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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10-16-08
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Curtis Plante
October 16, 2008                                                Kenneth F. Troup
Stanley Wysocki
Michelle Ciccolo, Interim Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Advisory Committee member Burt Shnitzler

Police Department:  Chief Alfano stated the primary goals of the Police Department for FY10 are to maintain existing levels of emergency response & police operations; provide effective management to provide traffic safety and accident prevention; continue their partnership with the school to keep an open line of communication to improve safety and security for the schools; and to coordinate construction of the operational phase-in for the public safety center to bring the new facility on line.   Chief Alfano stated that the activities of the department are by no means limited to these goals and his department will continue to move forward as a department to maintain a tradition of community service, dedication and trust.   Chief Alfano stated that there will not be any capital equipment requests except for the annual cruiser replacement.  Mr. Plante asked if this purchase could be deferred. Chief Alfano stated that the yearly cruiser purchase system keeps the maintenance and operating costs at a lower rate.  Chief Alfano assured the Selectmen that he would be looking at everything possible to continue running a lean budget.   Chief Alfano stated that they anticipate moving into the new building at the end of FY10.  

Council on Aging:   Sheila Chmielowski, Director of the Council on Aging (COA) stated that the main goal is to work with the town to initiate a property tax relief program in addition to the Senior Tax Rebate Program.  She stated that many applicants of the Senior Tax Rebate Program are not being utilized or are unable to complete the required hours for the maximum benefit due to lack of work being available.  The COA will also be requesting permission from RCAP Solutions and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to open the senior center an additional day on Wednesdays.  A poll taken showed that Bolton Country Manor residents were favorable to this idea.  The Board of Selectmen was in support of this request and will co-sign a letter to be sent to RCAP Solutions and HUD.  Ideally, the COA would like a building utilized solely for the Senior Center activities.  Approximately 25-30 seniors visit the senior center on Tuesday and Thursdays. A taskforce chaired by Ms. Susan Tripp has been established to research options for a senior center.  Ms. Chmielowski serves as the dispatcher for the MART program that is working out well although she would like to see more people take advantage of the program.  The Board of Selectmen noted that the Houghton building will be vacated once the public safety center is occupied.  Ms. Chmielowski stated they had looked at the Houghton Building but were told it was slated for additional office space.  There would be parking issues and renovations would be required but the building could be used for some activities while still holding some activities at the senior housing complex. Ms. Ciccolo will provide Ms. Chmielowski with information regarding block grant money that may be available.

Town Planner:  Ms. Burney stated that there will not be any additions to the budget except for an increase reflect a step increase.  Last year, the Planning Board returned $30,000 to the general fund. Their goals include working on the village overlay district study but she did not think they would be ready with any bylaw changes for the annual town meeting in May of 2009.   Permit tracking or data management is another goal which could become available free of charge as a result of another town receiving a grant that included the stipulation that the program is shared with other communities.
The Board of Selectmen suggested that Ms. Burney track the application fees to determine if the town expenses are covered by these fees.

Conservation Commission:  Ms. Gumbart, Conservation Administrator stated that the Commission is busy with small projects, although development has been down.  Ms. Gumbart stated that the Commission hopes to use college land use programs to design a land management plan for Bower Springs.  The bigger financial issue for the Conservation Commission will be the reconstruction of the Fyfeshire Dam depending on what the State requires to be done. The Commission is monitoring the dam on a regular basis.

Ambulance Department:  Margy Diaz, Ambulance Director stated that the department has the opportunity to digitize the run sheets which would be more efficient to enter the data on the go, help turnaround time with the billing company.  Expenditures for software to computerize the run sheets and a laptop and printer for the ambulance would be needed and training would be required.  Ms. Diaz stated that they have submitted a grant for funds to purchase a laptop and printer.   Ms. Diaz will keep the board up to date on the proposed opportunity to digitize the run sheets and any costs associated with the transition.
Tree Warden:  Mr. Caisse stated that the budget line items are fine as is.  A significant amount of tree cutting and trimming work is being done by National Grid.  The tree replacement plan will continue and they will be choosing 4 to 6 locations to plant trees.  

Ms. Murtha met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to place a sandwich board sign in front of the Bolton Library on behalf of the Nashoba Regional High School Drama Society announcing the fall play to be held on November 21-23, 2008.

Ms. Day, Town Secretary stated that she spoke with Richard Marks, OPM for the Library project and he did not have a problem with the sign being located at the library site but noted that the fencing was scheduled to be installed around the construction site the first week in November and could not be sure that the fencing would not interfere with the sign.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request for the sign with the understanding that it may have to be removed once the fencing is installed.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Goals:  Mr. Brown stated that one of his department’s goals is to maintain the roads to the greatest possible level with the limited funds.  They plan to reduce the expenses for the transfer station and recycling center while increasing services.  Another goal is to finish the expansion of the Pan Cemetery which has been an ongoing project for the past three years.

Mr. Brown reported that the 2001 truck bought from New York has arrived, repairs have been done and it is ready for its first inspection in Massachusetts.  Mr. Brown stated a more thorough inspection has been implemented and he is concerned that his older fleet will not pass inspection.  The Mack truck has been retired.   He has not found a truck to replace the 2nd International truck and is concerned that this is one of the trucks that will not pass inspection.  

