. Lowe will attend the meeting on behalf of the Bolton Board of Selectmen.  

Solar Project at Transfer Station:  Mr. Lowe reported that because the state legislation has not resolved the net meter and credit issue, Ameresco is not comfortable with entering into a memorandum of agreement at this time.  Therefore, the project is on hold.

Special Town Election:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to execute the Special Town Election Warrant for November 2, 2015 from 12 to 8:00 p.m. at the Nashoba Regional High School Auditorium.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki –yes)

Police Chief Alfano, Lt. Nelson and Animal Control Officer Susan Latham attended the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to discuss the escape of Mr. Benjamin Schlosser’s farm animals from his property which is an on-going issue.

Mr. Schlosser appeared in front of the Clerk Magistrate at the Clinton District Court on September 21, 2015 as a result of unpaid fines related to the escape of his animals.  Mr. Schlosser agreed to pay the fines to the Town of Bolton in the amount of $1,850 via credit card but when he appeared to pay the fines he was informed that the town did not take credit cards.  Mr. Schlosser talked with the Clerk Magistrate and he was willing to approve a payment plan if the town was amenable to the plan.

Ms. Latham stated that fines are piling up because he can’t keep the animals off the roadway.  Phyllis Tower, Animal Inspector and Assistant Animal Control Officer agreed to meet with Mr. Schlosser to install the appropriate fencing to resolve the issue.  Ms. Latham stated that with the recent escape of his cattle there is an additional $1,200 in fines pending.

Mr. Schlosser stated that the bull has been slaughtered, the goats are being kept in the barn, the sheep were moved to Stow and the pigs are still on the property. The pigs are now in a full mesh fenced in area and have yet to escape since he has switched to this type of fencing.

Mr. Schlosser stated that the experience has been frustrating and undesirable, requested the fines be reduced or dropped because he doesn’t have the cash and it is his intention to liquidate the business and move on.  

Police Chief Alfano reiterated his concerns with public safety.  Teresa Sauer a resident of Bolton defended Mr. Schlosser stating that loose animals were an essential part of farming and compared them to deer that also pose public safety concern on roads.  Ms. Sauer stated that the Agricultural Commission should have been present to help Mr. Schlosser.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to agree to a payment plan of $250, paid on the first of every month until the $1,850 is paid and request a continuance for the additional fines in the amount of $1,200.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki –yes)
On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.  (Sprague – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day