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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11-19-09
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
November 19, 2009                                               Stanley Wysocki
Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  David Lindsay and Terry Abdalian, Advisory Committee members

Mr. Baker, owner of the Firewater and Wine Package Store requested permission to replace the sign for the Firewater and Wine Package Store on Forbush Mill Road.  The new sign will be mounted on the same posts as the current sign.  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the replacement of the sign.  (Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes, Plante – yes)  

Present:  Jeff Nichols, Susan Mason, Board of Assessors members, and David Manzello and Harald Scheid, Assessors

The Assessors reported that the total valuations have decreased between 3% to 5%.   They anticipate that between FY2009 and FY2010 the average value of a single family home will drop from $498,500 to $498,134 with the tax rate increasing from $15.91 to $17.61 which will be an increase in the annual tax bill of approximately $600.  The Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee asked the Board of Assessors to provide clarification of the $600 increase in taxes per household.

Single family home sales and valuations have dropped.  Building permit applications have also dropped except for 2009 when there was an increase in applications for wood and pellet stove permits after the December 2008 ice storm.  There have been 5 foreclosures in the past year.  Mr. Manzello stated that Bolton is weathering the fiscal storm pretty well compared to other communities.  

Mr. Nichols reported that they would be returning $150,000 to the general fund from the overlay accounts for 2005 and 2007.  It has not been determined if the $150,000 will go into the general fund or used to replenish the stabilization fund, but an article would be required to replenish the stabilization fund.

Mr. Scheid reported that the Department of Revenue has backed off on their depreciation schedule allowing the Town to negotiate with Cingular to come to terms with what a good and reasonable depreciation needs to look like.
On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to maintain a single rate as recommended by the Board of Assessors.  (Troup – yes, Plante – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Present:  Sheila Chmielowski, Council on Aging Director; Barbara Brown, Dan Tremblay, Jean Cahill, Emma Herbison, Doris Ettinger, Flora Wilson, and Susan Tripp, Council on Aging members

Ms. Chmielowski stated that at a recent Council on Aging (COA) meeting the majority of the members had rejected the idea of using the Houghton Building as a senior center once it is vacated by the Police Department.  Ms. Chmielowski stated that when the senior center first opened at the Bolton Country Manor senior housing complex some residents objected to having the outsiders in their facility but that now 90% of the residents enjoy having them there.
Ms. Chmielowski did submit the senior center as a capital project to the Capital Planning Committee although given the economy and budget cuts their feeling is the present
senior center was sufficient for now.   At present the Council on Aging has a five year lease with RCAP Solutions, the management company that runs the senior housing complex.
Ms. Chmielowski stated that they have a community room, library, medical room and kitchen and plenty of room for activities including yoga, scrabble, walking program, and computer programs.  There are also other places in town such as the Davis Hall at the First Parish Church to hold additional programs.  

Mr. Troup suggested that an assessment of the needs of a senior center in terms of rooms, size, accommodations, parking and anticipated growth, etc. be documented so that the needs can be compared to those of existing facilities to determine what is needed to meet the requirements.
Mr. Tremblay stated that the Senior Center Task Force has obtained the state guidelines for senior center space, have toured other towns’ senior centers, and did some preliminary work that will be helpful in compiling the needs assessment.  Ms. Tripp would like to revisit the idea of the Houghton Building for the senior center once the needs assessment has been completed.

The Selectmen encouraged a good working relationship and coordination of efforts between the Council on Aging and Friends of the Bolton Seniors to work towards the same goals to meet the needs of the seniors.

Ms. Abdalian stated that the Friends of the Bolton Seniors with the support from Mr. Lowe and the Council on Aging will be submitting a grant proposal for an outreach worker.  

Ms. Brown reported that the Council on Aging members attended a meeting in Clinton about the regionalization of a senior center and possibly seeking regional funding for the program.  

Present:  Jenny Atwood Burney, Town Planner

Ms. Burney and Mr. Lowe will interview 11 candidates interested in serving on the Economic Development Committee (EDC) for appointment by the Board of Selectmen at their December meeting.   The Board of Selectmen suggested that the committee be structured to have subcommittees or non-voting members to accommodate the interest and not turn anyone away.  
The charge of the Committee will be drafted for review by the Board of Selectmen and then distributed to the Economic Development Committee members.

Ms. Burney reported that the Board of Appeals approved a special permit for the Beetle Bug to alter a pre-existing non-conforming use for Terzo Trombetta of South Bolton Road to obtain a Class II license to sell used cars.  

FY11 Budget:  Mr. Lowe reported that the budget message was taken very seriously and all departments are showing a very good effort in submitting level funded budgets.

Fyfeshire Update:  The Conservation Commission is leaning towards complete removal of the Fyfeshire Dam and has requested a meeting with the Board of Selectmen, Historical Commission and other committees to discuss the costs and the long term implications.

Easy Energy:  The town has saved $653.17 on its electricity bills in last three months after switching from National Grid to Easy Energy of Massachusetts.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Wayne Day, to the Capital Planning Committee, term expiration June 30, 2011.  (Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes, Plante –yes)

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to designate Donald Lowe as the Chief Procurement Officer.  (Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes, Plante –yes)

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p .m.

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day