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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01-08-09
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Curtis Plante
January 8, 2009                                         Kenneth F. Troup
Michelle Ciccolo, Interim Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Iris Price, representatives of National Grid; Mark Caisse, Tree Warden, and Mr. Joseph Crowley, abutter

Mr. Plante opened the continued public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on the petition of Massachusetts Electric Company to install 2 SO poles on Long Hill Road beginning at a point approximately 684 feet northwest of the centerline of the intersection of Teele Road and continuing approximately 108 feet in a northwesterly direction.

Mr. Caisse stated that the pole locations are staked and are far enough back off the roadway but expressed concern along with Mr. Crowley of 285 Long Hill Road, as to how this will affect the 22 inch red oak that is in the area of the proposed poles. Ms. Price noted that the original plan  allowed for wires crossing someone else’s property which is illegal and must be corrected     On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board voted to continue the hearing to allow for the Board of Selectmen to  conduct a site visit on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 9:30 a.m.   (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve a conservation restriction for 14.8 acres located on the west side of Hudson Road owned by K&L Holding, LLC.  The restriction allows for trails within the property but does not extend public use of trails and limits the development to a single family home and driveway on the remaining three acre parcel to protect wood turtle habitat determined by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species program.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Mr. Paul D’Angona of Strategic Financial Partners to hold a “Get Your Child’s Paw Print” event at the Town Hall on January 17, 2009 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes).   The fingerprint kits are confidential and will only be retained by the parents.   Mr. D’Angona met with Chief Alfano and he was in support of this event as well as Supt. Wood who approved of sending flyers home with students.  The event will be posted to the town website.  The same event will also be held in Lancaster the week after Bolton.  Children can have their picture taken with Snoopy, refreshments will be served and there will a raffle.  

Ms. Ciccolo reported that the Town Administrator Search Committee has two finalists for the Board of Selectmen to interview.  They are Donald Lowe, Director of Community and Economic Development for Clinton since 2002 and Anita Scheipers, Assistant Town Administrator for Lincoln since 2005.  The date has not yet been confirmed for the interviews.   Members of the Town Administrator Search Committee would also like to attend the interviews.

Present:  William Spratt, District Facilities Manager; Mark Sprague, Board of Health Chairman
Mr. Spratt, Facilities Manager for the school district met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the results of the sanitary survey done by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that covers all aspects of the well including compliance with the well head protection zones.  As part of the survey the underground oil storage tank at the Emerson School was raised as a concern because it is too close to the Emerson School well.  It was also noted that the above-ground tank, the rubbish dumpster, parking area, and storage containers were also in the well head protection zone.  DEP is requiring an action plan for removal of the storage tank and will issue an Administrative Consent Order if we do not take action soon.

Mr. Spratt proposed two options to resolve the issue.  One was to excavate the tank, or two to possibly use the Florence Sawyer well to supply Emerson’s water.  Mr. Spratt felt that the second option to use the Florence Sawyer well to supply Emerson School made the most sense for a long term solution and would also alleviate the issue with the location of the above-ground tank, dumpster, parking area and storage container.  Mr. Spratt suggested that Northeast Geoscience, Inc. be hired to perform a long term feasibility study that would cost approximately $3,000.  This study could be funded by the Board of Selectmen’s engineering budget.  

Mr. Plante asked that the decision be deferred to the meeting of January 22, 2008 when Mr. Wysocki would be present.  
Present:  Terry Abdalian, President of the Friends of the Bolton Seniors

Ms. Abdalian stated that the Friends of the Bolton Seniors were incorporated in 2001 as a non-profit organization to provide support for Bolton seniors.  The Friends raise funds to support programs and projects for the seniors, and worked very closely with the Bolton Council on Aging to identify specific needs for the seniors.  They started with the annual senior picnic and by the end of the 1st year became involved in raising money to help with fuel assistance as a result of the oil crisis.

Ms. Abdalian stated that on Friday following the ice storm she started contacting the seniors. Some seniors did not know what to do, they had no means of contact with the outside world, they were cold and in some cases sick.  She stated she contacted the police department to report her concerns over the well-being of the seniors.  She started delivering soup to some of the seniors and as a result of the visits found three seniors who she thought was at considerable risk and taken to the hospital.  It is Ms. Abdalian’s hope to find a way to reach out to the seniors in a situation like this. Ms. Abdalian stated that one major problem was that some were scared because they didn’t have a telephone and would not answer a knock at the door.  Ms. Abdalian found a program called Safelink Wireless that is available to those that qualify.  Ms. Abdalian has signed up two people with their approval and plans to pursue to help others who would like help in taking part in this program.  She also informed the Board of Selectmen of the Medical Reserve Corps that serves as a team during times of emergency or need in a community that could help our seniors.  