Beaver Dam:  Mr. Brown provided the Board of Selectmen with a breakdown of costs related to fixing the washout on Forbush Mill Road as a result of the beaver dam.  

Sand and Salt bids:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to award the sand and salt bids to LLEC, Inc. (Simpson’s) of 139 Greenland Road, Sterling.  Sand at $8.99 cubic yard and the salt at $67.03 per ton delivered.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Snow Plow Rates: Present:  Mark Caisse was also present.
Mr. Brown provided the Board of Selectmen with a draft 2008 - 2010 snow and ice agreement.  He stated that the rates were based on the rates from Mass Highway.    He modified the fuel adjustment to $3.67.

Mr. Brown recommended that the town pay for cutting edges and plow guards which Mr. Brown feels is a very minor cost to the town.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the snow and ice agreement with the revisions discussed this evening to include any reference to Mass Highway being taken out of the agreement.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Budget:  Mr. Brown reminded the Board of Selectmen of the cuts his budget has taken already and if additional cuts are requested the Board will see less work being done on the roads.  Mr. Plante stated that he talked with Mr. Brown about some ideas; Mr. Brown asked that this discussion be deferred to the next meeting.

Present:  Pam Czekanski, Roland Ochsenbein, Kelly Collins, John Rodenhiser, Library Construction Committee members, Chris Sterling, Library Trustee, Ann Hurd, Campaign Committee, Bob White, Project Manager from Daedalus Projects, Inc. and Architects Drayton Fair and Amy Lombardo from Lerner, Ladds and Bartels, Mark Sargent from M. O’Connor of West Roxbury.  

Ms. Czekanski stated that the state grant was for $2.5 million and the town was funding $3.5 million for a total of the $7.1 million project.   The second installment of the state grant program will be released when the construction contract is signed.

They are prepared to transfer $500,000 to the town from funds raised by the Friends of the Library at the signing of the contract.  They have talked with Donna Madden, Treasurer and it is their understanding that the interest earned will be credited to the gift portion as earned.   

Eleven bids were received with the lowest bid being $5,533,800 from M. O’Connor of West Roxbury.  

A quick overview of the capital campaign was presented by Ms. Hurd.  The total amount raised to date is $959,295.65 with a balance of $95,705.00 left to raise to reach their goal. Mr. Zak applauded Ms. Hurd and the Campaign Committee for their efforts.  All funding is available to complete construction of the project.  There are several items that can be postponed if remaining $95,000 is not raised for another year and they will still have a working library.

The construction contract was reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and the Library Construction Committee.    Mr. White reported that a background check is conducted as part of the award process for the lowest bidder and second to the lowest bidder.  

Evaluation statements back to 1987 were reviewed for M. O’Connor of West Roxbury.
On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to sign the AIA Document A101 construction contract between the Town of Bolton and M. O’Connor of West Roxbury for the library expansion and renovation project, with minor revisions as discussed this evening, in the amount of $5,533,800.00.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

The Board of Selectmen will be kept apprised of the project as it goes forward.
The groundbreaking is scheduled for Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 11:00 a.m.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to sign the required documentation from the State that would provide authorization to release the next phase of the state grant in the amount of $746,000.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

The Board of Selectmen informed the Library Construction Committee of their approval earlier in the meeting for a sign to be placed in front of the Bolton Library on behalf of the Nashoba Regional High School Drama Society announcing the fall play to be held on November 21-23, 2008.  The Construction Committee was asked to inform Ms. Day when the construction fence will be installed so that the high school drama society can be contacted to remove the sign.  

Fire Department Grant Application:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen approved the application for the grant and authorized Ms. Ciccolo, Interim Town Administrator to sign the grant application for fire department equipment totaling $5,000.  The fire department will pay the amount $113 in local funds which is the difference between the grant and total cost of the request for equipment.  (Plante – yes, Wysocki – yes, Troup – yes)

Bans:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to sign the BANS for the Public Safety Center in the amount of $4 million at an interest rate of 3.85% for one year.  (Plante – yes, Wysocki – yes, Troup – yes)

Selectmen’s goals:  The Selectmen’s goals discussion was deferred to next meeting.  The Board members will review and provide comment for next meeting.

4 day work week for town hall staff: Mr. Plante asked if a 4 day week would be beneficial for energy savings.  The Board suggested that Mr. Brown, DPW Director confirm whether or not the thermostats are programmed and analyze the savings for a 4 day work week.  Ms. Day reported that the Energy Committee has done an electricity audit and are in the process of doing a fuel audit.  The Energy Committee has requested time on the Board of Selectmen’s next meeting agenda.
Closing of town hall on Election Day: The Board discussed the proposal received from Chief Alfano and Town Clerk Pam Powell to close the town hall for town business on Election Day to help with traffic flow and parking which is anticipated to be a challenge all day.   The expectation is that the voter turnout could be upwards of 90% and they are trying to plan ahead to alleviate the congestion as much as possible.   Mr. Troup understood the proposal to be that only election workers would be working and regular staff would not be.  Ms. Day stated that we were given permission to park at The First Parish Church.  This would free up more parking places for the voters.  Selectmen were concerned that many voters would also be visiting town hall to do business and therefore recommended that employees park over at the church to allow those coming to town hall for voting and business to park at town hall.   It was noted that the school is closed on Election Day. The Board of Selectmen agreed to review this request for the next election.

