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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11-18-10
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
November 18, 2010                                               Curtis Plante
                                                                David Lindsay
                     Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Jeff Nichols, Board of Assessor and David Manzello, Assessor

The Assessors reported that the latest average single-family house value in Bolton is $455,777, with the annual tax bill being $8,851.64.  The tax rate for FY11 is $19.42, which is a difference of $1.18 from FY10.  Although the tax rate increased 10%, the actual tax increase is 3.5% because the value on which the $19.41 is assessed is down from a year ago.   New growth was projected at $126,000 for FY11, but has turned out to be, and has been approved at, $233,270.   
Mr. Lindsay asked Mr. Lowe to have our Town Accountant, Julie Costello, provide an explanation as to how the accounting for the difference in new growth is handled.

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to close the hearing.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Lindsay, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve a single tax rate for both residential and commercial properties as recommended by the Board of Assessors.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Present:  Doug Storey and Kevin O’Brien

Mr. Storey and Mr. O’Brien met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss whether the Board should pursue a Local Initiative Program (LIP) to build a duplex unit on land donated by the developer of Houghton Farms on Sugar Road, and to consider turning the property over to the Habitat for Humanity to build the unit.  The proposal is to construct a 2-family house on a 2.12 acre lot known as Lot 15 with frontage on Golden Run Road.  This lot also has an approved 5-bedroom septic system plan.

Mr. Lindsay did not support the LIP because it was his opinion that the affordable housing project should remain a part of Houghton Farms, with frontage on the new access road in the Houghton Farms development, and not on Golden Run Road.  

Mr. Wysocki and Mr. Plante were both in favor of the LIP program and agreed that a public hearing should be held.  Mr. Lindsay recommended that everyone on Golden Run Road between Sugar Road and Quail Run be notified of the public hearing.   

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Lindsay, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Bob Lanigan for the replacement of a “Wells Fargo Home Mortgage” sign located below the existing REMAX sign located on the property at 1084 Main Street  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Present:  Hannes Klein

Mr. Lowe reported that he attended a meeting at the Regional Minuteman Career and Technical School where they reviewed the plan to fund the capital improvements project estimated at $60 million.  It is possible for a new member community to join the regional school but this would require a town meeting vote.  Mr. Lowe recommended that any article for the addition of a new member community be separate from any article related to the funding for the capital improvements.  

The Massachusetts School Building Authority has committed to funding 40% of the $60 million project, and it is proposed that each town pay 3% of the project cost, plus an additional percentage determined by enrollment.   Based on that information, each town will pay $1,800,000 toward the project.  Bolton will pay an additional $167,400 based on enrollment for a total cost of$ 1,967,400.     Mr. Lindsay calculated Bolton’s tax bill to be approximately $69 per household for the next 20 years.   The Board of Selectmen encouraged Bolton’s Minuteman representative Mr. Klein to ask Minuteman to revisit how the costs will be allocated and investigate a more equitable distribution of costs based on town size and enrollment.  Mr. Klein will report back to the Board of Selectmen.  

Fyfeshire Dam:  Mr. Lowe reported that the Conservation Commission voted 4 to 1 for the removal of the Fyfeshire Dam.  The Conservation Commission will be seeking input and guidance from the various Boards and Committees.   The Commission has also contacted Senator Flanagan and Representative Hogan for assistance.  

Mr. Lindsay expressed his opinion of disappointment that the Conservation Commission did not investigate the repair option and the removal option with equal thoroughness.

Sustainable Materials Recovery Program Grant:  Ms. O’Toole, DPW Administrative Assistant, applied for and was awarded a Sustainable Materials Recovery Program Grant in the amount of $750.  Ms. O’Toole proposes that the grant money be used for a mailing to all residents to promote recycling.

Computer Usage and Electronic Communications Policy:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the draft policy and suggested some minor revisions.   The Board deferred voting on this policy until their next meeting on December 2, 2010.

The Selectmen discussed the possibility of moving BatCo into the Houghton Building.  The 1st floor of the Houghton Building could be renovated for meeting space, and the 2nd floor could be used to house the BatCo studio along with space for storage.   BatCo is a private non-profit organization and would not be subject to the handicap access requirements.  Funds received by the Town from Comcast could be used for the renovations.   

BatCo is in the process of transitioning from volunteer to paid staff so that they can cover more Board and Committee meetings.  

A meeting will be scheduled for BatCo to meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the proposal to move BatCo to the Houghton Building.  

Agricultural Commission:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Lindsay, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Eric Schartner to the Agricultural Commission, term expiration June 30, 2013.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Energy Committee:  On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Burt Shnitzler to the Energy Committee, term expiration June 30, 2011.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Emergency Management Co-Director:  The Board of Selectmen received a letter of interest from Andrew Bagdonas in response to the advertisement seeking individuals interested in serving as Emergency Management Co-Director, filling a position open due to the resignation of Peter Casello.  

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Lindsay, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Mr. Bagdonas as Emergency Management Co-Director.  (Wysocki –yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

Board of Trustees of the Affordable Housing Partnership Trust Fund:  On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint the following individuals to the Board of Trustees of the Affordable Housing Partnership Trust Fund.   (Wysocki –yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)
Mark Duggan, term expiration June 30, 2011
Kevin O’Brien, term expiration June 30, 2012
Doug Storey, term expiration June 30, 2013

The Affordable Housing Partnership Trust Fund Board must be at least a six (6) member board with three (3) members being the Board of Selectmen and the remaining members being appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
Selectmen Meetings:  The Board of Selectmen scheduled the following meetings: Thursday, January 13 & 27, February 10 & 24, March 10, 24, & 31, April 14 & 18 and May 5 & 19th, 2011,  and Monday, May 2, 2011 at Nashoba Regional High School Auditorium for the Annual Town Meeting.

Minutes:  On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the minutes of August 12 & 27, October 7 & 21 and November 4, 2010 along with executive session minutes of August 12, 2010.  (Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes, Lindsay – yes)

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted 2-0 by roll call (Wysocki – yes, Lindsay - yes) to enter into executive session under the authority of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 39B, Section 23B (3) at 8:55 p.m. to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining.  The Board announced it would not reconvene to open session.  Mr. Plante abstained from this vote and discussion, and left the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day