Ms. Abdalian was informed that to have a shelter it must first be certified by the Red Cross and Mr. Spratt would be providing estimated costs for the schools within the district to become a certified shelter.   At this time it seemed more important to have a means of identifying those who are in need of a shelter and transport them to a shelter in Stow or Lancaster.  The MART van could be used for transportation.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed and endorsed a letter prepared by Ms. Chmielowski, Director of the Council on Aging that will be sent to the Bolton Seniors informing them of a plan to compile a well being list and provide a person known to each senior that will stay in contact with them on a continuous basis during such an emergency.

It was agreed that we would all work to take things learned from the past storm and improve on them to implement a plan to help the seniors of our community.  

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to make the following appointments.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Jim Bilancieri, Capital Planning Committee, term expiration June 30, 2011

Jenny Atwood Burney, MAPC representative, term expiration June 30, 2011

Ms. Day provided the Board of Selectmen with a spreadsheet detailing the expenses incurred for town counsel use in support of the various departments.  Mr. Plante suggested a policy be put in place to control any possible overspending on the legal budget.  Ms. Ciccolo stated that for the most part employees are reviewing the issue with her before going to town counsel.  She suggested that a form be implemented that employees fill and submit to the Town Administrator for approval before forwarding to Town Counsel.  Ms. Ciccolo stated that this has worked very well in other communities.  Mr. Troup did not see this as an issue and suggested waiting until the new Town Administrator starts next month before implementing any new policy.  In the meantime, Ms. Ciccolo agreed to provide some sample forms to the Board of Selectmen.

Minuteman gave a budget presentation at the Tri-Town meeting held on Wednesday, January 7, 2009.  The overall budget is up 2.9%.  Bolton’s assessment for FY10 is $10,169,267.00.   

Minuteman proposes to offset any local aid cuts with money from the E&D account.  The budget hearing is scheduled for January 20, 2009 and they will then meet with each town to discuss their individual assessment. The assessment is not driven by enrollment but a complicated formula that can be found on the Minuteman website. They are seeking approval from the towns to establish a stabilization fund as a mechanism for funding future capital expenditures.

Mr. Troup volunteered to attend one of the applicant briefings regarding federal funding as a result of the ice storm.  It is anticipated that Mr. Brown and Ms. O’Toole will also be attending.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve and execute the letter to be sent to the Keep family regarding a complaint.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

The Town of Bolton submitted the following projects in response to the Lieutenant Governor’s letter requesting projects that might be eligible for funding for “ready-to-go” infrastructure projects:

·~~~~~~ Bolton Force Main Project
·~~~~~~ Bolton Public Safety Center
·~~~~~~ Bolton Public Safety Training Facility
·~~~~~~ Public Safety Building Energy Efficiency & Solar Hot Water, and Solar PV
~~~~~~~ and attached excel sheet entitled Public Safety Building Energy Efficiency
·~~~~~~ Bolton Public Library – Energy Efficiency Upgrade
·~~~~~~ Fyfeshire Dam repair (aka Fish Pond Dam)
·~~~~~~ Stephenson Property
·~~~~~~ Intersection of Route 117/Harvard Road/Manor Road
·~~~~~~ Intersection of Route 117/Route 85
·~~~~~~ Intersection of Route 117/Wattaquadock Hill Road
·~~~~~~ Route 117/Route 110 Intersection
·~~~~~~ Route 117/Lancaster Town Line to Route I-495
·~~~~~~ Sidewalk Reconstruction/Main Street/Route 117
·~~~~~~ Culvert Replacement/Spectacle Hill Road
·~~~~~~ Culvert Replacement and Resurfacing – East End Road
·~~~~~~ Forbush Mill Road/Green Road/Main Street Intersection
·~~~~~~ Reconstruction of Derby and Horse Ring Athletic Field
·~~~~~~ DPW Salt Storage Shed
·~~~~~~ Houghton Building
·~~~~~~ Town Hall

Meeting adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day