Conservation Commission – Beaver Discussion:  The Board of Selectmen received a summary from the Conservation Commission regarding a meeting they had to discuss the beaver dam on the Hansen Conservation Area.  In summary they are taking no action at this time and will initiate a dam review of all beaver habitats with the assistance of Pat Huckery from the MA Fish and Wildlife.   The Commission also commented that the 12 inch diameter downstream pipe is insufficient to protect Green Road in the event that the beaver dam fails.  Mr. Plante attended this meeting and stated that the Commission was fully aware of the intent of the pipe but was opposed to doing anything to the dam at this time.   On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen requested that the Summary of the Beaver Dam Discussion of October 7, 2008 be included with the minutes. (Plante – yes, Wysocki – yes, Troup – yes)

Skinner Property:  Mr. Troup reported that the school district facilities committee met last week and asked Mr. Troup to attend this meeting.   Mr. Troup provided a plan showing the layout of the building which is 22,000 square feet.  The cost incurred to provide a public water supply would be approximately $58,000.  The school district would need approximately half the space.  The school district did not feel that it was a viable project to do on their own and floated the idea of sharing the space with the town.  
The space available to the town would allow for all the town offices to be housed in one location.  Anticipated renovations for the school district portion would cost approximately $1 million.  A suggestion was to have the Skinners renovate the building before it was sold so it can be done without the requirement for prevailing wage rates.  Mr. Troup stated the selling price was in the $1-2 million range with shared costs for the well, and building renovations.  The plan for the Town Hall and Houghton building would need to be analyzed to see how this would fit into the overall plan.  Consensus of the Board of Selectmen was that they could not support another $2 million at this time and the town needed to utilize the existing town buildings.  

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day

Summary of Beaver Dam Discussion
October 7, 2008

At a regularly held meeting of the Conservation Commission a discussion was held about the beaver dam located on the Hansen Conservation Area.  Present was co-owner of the dam Dave Bundy, Dan Gaffney of the Bolton Conservation Trust, Mark Sprague of the Board of Health, Curt Plante of the Board of Selectmen, Pat Huckery of MA Fish & Wildlife and Bolton resident and resident Rona Balco.  Note Rona and Curt were not present for the entire discussion.

The Commission discussed the condition of the dam and impoundment area.  All members have seen the dam and impoundment but have not seen any beaver.  Members of the public have seen beaver or evidence of beaver (build up of mud on the east side of the dam) in the past week.  The Commission said that the dam has withstood numerous storms including the more recent tropical storm.  The Commission noted and received comments that catastrophic collapses do happen but they are rare.  Curt Plante expressed his concerns and opinion that we should minimize the risk associated with the impoundment and a collapse of the dam.

The Commission said that Beaver Solutions could install a water flow device but it was not clear what the appropriate water level would be. Ideally, the water level would need protect Green Road from a wash out in a catastrophic event, while at the same time ensuring the beaver habitat. Pat Huckery said that she kayaked in the impoundment and found the water level below the entrance to the lodge.  She attributed this to the breach made during the preceding weeks.  The Commission agreed that lowering the water level now would impact the beaver’s ability to survive the winter.  The Commission also noted that the 12-inch diameter downstream pipe is insufficient to protect Green Road in the event that the beaver dam failed.

Dave Bundy asked about the failure of the Wilder/Forbush Mill Road beaver dam.  The situation was discussed.  It appears that this beaver dam is prone to catastrophic collapse.  Pat Huckery said that Bill Davis, the MA F&W director for the Central MA Region was available to investigate this dam.  The Commission agreed that he should be contacted along with the owners of the dam and their neighbors so this dam area can evaluated.

The Commission agreed that the wildlife habitat created by the beaver impoundment was incredible, and that the impoundment has value even after the beaver are gone.  The Commission believes that a long term management plan for beaver dams would be beneficial.  Pat Huckery agreed to assist with such a plan.  The Commission will continue to visually monitor the Hansen dam, and develop a more comprehensive monitoring plan.  Carol Gumbart will prepare a draft monitoring plan. Finally, the Commission agreed that a public forum on living with beavers would be beneficial to the Community.  Dan Gaffney offered to host this at the Bolton Conservation Trust’s Annual Meeting.
A motion was made by Kevin Lord, seconded by Sarah Greenough to monitor the Hansen beaver dam, to provide an educational program for the public on living with beaver, to develop a long term beaver management plan, to request the assistance of the MA Fish and Wildlife to evaluate the Wilder/Forbush Mill Road beaver dam, and not to put in a water flow pipe or make any other alterations to the Hansen beaver dam at this time.  VOTE:  Aye unanimous.