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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05-17-12
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        David Lindsay
May 17, 2012                                                    Stanley Wysocki
                                                                Lawrence Delaney
                                                Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Ms. Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and asked for nominations for Chairman.

The Board welcomed newly-elected board member Larry Delaney.  

Mr. Wysocki stated that as the Board starts a new year he would like to remind everyone that the board is composed of three individual members and although there may be personal preferences, opinions or disagreements, the members need to act as a board and always look out for what is best for the town when dealing with issues.  

On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Wysocki, Mr. Lindsay was nominated and appointed as Chairman.  (Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes)

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Delaney, Mr. Wysocki was nominated and appointed Clerk for the Board of Selectmen.    (Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney – yes)

Present:  Jim Anker, Moderator; Pamela Powell, Town Clerk; Mr. Bing, resident

Overall, the 275th Annual Town Meeting of May 7 & 8, 2012 went very well considering the lengthy warrant.  There were 574 voters checked in on the first evening and 152 voters checked in on the second evening.
There was a lot of discussion on some of the articles, and more votes required a hand count than usual.  Town Clerk Pamela Powell and the counters were applauded for their efforts in getting everyone checked-in and votes counted in a timely manner.

Mr. Wysocki suggested that participants who plan to make amendments to the articles need to make sure that the changes are applied to all the relevant language in the article.  

Mr. Lindsay was concerned that those opposed to the zoning articles may have come across as not being sufficiently civil, which was not intended.  Mr. Wysocki noted that some of the information given by some of the speakers at town meeting was incorrect.

Mr. Lowe suggested that the discussion session held by Mr. Anker prior to town meeting about Town Meeting practices was very informative and suggested it be held every year as a new tradition.  

Attorney CampoBasso, representing the International Golf Course met with the Board of Selectmen to request approval to revise the manager’s name on the liquor license for International Golf Course from Brian Lynch to Paul Jordan.
On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Delaney, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve this revision to the International Golf Course Liquor License.  (Lindsay –yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney - yes)

Ms. Bachrach, Route Director for the Alzheimer’s Association memory ride, met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to hold the 16th Annual Memory Ride Charity Event on July 14th, 2012.  Riders will leave Devens at 6:30 a.m. and enter Bolton from Harvard Road at approximately 7:00 a.m.  Cyclists will travel Harvard Road, cross Main Street to Manor Road, onto Wattaquadock Hill Road and exit Bolton on Berlin Road.  State Police will patrol the route.  Chief Alfano has approved this event.  

On a motion made Delaney and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the Memory Ride, on Saturday, July 14, 2012.  (Lindsay –yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney - yes)  

Mr. Porteus, member of the Fire Department met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to hold the Bolton Lion’s Club annual toll booth in front of Murphy’s Insurance on Saturday, June 2, 2012 from 8 to 1:00 p.m.  The rain date will be June 9, 2012.  A police detail is being arranged.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Delaney, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the toll booth to be held on June 2, 2012.  (Lindsay –yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney - yes)
Liquor Establishments Information Meeting:   Mr. Lowe reported that there is an informational meeting being held for Bolton liquor license establishments on Tuesday, May 22, from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Public Safety Center to give an update on the liquor laws and discuss expectations of the establishments.

Classification and Compensation Study:  Mr. Lowe and Ms. Madden met with Mr. Donald Jacobs, of DIJ Management Consulting Services, the consultant hired to conduct the classification and compensation study.  The cost of the study is $5,000.  The two-pronged process is designed to make sure job descriptions and job classifications are accurate and that people in the positions are at or close to a pay scale that is similar to other communities.  Mr. Lowe will be meeting with the Advisory Committee on May 22, 2012 to inform them of the study.

Mr. Lowe would like to see a customized performance evaluation created for each position once the study is completed.  

Appointment of the Mobility Committee:  On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Mary Ciummo, Peter Ross, Winslow Green, Margaret Campbell and Gordon Taylor to the Mobility Subcommittee.  (Lindsay –yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney - yes)   The Mobility Subcommittee is a subcommittee to the Public Ways Committee and will be responsible for creating a plan that will provide safe options (walkways and bike paths) for Bolton residents.  Mr. Lindsay suggested that the subcommittee contact the Capital Planning Committee to discuss potential capital requests.

Comcast – Channel 8:  The Town of Bolton’s Comcast subscribers have been notified that our public access programming on Channel 10 will be shifted to Channel 99 on June 5, 2012 to make room for a shopping channel.  BatCo requested that the Board of Selectmen send a letter to Comcast asking that Channel 8 be assigned to Bolton.  BatCo plans to duplicate the current programming on both Channel 8 and Channel 99.  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Delaney, the Board of Selectmen authorized Mr. Lindsay to execute a letter to be sent to Comcast requesting that Channel 8 be assigned to Bolton for the purpose of showing locally-produced programs.  (Lindsay –yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney - yes)   

State Aid:  Mr. Lindsay reported that Senator Flanagan’s Office provided a FY 2013 state budget estimate showing $167,000 in unrestricted State aid for Bolton,a moderate increase over what the Town had planned on
Minutes:  The regular session and executive session minutes of February 9, 2012, and regular session minutes of March 8, 2012 were executed.

Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule:   The Selectmen’s meetings schedule is as follow:  Tuesday, June 5 at 7:00 p.m.; Thursday, June 21 at 6:00 p.m.; Thursday, July 12, August 16, September 6 & 20, October 4 & 25, November 8 &29, December 13 & 27 at 7:00 p.m.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Delaney, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. (Lindsay –yes, Wysocki – yes, Delaney - yes)  

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day