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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08-27-10
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
August 27, 2010                                         Curtis Plante
                                                                David Lindsay
                     Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 8:00 a.m.

Present:  Chris Rogers, member of the Board of Health; Carol Gumbart, Conservation Commission Administrative Assistant; Tom Moses, Emergency Management Co-Director;  residents including Al Ferry, Natalie McKnight, Robert Nuzzo, Kenneth and Brenda Troup, Rona Balco, Rick Merrill, Bruce King, Tom Wildman, Ida Woolston, Jane Moosbruker

The Town of Bolton received confirmation from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health that a mosquito has tested positive for EEE and a mosquito has tested positive for WNV in Bolton.

The Board of Selectmen called an emergency meeting to discuss the option of authorizing Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control to conduct spraying for the EEE and WNV in Bolton.

Mr. Lowe reported that he talked with James Garreffi, Director of Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, who had put him in touch with Timothy Deschamps, Executive Director of the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project.

Mr. Lowe stated that Bolton is not a member of the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control collaborative, but that Mr. Deschamps was concerned about the serious public health impact and would therefore authorize the mosquito spraying in the town of Bolton with approval from the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Deschamps was willing to waive the payment of $2,000 for the spraying provided the Town would agree to place an article on the annual town meeting warrant to consider joining the collaborative.  

Mr. Lowe stated that if authorization was received from the Board of Selectmen, spraying would be scheduled for Monday, August 30 or Tuesday, August 31, 2010.   (It was noted that the Town of Lancaster sprayed the evening of Thursday, August 26, 2010.)  The insecticide used by the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project is Anvil, and the strength of this chemical is equivalent to a yard and garden type spray that you would purchase at Home Depot.  The town will take responsibility for pre-notification to residents of the spraying via the reverse 911 system.  

Mr. Rogers, member of the Board of Health stated that joining the mosquito control project was addressed about 7 years ago at a town meeting, and it did not pass.  At that time, the Board of Health did not support the mosquito spraying because the perception of the mosquito problem was that it was a nuisance and not a public health risk.  Mr. Rogers feels that this is now a public health risk and is in support of limited spraying as a public service and a good move on the part of the Town to control the problem.  Mr. Lowe confirmed that all three members of the Board of Health are in support of the spraying based on the fact that they felt it was a public health risk.  Mr. Lowe also stated that he talked with Kevin Lord, Chairman of the Conservation Commission who strongly supported the spraying in part because of his experience of knowing someone who contracted EEE.

Ms. Gumbart, Conservation Commission Administrative Assistant, stated that she has not talked with all the members of the Conservation Commission but felt that because of the public health threat some action should be taken and hoped the limited spraying would help the situation.

Mr. Nuzzo, an employee at the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, stated that based on the public health information he receives there is a benefit to the truck spraying which will help to keep the risk from rising to a level that calls for aerial spraying.  He stated that aerial can only take place when the Governor declares a public health emergency.

Some of the residents attending the meeting were concerned about the impact of the pesticides on animals and their habitats while others were in favor of the spraying.  A suggestion was made that educating the public about the mosquito-related risks of EEE and WNV, and urging residents to take personal responsibility for avoiding mosquitos, was a better means of addressing the problem than resorting to using pesticides.
Mr. Troup expressed his opposition to the spraying and also submitted a letter from Pat Westwater Jong who expressed her concerns about the impact of the pesticides.

Mr. Wysocki and Mr. Plante were both in favor of the spraying to address the public health threat.  Mr. Lindsay was uncomfortable with making a decision due to the very limited amount of information available about the impact and effectiveness of spraying.  He stated that he would vote in favor of the spraying based solely on the recommendation of the Board of Health and that we should proceed with the spraying.

Mr. Balco stated that it was his understanding that residents would have the opportunity to opt out of the spraying.   It was not clear if this option was available for this situation, but this will be determined and the information will be included in the reverse 911 calls that go out to residents.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Lindsay, the Board of Selectmen voted to authorize Town Administrator Don Lowe to work with the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project to institute ground spraying as they see fit.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante –yes, Lindsay – yes)  

A motion made by Lindsay for the Board of Selectmen to commit to placing an article on the next annual town meeting warrant to join the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control entity was not seconded.  

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to sponsor an article on the next annual town meeting warrant to address the mosquito spraying issue.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – no)

Mr. Lindsay’s concern was that if the Board of Selectmen sponsored the article it implied that the Board of Selectmen supported joining the collaborative.  He thought the term "place an article" was more neutral than "sponsor an article", and since the Board had not yet taken a position on the issue, the wording ought to be as neutral as possible.

CSX CROSSING AT WATTAQUADOCK HILL ROAD/LANCASTER ROAD:  Mr. Lowe stated that although he reported at the last meeting that the crossing at Wattaquadock Hill Road and Lancaster Road was considered a “low class track” and would not be repaired in 2010, the track was repaired this past week.  

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Lindsay, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn at 9:15 a.m.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day