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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06-20-13
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
June 20, 2013                                                   Lawrence Delaney
                                                                Mark Sprague
                                                Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.


Present:  Thomas Bilcharz, Utility Consultant, Mark Caisse, Tree Warden, Roland Ochsenbein and Steve Bing, Abutters

The Board of Selectmen opened the public hearing continued from May 30, 2013 on the petition of Verizon New England, Inc. and Massachusetts Electric Company (NGRID) to place one (1) new stub Pole No. 3S on the southerly sideline of Main Street which is approximately 48 feet south of the existing Pole No. 3.  The purpose of the new stub Pole is to replace Pole No. 3 which is currently guyed to a tree that is rotting.

Mr. Bilcharz staked the location for the stub pole on the Bing property, which is approximately 10 feet from the roadway.  Mr. Bing continued to express concern with the location of the pole being too close to the roadway.  Mr. Bilcharz explained that the 10 foot distance is National Grid’s policy and although Verizon has a little more flexibility on the distance, they are partners with National Grid and will honor their policy.

Mr. Bilcharz stated that absent an easement from the Bings, the only option would be to place the pole on the sidewalk behind the curb with a sidewalk anchor.  Mr. Delaney noted that a 100 year old photo of the Bing and Ochsenbein houses is on the Town’s 275th Anniversary website and stated that it would be a travesty to put the pole on the sidewalk and that National Grid should take “yes” for an answer and accept what was being offered.  

Mr. Bilcharz agreed to speak with Iris Geeston-Price from National Grid to see if a compromise could be reached related to the distance of Pole 3S on private property.

On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to continue the hearing to July 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.   (Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes, Sprague – yes)

Nashoba Regional School Committee members Nancy Federspiel and Reta Rupich met with the Board of Selectmen for their quarterly meeting.

The School Committee approved the Resource Officer position and job description.   The hiring process is underway for the position and the Police Department will conduct the interviews.
A new concession stand project is underway and expected to be ready for the fall football season.  The project is short on funds but Ms. Federspiel stated that they will not be going to the towns for more money and will find the funds within the school budget.  

The School Committee spent a good amount of time discussing the district improvement plan.  They received approximately 300 responses from the town-wide survey with science labs, technology, communication and going green being the top priorities.

The School Committee anticipates receiving the final budget allocation from the State in mid July and the School Committee is expected to vote on the new budget at their meeting on September 10, 2013.   Bolton plans to hold a Special Town Meeting at the end of October for the voters to approve the budget.

Isabelle Wells and Dave McKinley, member of the Friends of the Bolton Public Library

(FOBPL) requested permission to place a book drop box at the edge of the parking lot at the Houghton Building.  The FOBPL supports many library programs with their major fundraising event being a bi-annual used book sale.  The drop box would make it easier for Bolton residents to donate books. The FOBPL hopes to partner with an Eagle Scout in town to design the drop box which would be a wooden structure, smaller than a postal mail box.  The Board was in favor of FOBPL’s request.

Update on Minuteman:  Mr. Lowe reported that the Regional Study Committee meeting reviewed the Minuteman Career and Technical High School Regional agreement.  Revisions to the agreement included adopting a formula affixing 1% of the capital expenses for the building project or any other major capital expense; each town wishing to withdraw from the district must receive the approval of a 2/3rd majority vote at their Annual Town Meeting and provide a 5 year notice and the budget being approved by a 2/3 vote of the member towns.  

Repairs to the Bulletin Board at the Houghton Building:   Mr. Lowe reported that the project led by Robert Roemer to renovate the bulletin board at the Houghton Building has been completed and the new bulletin board has been installed.  In the past the bulletin board has been illuminated with spotlights.  The Board of Selectmen discussed whether or not the new bulletin board should be illuminated. Mr. Lowe will discuss the various types of lighting fixtures available with Mr. Brown, DPW Director before any decision is made on the illumination of the bulletin board.

Annual Appointments:  On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to make the following appointments.  (Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes, Sprague – yes)

Affordable Housing Partnership Trust Fund:  Douglas Storey, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Agricultural Commission:  Richard Pelletier and Eric Schartner, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Ambulance Director: Margy Diaz, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Animal Control Officer, Susan Latham, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Assistant Animal Control Officer, Phyllis Tower, Term expiration June 30, 2014
EMT/Firefighter:  Davie Farrell, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Appeals, Board of, Associate:  Bryan Holmes, Term expiration June 30, 2015
Capital Planning Committee, Erik Neyland, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Conservation Commission: Robert Cohen and Maxwell R. Pineau, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Council on Aging: Susan Tripp, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Economic Development Committee:  Bharat Nair, Bruce Slater, Michael Murphy, Erik Neyland, Helen Demmer, Lysa Miller, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Historical Commission:  Robert Busch, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Energy Committee: Ryan Prucnal, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Fire Chief & Forest Warden: John Mentzer, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Historical Commission:  Robert Busch, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Inspectors:  Mike Sauvageau, Building Inspector, Term expiration June 30, 2014
David Drugge, Assistant Building Inspector, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Wiring Inspector:  Jim Boodry, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Assistant Wiring Inspector:  Peter Casello, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Insurance Advisory Committee:  Jonathan Couture, Barbara Brown, Donna Madden, Ninotchka Rogers, Nathaniel Berry, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination (MAGIC): Don Lowe, Term expiration June 20, 2014
Board of Registrars:    Pamela Powell, Term expiration June 30, 2016
Tree Warden: Mark Caisse, Term expiration June 30, 2014
Veterans Agent: James Cabral, Term expiration June 30, 2014
WHEAT – Bolton representative:  Brooke James, Term expiration June 30, 2014

Transfer Station Stickers:  On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve free stickers in any combination of green and orange stickers up to $100.00 for seniors (head of household member – 61 or over) for FY14.  (Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes, Sprague - yes)  

EMD Side Letter:  On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to execute the side letter of agreement for the impact bargaining for the State EMD requirement between the Town of Bolton and the Dispatch Union.  (Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes, Sprague - yes)  

End of Year Budget Transfers:  On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the following end of year budget transfers per Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 33B.  (Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes, Sprague – yes)  

Parks:  $200 from Account 630 - Recreation, Purchase of Service (5200) line item to be transferred to Account 650 – Parks, Purchase of Service (5200) line item.

Recreation:  $1,200 from Account 630 - Recreation, Purchase of Service (5200) line item to be transferred to Account 630 – Parks, Wages (5113) line item.

Minutes:   On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the regular and executive session minutes for May 30, 2013.  (Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes, Sprague – yes)

On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Sprague, the Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 by roll call (Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes, Sprague - yes) to enter into executive session under the authority of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21A (3) at 8:05 p.m. to discuss collective bargaining. The Board announced it would not reconvene to open session.  

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day