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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01-24-13
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        David Lindsay
January 24, 2013                                                Stanley Wysocki                                                                                 Lawrence Delaney
                                                Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Randy Dinjian and Bob Czekanski, members of the Advisory Committee

On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the regular session and executive session minutes of January 10, 2013.  (Lindsay – yes, Delaney –yes, Wysocki –yes)

Present:  James Anker, Moderator and Pam Powell, Town Clerk

Mr. Anker met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss his plan to appoint an Assistant Moderator.  Massachusetts General Laws 39, Section 14 authorizes the elected Town Moderator to appoint an Assistant Moderator to assist with the town meetings that require an overflow room.  The Assistant Moderator would have all the responsibilities and authority of the Moderator in that room, except for designating speakers.   Mr. Anker would train the assistant moderator.   The ideal background of an assistant should include being a registered voter with extensive experience attending town meetings and a good understanding of its processes with general experience to run meetings.  

Mr. Lindsay recommended that in conjunction with the appointment of an assistant moderator, the Town should prepare for an overflow room at the Florence Sawyer School and Nashoba Regional High School if needed.  

The position will be advertised on the town website and in the Bolton Common.

Mr. Delaney noted that Stow’s website contains a Town Meeting Handbook suggested that Bolton have the same type of informational document available for Bolton residents.

Mr. Lowe reported that at the last Tri-Town meeting town officials from the three towns discussed having quarterly meetings with each town’s respective School Committee members to improve on communication and discuss topics that don’t necessarily apply to all three towns.  Mr. Lowe stated that our School Committee members Nancy Federspiel and Reta Rupich will be attending the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting on February 7, 2013.

Present:  Meg O’Leary, Nicole Roth and Scott Koesterich
Members of the School Playground Committee met with the Board of Selectmen to inform them of their efforts to rebuild the Florence Sawyer School Playground during the summer of 2013.  The current playground is out of date, not suitable for children with disabilities and is becoming a safety hazard.  The plans include a 5,000 square foot playground area along with another 5,000 square foot synthetic turf field.  Superintendent Michael Wood, Principal Joel Bates, and Facility Manager Bill Cleary are supportive of the project.  The Committee has raised approximately $120,000 and asked the Town to contribute $30,000 to reach their goal of $150,000 to build the playground.  

The Board of Selectmen was favorable to placing an article on the annual town meeting warrant.  Mr. Dinjian, Chairman of the Advisory Committee stated that the Advisory Committee would be discussing the project at an upcoming meeting.

Mr. Lowe will review the procurement laws related to the bidding requirements for this project.

Syncarpha Property Tax Agreement:  The Assessors are working out the final revisions to the Syncarpha Property Tax Agreement and will review the final agreement for signature at their meeting on Tuesday, February 5, 2013.

Policy for Attendance at Meetings of Committees created by and appointed by the Board of Selectmen:    On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Delaney, the Board of Selectmen voted to adopt a policy for attendance at meetings of committees that have been created by and appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  (Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes)  

The policy will read as follows:  
"If any member of a town committee created by and appointed by the Board of Selectmen is absent from five consecutive meetings of the committee, except in case of illness, the Board of Selectmen shall consider the position vacant and proceed to fill the same. Whenever any vacancy shall occur on a town committee created by and appointed by the Board of Selectmen, due to resignation, removal from Town, death, failing to qualify, or otherwise, said vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Selectmen."

Update on the Devens Regional Hazardous Waste Facility:   Mr. Lowe reported that he is presently Vice Chairman of the Devens Regional Hazardous Waste Oversight Committee and Chairman of the Finance Subcommittee.  Mr. Lowe stated that the deficit for FY13 has now turned to a slight profit after adjusting the pricing, and the Town of Shirley joining the operation.  
The purchase of equipment will be made with funds from the capital reserve account, and improvements will be made to the site with a $7,000 grant received from the Department of Environmental Protection.

Minuteman:  Mr. Lowe reported that the Minuteman district is looking to create a Regional Task Force to study the future of the Minuteman school district.  Mr. Lowe will serve as Bolton’s representative on this Task Force.  
Audit Advisory Committee:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Delaney, the Board of Selectmen voted to advertise for a representative to serve on the Audit Advisory Committee.   (Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes)  

The Audit Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the School Committee for selection of an independent outside auditor and oversee the work of the auditor, including review of the audit report, findings and recommendations.  The Audit Advisory Committee will meet with the School Committee to report their findings and recommendations.

Capital Planning Committee:  On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the recommendation of the Capital Planning Committee to reduce their membership from six to five members.  (Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes)

Margy Diaz, Ambulance Director met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss her proposal for the purchase of a new ambulance.  The current ambulance is 5 years old and is still in good working condition.  The industry standard lifespan of an ambulance is 5 to 7 years.   The projected cost of a new ambulance is $195,000, and there is an estimated $79,000 in the ambulance receipts account.  

Ms. Diaz would like to research the possibility of keeping the existing ambulance as a back-up, but that would mean giving up the trade-in value of $30,000 to $40,000, and there would be a cost associated with housing the second ambulance.

There are many options related to the proposal to purchase a new ambulance.  An article will be placed on the Annual Town Meeting warrant for May, 2013 with the understanding that Ms. Diaz will come back to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on February 28, 2013 for further discussion.

Mr. Lindsay announced that he will not seek re-election to the Board of Selectmen.  He intends to remain very active in Bolton’s Town government.  Mr. Lindsay thanked the voters of Bolton for giving him a rewarding experience.  

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Delaney, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn at 8:55 p.m.  (Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day