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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11-06-08
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Curtis Plante
November 6, 2008                                                Kenneth F. Troup
Michelle Ciccolo, Interim Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Present:  David Lindsay, Advisory Committee chairman

Present:  Board of Assessor members Jeff Nichols and Susan Mason
Goals:  The Board of Assessors outlined their goals for FY10 that included:
Updating the Assessor’s maps that were affected by the lot splits such as Century Mill Estates - 78 lots; the purchase of a new GIS manager system to be compatible with the State; and to continue the revaluations completed by inspectors during the summer.
Abatements are on track and the Assessor’s anticipate receiving the average of 30 to 50 abatements over the next 30 days.   Homeowners are notified via their quarterly tax bill of their new valuations.   The next quarterly bill will go out in January.  

Wireless Telecommunications:   Mr. Nichols reported that the wireless telecommunications companies would no longer be assessed by the Department of Revenue (DOR) and must be locally assessed by the Board of Assessors in their respective towns.  Because this is a revaluation year the DOR has instructed towns to say that they are doing the assessments, and use DOR numbers as it would cost the town too much money to hire someone independently.   There is a court case going on now that is trying to overturn the State Supreme Court decision that allowed this to happen.   Because this is such a dramatic increase they have recommended a higher amount be put in the overlay account to cover the costs depending on the outcome of the case.  Due to this change in the State requirements for assessing wireless telecommunications equipment, Bolton will have to increase its allowance for abatements and exemptions from $150,000 to $325,000, which reduces available revenues in our budget by $175,000.

Present:  BatCo members Bob Johnson and Rick Merrill
On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to transfer $20,000 from Comcast funds to BatCo for equipment purchases.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)  BatCo has three live broadcast studios (2 rooms at Town Hall and one at Emerson School), and would like to have a fourth studio at the Florence Sawyer School.  Mr. Merrill stated that the Florence Sawyer School studio would include children’s programs including safety training courses for children.  The funds will also be used to pay for someone to record the meetings.   Mr. Johnson stated that they have someone from the high school that will be recording the school committee meetings.  This individual will be paid out of BatCo funds and reimbursed by the Nashoba School District.  The Board of Selectmen suggested that Mr. Johnson contact Sheila Chmielowski, COA Director to see if there are any Senior Tax Rebate Program participants that would be interested in recording the meetings. Mr. Lindsay suggested that the Comcast funds be used to hire people to do the recording of meetings.  The Board of Selectmen reminded everyone of the two new facilities (Public Library and Public Safety Center) that will be needing equipment for their meeting rooms once the projects are completed.  BatCo would also like their own studio and in a couple of years there will be new equipment and technology to consider.  The Selectmen suggested that BatCo put together a plan for the next five years.

The Board of Selectmen received a request from Animal Adventures located at 336 Sugar Road for approval to place two signs along Route 117 – one at the intersection of Route 117 and Sugar Road and one at the I-495 northbound exit 27 junctions with Route 117.  The sign is 2 feet wide by 3 feet tall and will display the business logo and read “open year round”.  It also lists the company address, telephone number and web address.   Building Inspector Mike Sauvageau stated that it is the discretion of the Board of Selectmen to permit the sign if they feel it is appropriate. The Selectmen did not want to deny the sign request as they felt that this type of educational facility is a facility of value to the environment.  The Selectmen suggested that the Agricultural Commission be provided with the request and ask for their input.  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to table this discussion for the next Selectmen’s meeting. (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)  Ms. Day will send the request to the Agricultural Commission for their review and input.  

Present:  Building Inspector Mike Sauvageau, DPW Director Harold Brown and BatCo member Rick Merrill
Building Inspector Mike Sauvageau and DPW Director Harold Brown inspected the relocatable building and reviewed the mold inspection report from Gordon Mycology Laboratory dated July 11, 2007.  Based on this information Mr. Sauvageau recommended the building be demolished and Mr. Brown, DPW Director concurred with this opinion.  The Fire Department will use the building for training and Mr. Brown will be responsible for disposal of the materials.  Mr. Sauvageau stated that according to Chapter 40a, Section 6 the building can be replaced based on the fact that it has been destroyed by natural causes.  Before the building is demolished Mr. Sauvageau will do some research to determine whether or not the structure can be replaced.  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen authorized the demolition of the relocatable pending approval from the Advisory Committee.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)  

