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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03-01-11
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
March 1, 2011                                           Curtis Plante
David Lindsay
                     Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed Town Counsel’s response to their concerns relating to the Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) for a regional hazardous waste facility in Devens.

Town Counsel stated that there is no disparity between the 25 year term of the lease and the license renewal every 2 years.  The term of the lease is for 25 years and the license renewal every 2 years is a formality provided the communities continue to move forward every two years.

There is liability insurance up to $1 million with a $10,000 deductible which was recommended by the insurance carrier.  Mr. Lowe, as a representative of the Oversight Committee will recommend that the level of insurance be reviewed when the budget is reviewed for next year.
Mr. Lowe confirmed that the town of Devens is responsible for any hazardous waste improperly disposed of outside the compound of the facility.  There are surveillance cameras to monitor the area.

As far as the role of the volunteers, they will be responsible for directing traffic and people to the appropriate containers and will not be handling any hazardous waste.  There will always be a chemist on site.  As suggested by Town Counsel, Mr. Lowe will prepare a release to be signed by all volunteers in the event that they are injured while staffing the facility.  

Given recent expenses for the oil spill at the Public Safety Building and the leak at the Highway Department, Mr. Lindsay commended Mr. Lowe’s willingness to address increasing the liability policy at a future Oversight Committee meeting.

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve and execute the Intermunicipal Agreement establishing a regional hazardous waste facility in Devens.    (Wysocki - yes , Plante - yes, Lindsay -yes )

The Board of Selectmen attended the Advisory Committee meeting.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day