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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01-19-12
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Curtis Plante
January 19, 2012                                                David Lindsay
                                                                Stanley Wysocki
                                                Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Bob Czekanski, Randy Dinjian and Connie Benjamin and Terry Abdalian, Advisory Committee members

Present:  James Anker, Moderator, Pamela Powell, Town Clerk, Ken Troup, Chairman of BatCo

Post Special Town Meeting Discussion:  It was Mr. Anker’s opinion that the Special Town Meeting went well given what turned out to be a challenging situation due to a large turnout that caused the auditorium to be over capacity.  For safety reasons, all non-voters were asked to leave the meeting.  Everyone agreed that all Town Meetings should be held in the high school auditorium to avoid such issues.   Mr. Anker suggested putting a plan in place for a satellite room to handle any over capacity situations, improving the process to monitor the attendance of non-voters and designating an area where non-voters will be asked to sit.   A suggestion was also made to call for a hand count prior to calling for a voice vote on any given article.

Mr. Lowe stated that this special town meeting serves as an excellent demonstration that it takes a lot of time and work to plan for a town meeting.  
Broadcasting of Town Meetings:  Mr. Anker and Ms. Powell shared survey results received from the Massachusetts Moderator’s and Town Clerk’s Associations regarding whether the town should broadcast town meetings live or delayed over their local cable channel.   Overall, out of approximately 24 towns, 70% of the towns surveyed broadcast live while 30% of the towns broadcasted later.

Mr. Anker stated it is the moderator’s decision on whether to broadcast the town meetings live or delayed.   In any event, he did not feel that it would make a difference as far as attendance if we were to broadcast live or delayed.
Ms. Powell stated that the concern for some of the town clerks is that broadcasting live could jeopardize the quorum required to call the meeting to order.  Ms. Powell was opposed to live broadcasting, and encouraged people to attend and participate at town meeting.  
Mr. Wysocki and Mr. Plante expressed concern with the quorum issue, but supported the Moderator’s decision to broadcast live or delayed.   Mr. Lindsay supported the idea of broadcasting all town government meetings live including the annual town meetings when the technology was available.

Mr. Troup stated that it was his understanding that both Stow and Hudson voted at town meeting not to broadcast the meetings live.  Mr. Troup informed the Board of Selectmen that the high school is not wired to do live broadcasts at this time.  

The consensus in the end was that it was Mr. Anker’s decision to broadcast live or not when the technology was available.

Mr. Troup reported that the installation of the carpeting has been completed on the first floor of the Houghton Building and they are now working on the second floor.   Although the entire building renovations will not be complete, it is anticipated that the meeting room will be available for use on February 1st.  Field recordings will take place in this meeting room until the installation of the equipment for live broadcasts is completed which is expected to take one to two months.  Once the installation of all the equipment is completed, live broadcasts will be available in the meeting rooms at the Houghton Building, Public Safety Center, and Library along with the Town Hall which is already equipped for live broadcasts.  

Mr. Troup provided the Board of Selectmen with the monthly budget report for December and expenditures to date.

Mr. Plante suggested that the Houghton Building and all other town buildings be wired appropriately for the portable generator.  

The Attorney General’s Office recently approved criteria that would allow the Board of Selectmen to adopt “Remote Participation” which allows members of public bodies to participate remotely under certain circumstances.  

The Board of Selectmen had requested comment from the town's boards and committees regarding their opinion on whether this practice should be implemented. 995% of the responses received were in support of the implementation of remote participation.

Mr. Lowe noted that none of the meeting locations have a speaker phone or conference call capabilities if more than one person needed to participate remotely.
The Board of Selectmen was in agreement with the concept of allowing remote participation, but wanted to wait to vote on the implementation until an acceptable policy was drafted.

Present:  Andy Bendetson, President of Merchant Financial Investment Corporation
Mr. Bendetson met with the Board of Selectmen to request approval for a permanent sign at the entrance of Century Mill Estates (intersection of Spectacle Hill Road and the new road – Mill Pond Road).   

The stone sign would be placed into the stone wall and would be engraved to read “Century Mill Estates” with the company name “Merchant Financial Investment Corporation” in smaller letters underneath.  

Mr. Plante was not favorable to the company name remaining on the sign after the project was complete.   Mr. Lindsay agreed with Mr. Plante, and as a compromise Mr. Wysocki suggested that the company name be done as a plaque so that it could be removed once the project was completed.  

Mr. Bendetson was not satisfied with the Board’s recommendation, would not hear of an alternative and left the meeting abruptly.  Therefore, the Board of Selectmen did not take any action on the sign request.  

Present:  Michael Wood, School Superintendent, Nancy Federspiel, Chairman, School Committee Chairman and Reta Rupich, School Committee member.

Ms. Federspiel reported that the School Committee was in favor of the athletic field project but in good faith and good will agreed to delay the vote so that the towns would not be forced to hold a special town meeting within 60 days.    
Superintendent Wood explained that the project, estimated at $3.8 million, is a 5-year plan to essentially reclaim all of the fields including the track and address safety issues.  The project also includes moving the tennis courts to the back of the complex and constructing a fitness center for the athletes.  

Superintendent Wood stated that there would not be an increase in the school district's overall budget due to this project because of the existing school debt that is being retired.  They are also looking at multiple ways of paying for the project, including fundraising and surcharges for use of the fields.

Although Mr. Wysocki stated that he was in full support of the project, he expressed his disappointment in just finding out about it when the report had been issued 9 months ago.
Mr. Plante suggested moving forward in a positive direction and applauded the School Committee for allowing the towns to vote on the project at their annual town meeting.  Mr. Plante stated that he was in favor of the project and stressed the importance of a facility to condition the athletes.  

A site visit will be planned for town officials to attend.  

Solar Projects:  Mr. Lowe reported that he has spent some time working on potential solar projects in town.  There is a project moving forward on the Davis property which abuts the landfill that the town has the option of participating in.  The Energy Committee will be scheduled to meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss an RFP to solicit property for potential projects.   The question was raised as to whether or not providing electricity would be considered a business entity.  Mr. Lowe will contact town counsel for opinion.   

Appointment:  On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Bharat Nair to the Economic Development Committee.  (Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Ms. Day confirmed that the Caucus would be held at the Public Safety Center, in the Harold E. Brown Training Room.  Mr. Lindsay suggested that the Caucus be held in the newly renovated meeting room at the Houghton Building, but the concern was raised about the building not being ready in time and leaving the location of the Caucus in question.  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to call the Caucus on March 12, 2012 at the Public Safety Building, Harold E. Brown Training Room, at 7:30 p.m.  (Plante – yes, Wysocki – yes, Lindsay – abstained)

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Lindsay, the Board of Selectmen adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day