Recycling bids:  The DPW went out to bid for recycling for the first time since 1999 and recommended that the Board of Selectmen award the bid to various companies as follows:  Fiore Trucking: cardboard, mixed paper, newspaper, plastics 1-7, cans, scrap metal and furniture; Allied Waste: glass; East Coast Electronics:  electronics, batteries; Bob’s Tire:  Tires.  Given the bid prices they expect to be able to decrease the recycling budget by $12,000 for FY10 while increasing services to include the plastics 1-7.  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the recycling bids for the next three years.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)  Ms. O’Toole will publicize the new recycling information for the residents.
Recycling mandate:  The Board informed Mr. Brown and Ms. O’Toole of Mr. Merrill’s request for the Selectmen to enforce the bylaw requiring recycling of materials by businesses and other entities.  Ms. O’Toole stated that although there is no bylaw, it is posted at the transfer station and many businesses are recycling on their own.   Ms. O’Toole stated that she has sent out information to businesses in the past and agreed to send another friendly reminder to businesses encouraging them to use the town’s recycling center.
Hazardous Waste Collection Day:  Ms. O’Toole stated that she has been attending meetings regarding a proposal to regionalize collection of household hazardous waste.  The proposal is to construct a facility on Devens property with all towns contributing to the capital outlay with a one time payment of $15,000.  Ongoing administrative fees would cost approximately $2,000 per year.  The facility would be open 20 times a year and each town would have to staff the facility twice a year.  This proposal would cost the residents more, would require them to travel further but would allow them to dispose of the hazardous materials more often.   It was suggested that this proposal be brought forward as an article so that the residents can make the decision on whether or not to participate.   Ms. O’Toole stated that Bolton has held hazardous waste collection day with the Town of Stow but Stow has since decided to hold the collection day on their own.  It costs Bolton about $10,000 each hazardous waste collection day.  The Selectmen discussed holding the hazardous waste collection days in town and charging the residents what it cost to get rid of the hazardous waste.
Fees:  The Board of Selectmen agreed to leave the fees as is and collect data over the next year to see if it makes sense to revise the fees.
Resident stickers for landfill:  Mr. Plante suggested the idea of re-instituting resident car stickers to discourage outside residents from using the transfer station and recycling center, and will also bring in a small amount of revenue to offset the deficit to operate the transfer station.  Mr. Lindsay suggested that a hearing be held to invite the public and get input from the residents.  Mr. Troup did not object to out of town people using the transfer station if they were in fact buying the stickers for the bags.  
Lights in parking lot:  Mr. Brown installed solar lights in the town hall parking lot that had been removed from the library parking lot.  Ms. Day stated that the lights have helped the situation. Mr. Brown stated that if he did not have to install additional lighting in the town hall parking lot, the funds originally allocated for this project could be used for the demolition of the relocatable.

Appointment:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Margaret Nangle of Bolton Country Manor, 600 Main Street, Apt. 106, to the Council on Aging, term expiration June 30, 2011. (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)
Deferred to next meeting:  Discussions regarding the Town Accountant contract, out of grade pay for Town Secretary and approval of a scope change for the force main project were deferred to next meeting.  Mr. Plante will contact Mr. Willis of Onsite Engineering for an understanding of the additional funds for the force main project.
National Grid:  The Board of Selectmen signed the letter to National Grid informing them that although the Board of Selectmen denied a petition for 3 SO poles on Old Bay Road they were in favor of working with National Grid to find alternatives to improve the outage situation in the area of Old Bay Road.
Congratulations:  The Board of Selectmen congratulated Kate Hogan on her win of the vacant 3rd district representative seat.  Ms. Hogan beat republican Sonny Parente of Hudson and Independent David Goulding of Bolton. Mr. Goulding was commended for his efforts.  The Board looks forward to working with Representative Hogan.  The Board will send a letter to newly elected Kate Hogan and retiring Representative Patricia Walrath.
Goals:  The Board of Selectmen agreed that the following goals could be deleted from their list of 2009 goals as follows:  Assure a smooth transition in town clerk’s office. Assure smooth completion and initial operation of sewage treatment plant. Begin process of constructing force main from the library and public safety building.  Although communication has improved over the years they will continue to improve upon the communication but agreed to delete the “televising of interviews with departments” from this goal.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to sign the building permit application for the library renovation & addition project. (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Mr. Plante reported that donations are being accepted for the Dirsa family, who lost their home in a fire last week. Information can be obtained from the town website.  Mr. Plante expressed the importance of smoke detectors and the need to check the batteries on a regular basis.  Mutual aid from Berlin, Clinton, Harvard, Lancaster, and Stow were all thanked for their efforts and assistance with the fire.

Ms. Ciccolo reported that the Town Administrator Search Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 and the committee will be bringing candidates forward for consideration by the Board of Selectmen.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day